Public Service Announcement with a twist...


All Up In Your Grill
What gets longer when pulled, fits between your taataa's, inserts neatly in a hole and works best when jerked?








A seatbelt you pervert, BUCKLE UP!


Little ol' Me
nachomama said:
What gets longer when pulled, fits between your taataa's, inserts neatly in a hole and works best when jerked?

A seatbelt you pervert, BUCKLE UP!

I had to text my SO this considering he just got pulled over Saturday for not wearing his seatbelt. :killingme


All Up In Your Grill
sanchezf said:
I had to text my SO this considering he just got pulled over Saturday for not wearing his seatbelt. :killingme

I've gotten that text about 4 times this morning, figured I'd share it with my forum friends. :howdy:

For those who don't wear their seatbelts, maybe this will make them think about pulling it between their boobs and inserting it into the hole every once in a while... :lmao:


I am a pervert but I wear my seat belt ever since I got hit head on and had to spend my 16th thanksgivving week in the hospital and three months confined to a bed:yay: