Psst, the deficit's shrinking


Super Genius
I found this article and thought it was interesting...
Psst, the deficit's shrinking
This week’s Treasury report on the nation’s finances for December shows a year-to-date fiscal 2005 deficit that is already $11 billion less than last year’s. In the first three months of the fiscal year that began last October, cash outlays by the federal government increased by 6.1 percent while tax collections grew by 10.5 percent. When more money comes in than goes out, the deficit shrinks.


staring into the abyss
Since the deficit has been steadily breaking its own record levels for the last year, this is hardly fantastic news. Changes in the value of the dollar and a host of other financial factors are more likely the cause of recent deficit changes rather than any policy moves by the administration.


Football season!
Damn, Bush just can't seem to win. First he was trying to make great strides to keep our country safe, but gave little attention to the economy. Now we have news that the deficit is shrinking, but also news from the CIA that Iraq is now a terrorist breeding ground (something we said we were eliminating by going into Iraq :confused:)

I say give Bush a third term and maybe he can put both pieces together at once!


This Space for Rent
tirdun said:
Since the deficit has been steadily breaking its own record levels for the last year, this is hardly fantastic news. Changes in the value of the dollar and a host of other financial factors are more likely the cause of recent deficit changes rather than any policy moves by the administration.

You mean other than sending $30 Billion in cuts to Defense (such as a Carrier, cancelation of F-22 after 08, etc...)?


Lovin' being Texican
tirdun said:
Since the deficit has been steadily breaking its own record levels for the last year, this is hardly fantastic news. Changes in the value of the dollar and a host of other financial factors are more likely the cause of recent deficit changes rather than any policy moves by the administration.

Hey everybody! Steny's now a member of the forums. Welcome, Steny. :diva:


This Space for Rent
SmallTown said:
what a difference a week makes :confused: So it shrunk to new record highs? :confused:

Notice the story suggest it was administration released, but it wasn't. A secret source from the administration supposedly leaked it. Same as last year was happening at this time. CBO talking about how they will be horribly high, higher than President's estimates, and all that -- when in the end, it came out 30-40 billion lower than the estimates.

Nobody knows till the end of the year. :yay:


New Member
I think that in general, deficit projections are higher than actual results. At least that has been the case under Clinton and Bush.