Puff, puff, pass


All Up In Your Grill
I would have HATED to work at the local McDonald's the night of that fire. :megamondomunchies:


New Member
nachomama said:
I would have HATED to work at the local McDonald's the night of that fire. :megamondomunchies:
Me and my friends went to McDonalds and ordered 300 cheeseburgers one night.

They were pissed! :killingme


I wanna be a SMIB
did they make the order or was it a joke. I once ordered 10.00 worth of hamburgers the day they had the 25th anniversary 25 cent burgers.


New Member
baileydog said:
did they make the order or was it a joke. I once ordered 10.00 worth of hamburgers the day they had the 25th anniversary 25 cent burgers.
It was a joke - and the manager was pissed! :killingme

We ordered some with cheese, some without. Some with tomato, some without. Some with ... you get the gist.
