Purge of Military


New Member
"we need to return to the truths of our Constitution"

SO very,very true.!

Top generals: Obama is ‘purging the military’

“It is no accident that the president used the Obama sequester and shutdown to punish the military family,” he said. “It is part of his DNA. In fact it is in the psyche of the entire liberal/progressive establishment – the elite. President Clinton outed himself and this ilk when he declared his loathing of the military. Who could believe progressives/liberals care about veterans and military?”

Brady said that some people who fear for the future of the United States believe it needs to be “re-moralized.”

“We cannot survive without increasing patriotism, a youth schooled in the Constitution,” Brady said. “If the uncommon common American is to prevail against the elite, we need to return to the truths of our Constitution.

“We need to realize that this recent assault on the military and veterans is no accident,” Brady added. “It is purposeful. The elite loathe our military, the one sure guarantor of our freedom. These elite – not a shutdown or default – and their assault on the Constitution and our military are the real threat to our future.”

Army Major Gen. Paul E. Vallely similarly has been very vocal in his opposition to the Obama administration.

Vallely said the White House won’t investigate its own officials but finds it easy to fire military commanders “who have given their lives for their country.”

“Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama’s ideology,” Vallely said. “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. He’s intentionally weakening and gutting our military,

The only unfortunate part of this article is the following!

Boykin specifically said that because of the civilian-military relationship, he did not see any prospect for a “coup” coming from the military ranks.

“People I’ve spoken to would like to see the military ‘fulfill their constitutional duty and take out the president,’” Boykin said. “Our Constitution puts a civilian in charge of the military and as a result a coup would not be constitutional. You’re not going to see a coup in the military.”

Plain fact!. The American people placed a traitor in charge of our military.
Unless there is a major ousting of the two party system in this country in the next election, our beloved Republic is surely on the last throws of it's death bed.
R.I.P. America!


Routinely Derailed
so instead of FACTS to counter the article, your only recourse is to attack the source
Give him a break. He probably doesn't have time to research and respond with facts, while he's searching the MSM for other controversial topics to cut and paste.



the only real question now is ...

what will the equivalent of hitler's brown shirts be called under the
ObahMahFah regime?
Will it be the purple shirts or the grape apes?

The following was an e-mail sent from a friend yesterday:

Standard procedure followed through history by all emperors and dictators.
Top generals: Obama is ‘purging the military’

Also standard procedure is to militarize local cops and government employees, and to create a separate a large and powerful praetorian guard...Like Hitler's Schutzstaffel (SS)...Or just like obamsky's proposal (in a July 2008 speech) for a Civilian National Security Force that is “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the US Military.”

Obama's "Civilian National Security Force" By Executive Order


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Did you never watch the Exorcist?

so instead of FACTS to counter the article, your only recourse is to attack the source

Those of the devil fear anything Godly. So you already have your answer.


PREMO Member
Naval commanding officer alarmed by 'relentless' attack on Armed Forces

WASHINGTON – After multiple top generals described to WND what they regard as a full-scale “purge” of the U.S. military by the Obama administration, the commander of U.S. Army Garrison Japan was summarily relieved of duty and his civilian deputy reassigned, pending a “misconduct” investigation.

Nine generals and flag officers have been relieved of duty under Obama just this year – widely viewed as an extraordinary number – and several sources put the total number of senior officers purged during the five years of the Obama administration as close to 200.

In response, prominent retired generals – ranging from Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, a Fox News senior military analyst, to Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, a founder of the Army’s elite Delta Force, to Medal of Honor recipient Maj. Gen. Patrick Henry Brady – have all gone on the record with WND, characterizing Obama’s actions as nothing less than an all-out attack on America’s armed forces.

According to U.S. Army Japan, Col. Eric Tilley was suspended from his job by Maj. Gen. James C. Boozer Sr., commander of U.S. Army Japan and I Corps (Forward) for a “lack of confidence” based on the results of an inquiry.

A spokesman for U.S. Army Japan, Maj. Kevin Toner, would not elaborate on what prompted a “lack of confidence,” saying it would be “inappropriate to make public the allegations because the investigation did not lead to findings of criminal misconduct.”


PREMO Member
so is Oba-Me replacing men of Concise with sycophants who will do his bidding .... when the time comes ?

Sweet 16

In which direction, may I ask? For the messiah to finish off any opposition, or for the opposition to finish off obama?

Both actually. The former mostly but the fact that the latter would even be considered shows how damaging his presidency has been.


Plain fact!. The American people placed a traitor in charge of our military.
Unless there is a major ousting of the two party system in this country in the next election, our beloved Republic is surely on the last throws of it's death bed.R.I.P. America!
Can't argue with that. I've been saying it for a long time now, with people like the current administration in charge we are headed for a "change" in this country. Not for the better.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Both actually. The former mostly but the fact that the latter would even be considered shows how damaging his presidency has been.

So you're for obama finishing off the military, yet blame him for damaging the country, nearly, if not, beyond repair? Talk about speaking with a forked tongue.

Sweet 16

So you're for obama finishing off the military, yet blame him for damaging the country, nearly, if not, beyond repair? Talk about speaking with a forked tongue.

That's NOT what I said! Re-read my response to your previous post, the 'former' being the first part and the 'latter' being the second part of your post. The idea of a sitting pres. taking out the opposition scares me as much as the opposition taking out a sitting pres. Understand?


Ubi bene ibi patria
Third Navy officer arrested in bribery scheme

Link to original article.

" SAN DIEGO (AP) -- Federal officials say a third senior U.S. Navy official has been arrested in connection with a massive bribery scheme in Asia that helped a Malaysian defense contractor overbill the Pentagon by millions of dollars in exchange for prostitutes, luxury trips and other bribes.

Federal prosecutors said U.S. Navy Commander Jose Luis Sanchez was arrested Wednesday in Tampa, Fla.

In a criminal complaint, Sanchez is accused of accepting prostitutes, luxury travel and $100,000 cash from a foreign defense contractor in exchange for classified and internal U.S. Navy information. "


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Link to original article.

" SAN DIEGO (AP) -- Federal officials say a third senior U.S. Navy official has been arrested in connection with a massive bribery scheme in Asia that helped a Malaysian defense contractor overbill the Pentagon by millions of dollars in exchange for prostitutes, luxury trips and other bribes.

Federal prosecutors said U.S. Navy Commander Jose Luis Sanchez was arrested Wednesday in Tampa, Fla.

In a criminal complaint, Sanchez is accused of accepting prostitutes, luxury travel and $100,000 cash from a foreign defense contractor in exchange for classified and internal U.S. Navy information. "

So what does this have to do with someone needing to be JFKed?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
That's NOT what I said! Re-read my response to your previous post, the 'former' being the first part and the 'latter' being the second part of your post. The idea of a sitting pres. taking out the opposition scares me as much as the opposition taking out a sitting pres. Understand?

OK. Yes, I see your line of thought a bit clearer now. You should have just said that in the first place - the messiah caused severe damage against the military and the nation, and the thought of an uprising by the military and civilians against the him scared you as well.

Which is worse to you - a sitting president being allowed to destroy the country, its heritage, cultures and laws, or the military/civilians not allowing that to happen?

It is scary, but may be necessary. The Constitution was forged as the result of uprising against a dictator, and may have to be preserved in the same manner against the current dictator that is hell bent on destroying it.:buddies: