Public Restroom PSA

Sweet 16

To my female co-workers, a public restroom is not your private phone booth. While I am in there, I do not wish to listen to your private conversation, nor do I want my "business" broadcast over the airwaves for everyone to hear!! I can't do what I have to do outside or in my car, but you can. It is the epitome of bad manners and disrespectful to your co-workers and an invasion of their privacy. In the future, please be more considerate and choose an alternate location to chat about your boyfriend's best friend's crazy aunt or rant at your spouse, SO or child!!



i agree :yay: not that i care that they are talking to people in the bathroom, but the fact that we only have one bathroom and if stupid wants to have an hour long convo in the bathroom, i have to wait :frown:


USMC 1983-1995
I make really nasty loud noises, shout out about what I'm doing descibing in detail all the wonderful attributes of my bodily watse and funtions, comment on my cleansing, try to make as big a smell as I can and I flush the toilets over and over and over.........:evil:

I do everything I can to make the converation stop. When someone on the phone says something I just go back with "Hey I'm not the one using a phone in a public bathroom!"

If someones holding up the stall because they're chatting on the john I keep banging on the door and yelling.

I'm usually the most reasonable, urbane and polite person in the world, but once I get going it's too much fun to stop :1bdz:


i agree :yay: not that i care that they are talking to people in the bathroom, but the fact that we only have one bathroom and if stupid wants to have an hour long convo in the bathroom, i have to wait :frown:

I can understand that if you only have 1 bathroom....

but who gives a rat's ass about the d bag a few stalls over who is broadcasting their life. Just ignore them. Nobody knows it's you going poo poo or pee pee and it's not like you are being broadcast to EVERYONE :drama:

Breathe, it's just life and every body lives it :huggy:


Well-Known Member
I just went to the bathroom. My cell phone rang with a number I didn't recognize. I answered the phone, farted really loud, flushed the toilet and hung up.

I hope it wasn't someone I know :ohwell:


New Member
Ok, I am LMAO at this post... too funny; I hope I never have to use this bathroom...better yet, I need a good laugh and maybe listen to some gossip, however it doesn't sound too worth while... too bad the bathroom isn't in a financial firm and she is giving out stock My co-worker was traveling and the only quiet place he could find was a stall in the men's room (we are all still bewildered to this day) but he had to place a conf. call with another co-worker and a client...all of a sudden they heard a loud FLLLUSSHHHH, and the conversation went from professional to personal...and extremely funny... good luck w/your situation...maybe you should take up a collection and purchase a cell phone blocker like they use in the prisons to block illegal cell phones the prisoners have...when she is on the phone, turn it on...she'll think there is all of a sudden bad recep. in the bathroom and maybe stop doing check


Harley Rider
I gotta laugh at you ladies. See how you all are? Guys would never have this type of issue.
First, most guys don't use the bathroom for phone calls.
Next, most men's rooms are too nasty to want to stand in let alone sit on anything in them.
And, the moment I hear the latch on a stall door click, I finish whatever I'm doing (standing or sitting) and I finish it within 30 seconds and scram!
Now I know it's different with you ladies because you sit down for everything so it's hard to know what she's going to do. And I also know that you ALL smell sooo sweet :whistle: but with guys, there's no question. If he goes into the stall, someone's gonna pay through the nose..................literally!

Hey Sweet16. How many of your co-workers read these forums???? :geek:


New Member
Here's some info I found on the legality of jamming and Proceed at your own

The operation of transmitters designed to jam or block wireless
communications is a violation of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended ("Act"). See 47 U.S.C. Sections 301, 302a, 333. The Act
prohibits any person from willfully or maliciously interfering with
the radio communications of any station licensed or authorized under
the Act or operated by the U.S. government. 47 U.S.C. Section 333. The
manufacture, importation, sale or offer for sale, including
advertising, of devices designed to block or jam wireless
transmissions is prohibited. 47 U.S.C. Section 302a(b). Parties in
violation of these provisions may be subject to the penalties set out
in 47 U.S.C. Sections 501-510. Fines for a first offense can range as
high as $11,000 for each violation or imprisonment for up to one year,
and the device used may also be seized and forfeited to the U.S.

Passive blocking is not illegal yet, but that could change in the
future. Also, there are many illegal jammers in use:

Everyone's Jamming Cell Phones | Techdirt

Mobile phone signal jammers are illegal in the US, but that doesn't
mean they're not used. They're apparently increasingly common, and are
expected to spread quite a bit in the near future. The FCC says that
using a jammer is considered "theft" of airwaves, because that
spectrum has been allocated as property to a commercial entity. The
writer of the article wonders, though, about "passive jamming" - such
as putting up buildings made of material that block out cell phone
signals. While some don't like the idea of having their signals
blocked - others think it may become a lot more popular in the future,
if only to have areas to "disconnect". The article points to the rise
of camera phones as a "bottom up surveillance society" as a reason why
we might want areas that have no signal. That makes little sense to
me, since anyone using a camera phone can still snap the picture, and
then just upload it later when they're in range of a signal. Still, it
will be interesting to see if anti-jamming equipment becomes popular.
Most people have no idea if a jammer is being used, since it just
looks like there's no service. This makes it very difficult to figure
out if someone is using a jammer, and means that no one's getting
caught using these things right now.

In this same article I found this interesting claim:

Block, don't jam, and be legal
We wish we could build powerful jammers that would stop cellphone use
in restaurants, theatres, even around where we are driving, and while
technically possible, these devices are quite illegal in the US. There
is a way to stop some annoying cell phone use that is legal, however,
and that is to block the signals from ever getting to the cell phone.
Blocking is legal because it is just shielding and doesn't interfere
with any users external to the shielded areas. Hospitals, aircraft,
even Dunkin Donuts, can be shielded with simple metal structures that
are designed to enclose the signals from or to the cell phone. We have
developed a simple, passsive and legal shielding system that can be
used to block signals at certain times, such as during an
intermission, or at a meeting break.

For further information, visit Ambit Corporation - Nanotechnology, Antenna Systems, and Pressure Devices

-- Bob Crowley


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
People and their constant yak yak yak get on my nerves. GET THE HELL OFF THE PHONE AND SHUT UP, YOU MORONICA!



Methodically disorganized
but with guys, there's no question. If he goes into the stall, someone's gonna pay through the nose..................literally!
That is one reason I would not use the phone in there - not because I would be worried about certain sounds coming from another stall, but my own. :lol:


Harley Rider
People and their constant yak yak yak get on my nerves. GET THE HELL OFF THE PHONE AND SHUT UP, YOU MORONICA!

I didn't think I was alone on this one but what irks me the most is when I'm in a restaurant and the person on the cell phone thinks he has to yell to be heard. I don't care how long they're on the phone but I really don't need to hear all about it!
That is one reason I would not use the phone in there - not because I would be worried about certain sounds coming from another stall, but my own. :lol:
I sure hope you're a guy or my lifelong impression of women will be destroyed....:whistle:
Never mind. SoMDGirl already did that in post #5.


happy to be living
I didn't think I was alone on this one but what irks me the most is when I'm in a restaurant and the person on the cell phone thinks he has to yell to be heard. I don't care how long they're on the phone but I really don't need to hear all about it!

I sure hope you're a guy or my lifelong impression of women will be destroyed....:whistle:
Never mind. SoMDGirl already did that in post #5.

Well, you're the one reading a thread in "The Ladies's Room". This should be a place that LADIES can discuss things without male interference!