Q For Fitness & Competition Swimmers



I have recently taken up swimming to battle the fat, since I have degenerative joint diseases and am eat up with Osteoarthritis. So far, I have lost 10 pounds. (Heck yeah! :yahoo:)

Anyway, I have never swam on a team or anything. My daughter says I look like a frog having a seizure when I try to do a simple front stroke. So, I got the goggles and swim cap so I could try it the way the pros do with their head down, coming up for air every other stroke, and so forth.

THAT CRAP IS HARD! I've been at it for 3 weeks now and I am having a hard time completely catching my breath when I turn my head up to breath. I realize it's probably due to the fact that I'm about as fit as a three-toed tree sloth, but I have a few questions for you avid swimmers who have this down pat.

Is this a fitness issue? Or is it a rhythm/coordination issue? I let all my air out underwater and then come up for a breath about every 3 strokes. That wasn't working, so I did it every stroke. I'm still out of breath by the end of one complete lap, so I have to stop and catch my breath. I tried going slow, because I saw that's what the other ppl were doing, but fast or slow, I'm still out of breath. I have this problem when I try to run as well. It takes me a terribly long time to build up endurance.

However, I can do the dang backstroke all day long because I don't have to hold my breath obviously.

So... what am I doing wrong? Do I need to keep building up my endurance or am I just doing it wrong? I've read on some other sides that lung capacity and endurance have nothing to do with it, but that doesn't sound right.