The thing is, in my experience - the overwhelming majority of medical and law enforcement persons I’ve known are outstanding professionals.
I wish I had the time to recount how many times they've gone above and beyond to help me and my family.
But as in every profession - there are ALWAYS *******s who make it look bad for everyone. I'm sure no one would want to be judged by the worst of any group you're connected to - by religion, profession, geography, anything. I wince when I hear people ridicule priests and Scoutmasters as if every damned one of them are pedophiles, when in my research, they're no more likely to violate children than any other group AND they have strict rules to protect children that they meticulously follow. Breaking them will likely get you booted even without any incident at all.
Moreover, in the case of Scouting, almost all cases being brought to light are very old - long before such rules were in force.
I know scores of volunteers whose dedication goes beyond anything I have ever tried to do.
I once lived within a block of one of the "worst high schools in America" as mentioned on the national news. And I had two friends working there. They told me out of a student body numbering around 1200, maybe 40-50 were violent thugs. Both of them had witness and in one case, had to break up a stabbing. But what that means is, more than 1100 of those kids were good kids who would never hurt anyone.
My point is, that it's easy to portray a group of persons as the same as the worst of the bunch - and perhaps we all feel that a profession or school or organization or what have you should police its own so that it doesn't happen. I know I wouldn't want to be judged by the worst members of my extended FAMILY and there's nothing I can do about that.