pumpkin farms


What are some of the local farms that do the whole corn maze/hay ride/pumpkin patch thing? I am looking for one that is a little more adult oriented. TIA
What are some of the local farms that do the whole corn maze/hay ride/pumpkin patch thing? I am looking for one that is a little more adult oriented. TIA

We like Zekiah Farms - the corn maze this year is REALLY tough. It is actually a corn/sorghum maze - ask the owners (Thornes) about it, they can tell you more about corn and sorghum than you can imagine!

It is a fairly new place, but it is worth it just for the maze itself! With the 2 new BLDGS they just built they are only going to grow.


New Member
A few years ago we went to a Haunted Trail somewhere off Rt 260 (I think) in Calvert. I haven't been able to find anything about it... Does anyone know the name of the farm that put it on? It was really awesome and spooky.


Well-Known Member
A few years ago we went to a Haunted Trail somewhere off Rt 260 (I think) in Calvert. I haven't been able to find anything about it... Does anyone know the name of the farm that put it on? It was really awesome and spooky.

I believe that is the one that is cancelled this year because of the drought


New Member
A few years ago we went to a Haunted Trail somewhere off Rt 260 (I think) in Calvert. I haven't been able to find anything about it... Does anyone know the name of the farm that put it on? It was really awesome and spooky.

Windmill farms


You're a LOON :)
R U serious? I went on monday on a pre-k field trip, and thought it was the biggest let down! When the kids were sent to get a pumpkin, most left with none. They were rotten and lots of bugs!

They did enjoy the corn box! Its sort of like a sandbox but with corn!

We went and the petting zoo was a let down.. our pre-k go tomorrow for the field trip.. 1st graders are going the Zekiah Farms next week.. wonder how that will compare.
We went and the petting zoo was a let down.. our pre-k go tomorrow for the field trip.. 1st graders are going the Zekiah Farms next week.. wonder how that will compare.

Zekiah's petting zoo you can actally touch the animals... the goats and lambs are really tame. There are a couple small pigs that are tame as well - oh, and a one y/o steer that is hand tame (4h project according to the son of the owners)... They have 2 turkeys (a MONSTER Tom) that will make sounds all day long.

The pumpkins seemed to be fresh - but check them!

The kids have a BLAST in the straw pile - they can make a scarecrow if they bring their own old-clothes I believe.

Bowles Farm has been around a long time... they definately draw in the crows!

Zekiah Farms, this is their first year in the new location so they are limited right now - but they are going to be building it up to rival the bigger farm/maze owners.

I also know Zekiah Farms is really centered around education and the historical aspects of farming in the early years... they are going to be a year round program for education and learning...

Hope you have a good time - we enjoy the place...

Zekiah Farms Website
I'm not really interested in going into a corn maze but I would like to visit a Pumkin farm.

There is a place going north on Rt. 5 - North of Bryantown, but South of Waldorf - 1/8 mile right before you get into Forest Park (where speed limit drops to 45) on the right... I think it is Cedarville Farms??? I will check on the way home... said part is I pass it every day!

They advertise a pumpkin patch / Hay Ride and that is about it I believe... I have never visited.

EDIT - Cedar Hill Farms - 1/4 north of Billingsly Road / Rt. 5 on the right...

I also remember a REAL pumpkin patch on Rt. 6 - it is about 1/2 - 1 mile north of where Bel Alton Newtown Road comes out on Rt. 6. It is on the left hand side. It looks like a family grows them in a field and sells them... looks like they are still on the vine maybe.
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