Proverbs 5 Drink from your won cistern


Well-Known Member
Proverbs 5:15 Drink water from your own cistern,
running water from your own well.
16 Should your springs overflow in the streets,
your streams of water in the public squares?
17 Let them be yours alone,
never to be shared with strangers.
18 May your fountain be blessed,
and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
19 A loving doe, a graceful deer—
may her breasts satisfy you always,
may you ever be intoxicated with her love.
20 Why, my son, be intoxicated with another man’s wife?
Why embrace the bosom of a wayward woman?​

Womanizer.... Solomon was a womanizer.... he's a hoot!

This is from the easy English site.

Here, Solomon talks about water. In dry countries, water is valuable. Clean water is very precious. You should not waste water. It should not flow into the streets. It should not pour out, into the town. Your family and your animals should drink it. You should water your crops. Use it wisely!

Think about your own life in the same way. You should use your strength wisely. If you follow your emotions, you will waste your energy. You should have sex with your husband or wife, and not with anyone else. Our lives belong to God. God has shown us how we should live. He will be kind to us when we obey his instructions.

As your own taps belong to you, so a husband and wife belong together.

Marriage is God’s gift. A husband and wife should give themselves to each other. They should enjoy their marriage. They should love each other. They attract each other, and this is good.​

Now... this was written by someone who had 700 wives and 300 concubines.... Seems as though he must have had a huge cistern.... and yet.... the commentaries seem to be discussing one man and one woman in marriage... monogamy.

Now is Solomon lamenting the fact he had so many wives and girlfriends??? Maybe he was saying it would be better to have only one wife???? OR... was he saying... marry them so they stay in your house and cut down on the drama and disease they might bring if they run the streets????

Here are some outtakes from

A most painful loss in such a situation is public disgrace in the community. There can be public confession, discipline, and forgiveness, but not restoration to one’s former place of honor and service.

Even though training and instruction in righteousness had been offered this individual, he had rejected it. One sin leads to another, and we see this person falling into more and worse sins until their last state is one of total inability to stop sinning. He had no conscience.

“Fountains … streams”: The euphemism refers to the male procreation capacity with the idea of the foolish as a fountain scattering precious water, a picture of the wastefulness of sexual promiscuity.

The result of such indiscriminate sin is called “streams of waters in the street,” a graphic description of the illegitimate street children of harlotry. Rather, says Solomon, “let them be only your own” and not the children of such immoral strangers.

In short, stay at home and enjoy the things that God has provided for you and your family. Don't go looking for greener grass.

I guess I should go back to the story... way back [Genesis 38].... when Tamar's husband died and his brother was supposed to provide the "stream". Onan, Tamar's brother-in-law, pulled out instead of giving Tamar a child that would carry on her dead husband's name. Back then... humans were responsible for procreation... it was their job! Having a son was a very big deal. Sons carried on the family name... sons also took care of their mothers when they could no longer bare children or harvest crops.

So... I know a few people who are racist. I've heard them using these verses to promote "purity". I can see how Solomon would be talking about not tempting yourself by hanging out with people who worship other gods. After all Solomon did build temples for the other gods his wives and concubines brought into the house. That muddied the water too.

Sorry... I just can't fit Solomon into talking about one man and one woman in marriage.... it just doesn't add up. IMHO ...Women were more of a commodity to him... Solomon would not have survived the "me too" movement. I do think he had some special relationships. His first kiss would have meant something... his first child would have meant something... the first time he "just talked" to a woman... probably meant something.... but for the most part... I think Solomon was always trying to find fresh water for his cistern. Although there were some special encounters in his life... I don't think the son of an adulterer had any real regard for women... especially when gravity took over.
