Public Challenge: Justyn Sayne EP Release


New Member
What I would really like is for everyone that reads this post to actually take a few moments and go to either the bands website at or our page, and listen to the songs we have posted on those pages, and please take the few minutes required to actually listen to the samples and then reply to me by email at with your serious and honest comments and opinions about the songs.

The whole point of releasing this EP is to see what the public thinks, and I am asking the public to put forth a bit of effort to tell us exactly what you think.

Currently there has been a grand total of 285 views on the post below, what I mean is, there has to be more than 4-5 people with opinions of our music, so, I want to hear what every single person who views this post from here out has to say about the music. Here's the thing, only the people who have had opinions have posted replies, now I want to know if everyone feels the same way, and how many people actually think the band is heading in a good direction, so, please listen and reply to me at

I'll be waiting to do some serious reading. Trust me, no one is going to hurt my feelings, so, say what you have to say... That's what I want!



New Member
well i went to your bands website and i listened to your bands music and i think you guys did a pretty good job. i understand the point of an ep recording and i would not have a problem buying your cd for 7.00 its probably a pretty fair deal considering the cost of duplication and printing these days. all in all i think it's really good stuff you could make some things better but over all its really good to hear something that does not have a lot of screaming and crap in it or bores you to death to listen to it. good job. it's a great start and i think you have some really tasteful songs. i my self would like to know what other people think it cant be all that bad if no one has anything to say. people only post replys when they dont like something lol.