Quarantined (horse) Barns in Southern MD?


New Member
I was wondering if any one on this BB had heard of this or has any additional insight? Thanks.

February 20, 2007, 6pm - News Release from the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center

CONTACT: Marjorie Musick (703) 771-688, mzmusick@vt.edu
State-Imposed Quarantine Implemented at Equine Medical Center Due to Suspected Cases of Equine Herpesvirus (EHV-1). Full News release and all future updates from the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center: http://emc.vetmed.vt.edu/newatEMC.html


February 20, 2007, 5pm

The Maryland Department of Agriculture is conducting a neurologic equine herpes virus -1 (EHV-1) investigation in six locations in Maryland (five horses currently located in Maryland). The investigation is warranted because these horses had possible indirect exposure to an EHV-1 test-positive horse being treated initially for colic at the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center in Leesburg, VA and were discharged before the horse in Leesburg showed signs of EHV-1. The “index” horse that originally went to Leesburg was from St. Mary's County, Maryland (our 6th location) and remains at Leesburg under treatment.

MDA veterinarians are going to the six Maryland locations this afternoon to put 7-day “investigational hold orders” on the farms to prevent any movement of horses onto or off of the farms until test results are back. If they can get samples tonight, they will; if not, they will go back and take samples tomorrow. MDA veterinarians will evaluate each on a case-by-case basis. MDA is acting on the side of extreme caution.


Persimmon Creek Farm
there is a thread about this matter on the HORSE forum..."FYI - Possible EHV-1 in MD again". Go there!