Proud RINO


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't really understand Party loyalty. Why would you be loyal to a bunch of crappy politicians who don't give a damn about you?

Democrats are famous for this - they *identify* as Democrats like someone would identify as a Christian or a mother or an African American. They *are* Democrats, first and foremost. They go on TV talking about the Party this and the Party that - no individuality whatsoever. If the Democrat politician screws them over, it doesn't matter to them - they'll vote for him or someone like him every single time. It doesn't occur to them to look around. They are completely loyal and obedient.

Not me, man. I just changed my registration back to Republican after almost two decades, but that is subject to change the second they no longer do what I want. I am a proud RINO.

Which is not to say I will EVER be a Democrat, or even vote for a Democrat. I loathe everything they stand for.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Marxism, Environmentalism and Climate Change are their religions.

Schumer, AOC and Bernie are their Bishops.