Pulmonary Infarct??


New Member
So I had an ABDOMINAL cat scan last week and my Doctor called today and said they found a cyst on my ovary AND also during the cat scan they captured the bottom of my lungs and I have an apparent pulmonary infarct. I have to go next Wednestday to get a full Chest Cat Scan and Chest X-Ray then meet with my Doc on May 20th to go over results. Everything I have read on the internet seems so scary. Has anyone ever heard of this? Any help or info anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated, I am scared to death! TIA


I wanna be a SMIB
Dont be scared, Im sure it will all work out. Doctors suck, Mine just did an xray on my shoulder and said he found a spot, told me these things are ALMOST always BENIGN. Im like WHAT? The oppisite of benign is malignant. I was scared to death as mom died 5 yrs ago of lung cancer. I got an MRI and wala, everything is fine. Im just old and breaking down. Good luck and try to relax.


Don't be scared at all. I went to the doctor yesterday complaining that the tips of my fingers were numb. He rushed me to an emergency EKG and scheduled all kinds of crazy tests for this afternoon. I was terrified.

Came home checked my symptoms online and it's most likely carpal tunnel. Whew!

Heading over to take the tests anyway just in case, but he overreacted in a HUGE way!


aka Mrs. Giant
The cyst on your ovary isn't a big deal. Okay I know it's a big deal since it's happening to you right now, but not in the grand scheme of things. Actually they are pretty common. Dont' stress over it. And if you need surgery (which you may not), you'll be amazed at how simple it is - in and out in one day.

Pulmonary infarct is actually pretty common as well. As you know from your research, your lungs are basically healthy, you just have a blockage in an artery. Now it does mirror cancer of the lung - and that's probably why your doctor wants to do more follow up just to ensure the correct diagnosis and treatment. You'll need a lot of various blood tests and maybe some more imaging tests. Long, tedious, boring, and scary, but it'll be okay. :huggy: You'll probably be prescribed an anticoagulation drug in order to remove the blockage. That's the most likely treatment, however, after all your tests, or even after being on antocoagulations, your doctor may suggest a surgical intervention consisting primarily of embolectomy (which is basically the balloon catheter technique you've heard about with heart patients) and perhaps even a filter being placed inside your body to prevent reoccurance. This can be serious, however, the worst thing may be all the time involved and your feeling of being "alone". Don't be. Take a friend or loved one with you. Write down questions for your doctor. Actually a good idea is to keep a small notepad/pen with you and so you can write down all your questions and concerns as they come to you. Your doctor doesn't know you have questions unless you ask them.

Again, I know it's a scary time, but it shouldn't be. Both of your health concerns are easily treatable and you may be on medication for a while, but you being positive and proactive is the best course of action to being healthy. :huggy:


New Member
I want to thank everyone who has replied for their words of comfort and encouragment. I go next Wednesday for a Complete Cat Scan of my chest and a Chest X-Ray. I have a call in to my Doctor right now to ask some more questions because of course I already have myself in a grave. I have 3 small children and this is just scaring me to death. I guess the most scary thing is the thought of cancer.......I am a smoker......going to quit now though! Thanks again and please keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers and I will keep everyone updated!


I wanna be a SMIB
I want to thank everyone who has replied for their words of comfort and encouragment. I go next Wednesday for a Complete Cat Scan of my chest and a Chest X-Ray. I have a call in to my Doctor right now to ask some more questions because of course I already have myself in a grave. I have 3 small children and this is just scaring me to death. I guess the most scary thing is the thought of cancer.......I am a smoker......going to quit now though! Thanks again and please keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers and I will keep everyone updated!

The health dept in Leonardtown has a free quit smoking class. you go once a week for an hour and they give you free patches. Im smoke free now for 2 years, although the way things are going here, Im really wanting that almighty comfort cig. But I wont.


New Member
My Doc finally called me back on Friday afternoon. I tried to get some clarification but really don't feel much better than I did before. She said it doesn't appear t be anything too serious from what she can see on the scan (only showing the bottom portion of my lungs) and that is why she wants a full chest x-ray and scan. The only thing she told me was to stay off the internet cause EVERYTHING you read leads back to cancer, even if you search ingrown toenail, it somehow will lead back to cancer. She told me to just try and stay calm until I get the rest of the tests done and we see what is really going on. I will keep everyone informed. Thanks again for eveyones care and concern.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
My Doc finally called me back on Friday afternoon. I tried to get some clarification but really don't feel much better than I did before. She said it doesn't appear t be anything too serious from what she can see on the scan (only showing the bottom portion of my lungs) and that is why she wants a full chest x-ray and scan. The only thing she told me was to stay off the internet cause EVERYTHING you read leads back to cancer, even if you search ingrown toenail, it somehow will lead back to cancer. She told me to just try and stay calm until I get the rest of the tests done and we see what is really going on. I will keep everyone informed. Thanks again for eveyones care and concern.

I highly recommend laughing - fun friends, great movies, doing crafts with your kids... I highly recommend doing something for someone else - baking a cake, getting neighbors' their mail (if elderly), walking someone's pet... and most of all, I highly recommend that you just remember to breathe! :flowers: Getting outside of yourself, getting outside and just keeping it together might just help things progress a little better.


New Member
Well I had my Chest Cat Scan and Chest X-Ray today. My Doc told me if she received the results by tomorrow she would call me, if not, I would have to wait until Monday because she is off on Friday. I relayed this to the Imagery Office today and hopefully they will get the report to her by tomorrow. I will keep you updated as soon as I hear from my Doctor. Even though I don't know any of you, I feel like I do with everyone's kind words and encouragement. THANK YOU!!!!