Psalm 53 "In his heart"


Well-Known Member
Psalm 53[a]For the director of music. According to mahalath.(b) A maskil[c] of David.
1 The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;
there is no one who does good.
2 God looks down from heaven
on all mankind
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God.
3 Everyone has turned away, all have become corrupt;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.
4 Do all these evildoers know nothing?
They devour my people as though eating bread;
they never call on God.
5 But there they are, overwhelmed with dread,
where there was nothing to dread.
God scattered the bones of those who attacked you;
you put them to shame, for God despised them.
6 Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!
When God restores his people,
let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!

a. Psalm 53:1 In Hebrew texts 53:1-6 is numbered 53:2-7.
b. Psalm 53:1 Title: Probably a musical term
c. Psalm 53:1 Title: Probably a literary or musical term

There's a song.... that just jumped into my head and won't go away.... the words say "and the fool on the hill sees the sun going down but the eyes in his head seen the world spinning round". That's what this poem reminds me of.

Yesterday... hubby was napping and the NFL draft gets really boring when I'm watching it alone.... so I turned to PBS and there was a story about the ARK. Now I knew it was going to be skewed.... this is after all a PBS documentary and simply telling the story of the flood would not be cutting edge.... so they went to Babylon to look at something they found described on a piece of clay. Apparently the Babylonians use round boats.... and PBS decided that if the story of the floods was true.... then they might have built this boat instead of the boat described in our Genesis story. Along the way.... they were talking about the people who were force marched to Babylon but then blended in after 70 years of captivity.... and how they would have had to think back more than once to decide to go back to Jerusalem. Things were better in Babylon. The people who had been force marched didn't want to go back to the old ways.... they were just as happy to stay in Babylon..... without God.

I wonder.... how many of the descendants of Jacob [whom God renamed Israel] decided "there is no God" while they were in Babylon. I wonder... if they had stayed in Jerusalem.... and done without like the poor that were left behind.... would they still be saying "there is not God".... would they have let the conqueror in their native land......change their minds as easily as a neighbor in a foreign land.

This is from

The fool has said in his heart: David not only found what the fool said to be significant; where he said it is also important (in his heart). The God-denying man David has in mind is not merely troubled by intellectual objections to the existence of God; in his heart he wishes God away, typically for fundamentally moral reasons.​
God looks down from heaven upon the children of men: While man may wish to forget about God, God never forgets about man. He is always observing man, looking down from heaven upon the children of men.​
There is none who does good, no, not one: When God finds none who does good, it is because there are none. It isn’t as if there were some and God couldn’t see them. David here observes and remembers that man is truly, profoundly, deeply fallen.​
When God brings back the captivity of His people: This was not the Babylonian captivity, many generations after David’s time. Here captivity is used in a general sense, speaking of any time or situation where God’s people are oppressed and bound.​
Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad: David anticipated the coming deliverance, and called the people of God to be joyful in consideration of it.​
Ever since the days of AOL Online... I have wondered why someone who claims to hate God would sign up for a Bible Study group. David calls them foolish in this poem. I wonder now... just because I'm still mad at David for what happened to Bathsheba, Uriah, and the baby..... I wonder if those people who come to a Christian Bible Study only to say how much they hate God.... are really asking for God's attention. Are they so hurt they want to smack God and since they can't get to God... they'll settle for his workers?

I understand... someone is going to say...."we have to take the blinders off so you will see there is no god"..... "we need to educate you"....

I don't understand.... why aren't Believers doing the same to them? Are we the fool on the hill thinking everything is going to work out fine?

I think it's really a good thing that there IS a God.... someone has to keep the world spinning round!



Well-Known Member
Like you.... I want world peace.... but for today... I want children to be happy and healthy.... I want food on every table.... I want people to put down their guns and google the Word.....

Most of all.... above all else.... I want everyone to know that God figured out how to cheat death.... and Jesus proved it.... so now we can all live forever..... we only need to Believe....

Living forever.... that's almost a threat these days.... I wouldn't want to live forever on Earth..... I'm going to Heaven... Jesus said there's a place for me there.... I don't need a mansion.... a room will suit me fine.... I doubt I'll be in my room much... I prefer to sit by that beautiful translucent river watching the rainbow trout play with my hookless line..... I hear the weather will be heavenly!

And sometimes.... I just write stuff to get anyone who happens to click on it thinking.... sometimes I myself feel like a fool on the hill... I've made so many mistakes in my life... and I don't even know about some of them.... I see the sun going down... when in actuality.... I've already been forgiven for those mistakes.... I'm the only one still counting them....
