You say you're a Christian and you're also a yellow-dog Democrat. How do you reconcile those two belief systems? Or do you just ignore things like homosexuality and abortion so you can still be a good Democrat?
Originally posted by vraiblonde
You say you're a Christian and you're also a yellow-dog Democrat. How do you reconcile those two belief systems? Or do you just ignore things like homosexuality and abortion so you can still be a good Democrat?
Do you care to elaborate on that or do you not believe that there are such things as homosexuality and abortion and that the Bible specifically forbids it, yet the Democratic party does all it can to perpetuate both?Originally posted by zuchick
Well I realize that Homosexuality and abortion are merely ploys to get votes.
Simple - it's not my responsibility to keep you in food and healthcare, not to mention the computer you're reading this on. You should have thought of those things when you were younger and could work. Or you should have fostered a better relatioship with your children so they might help you.Now I'm asking you, how can you support these people who are really sticking it to those of us on a fixed income?
Cop out. Why is that a foolish question? You either follow the teachings of Jesus and the Word of God or you don't.Sorry but I do not do foolish questions..
I'm not your keeper nor am I a Christian. Therefore Biblical laws don't apply to me.Sense you are bringing up the Bible, seems like I can remember something about being your brother's keeper.
What are we doing for foreign countries that we haven't already done here?But I suppose it is your responsibility to send Billions of $$$ to other countrys doing for them what you would not do for yourown Countrymen.
Good comeback. I have no retort except to say you must be glad for the new Medicare bill that....hmmm....who DID sign that, anyway?Simple because the decisions I made and many like me when I was younger made your life and those like you safer, easier more comfortable..
Originally posted by pixiegirl
So what you're trying to say is that you're a democrat because the democratic platform better suits your need for healthcare coverage not because you really believe in most of the things they support. Awful self serving don't you think? Regarless of how you try to skate around it, most democrats DO support abortion and gay rights. And that's regardless of why they do it as well... For political gain or not they're still doing it. Does it make it right if they only do it for political gain but don't believe in it? Seems self serving to me as well.
You're not paying attention then. Who just signed a ban on partial-birth abortion?Originally posted by zuchick
Yeap, the Democrats do support Abortion and Gay Rights, but I'm yet to see the Republicans do anything to change the law on either.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
You're not paying attention then. Who just signed a ban on partial-birth abortion?
*tap tap tap*
As for gays, you're not going to see any Republicans wanting to outlaw homosexuality - someone's sex life isn't any of the government's business.
Originally posted by zuchick
Yeap, the Democrats do support Abortion and Gay Rights, but I'm yet to see the Republicans do anything to change the law on either.
And self serving, but of course, what else is politics about?
Originally posted by pixiegirl
I wasn't trying to bust you chops or anything just see if I was correct.
I don't see politics as a completely self serving thing. That's just me though. I'm a single mother with a dead beat for an ex husband. Being a democrat would actual suit me in my situation much better but I also feel that it teaches people such as my ex husband not to take care of their own responsibilities because someone else will clean up your messes after you if you don't.
The man I plan on marrying one day is a federal fire fighter. He doesn't make much money at all. It's sad to say the least. But we realize we have to do what we have to do right now to ensure that we're taken care of later. That means putting money in our retirements now and doing with a little less when it comes to having a big house and fancy cars and such. That's the way life works and I know that we can't and in my opinion shouldn't have to depend on the support of other people.
But like I said before I'm not busting your chops I guess I just look at things through a different point of view.
There are plenty of Democrats in here. The question you asked was were there any other folks who unswervingly vote Democrat based on the party affiliation alone. Most people won't admit to something like that.Originally posted by zuchick
You know, I can see why no one answered me when I ask were there other Democrats here..
I had hoped for a more meaningful conversation about why you are a complete party animal. The answer you gave me was, "Because."You asked, I answered.. For me, enough said.
Originally posted by zuchick
Well I realize that Homosexuality and abortion are merely ploys to get votes.
Now vrai I have a question for the Republicans here..
How can you being Republicans stand by and watch those you supported to get into office force many of our Senior Citizens and the Disabled make the choice between Food, Housing and the Meds that keep many of us alive which forces many of us to live on the streets? You are really nailing yourown flesh and blood. And if you happen to become disabled like what happened to me, you did it to yourself.
Many of the Seniors and Disabled I know, me being one of them, pay up into the hundreds of dollars for meds each month on medications that actually keep us alive. Congress passed a Bill giving us, I think, upto 20% discount on our meds which takes effect in 2006.
How can you as Americans and Republicans support such people. Yes the Democrats tried to kill them bill in favor of one that would cover more then the one the Republicans passed.
Myself, I am living on my Social Security Disability which is less than $1000.00 a month. My wife works and also brings home less then $1000.00 a month. I take 10 prescriptions drugs a month which costs around $900.00 a month and she take about 6 different meds which costs around $600.00 a month. These are much needed drugs that keep basically keep me alive and her working.
I am sorry for your unfortunate situation, but are you suggesting that the government should take care of you because of your bad choices. I personally take the responsibility on myself to insure that I have a residual flow of income that will support me, my wife and my kids into our old age. I do not, nor is it, the responsibility of the government to give me money, pay for my medication, or anything else in my old age. What type of medications do you guys take?
Originally posted by vraiblonde
There are plenty of Democrats in here. The question you asked was were there any other folks who unswervingly vote Democrat based on the party affiliation alone. Most people won't admit to something like that.
I had hoped for a more meaningful conversation about why you are a complete party animal. The answer you gave me was, "Because."
You tried to say it was all about your personal health needs. I pointed out that Republicans are fixing you up, not Democrats.
You've expressed Christian beliefs. I reminded you that Republicans value those beliefs, not Democrats.
________________________________________________Originally posted by zuchick
Well I realize that Homosexuality and abortion are merely ploys to get votes.
Now vrai I have a question for the Republicans here..
How can you being Republicans stand by and watch those you supported to get into office force many of our Senior Citizens and the Disabled make the choice between Food, Housing and the Meds that keep many of us alive which forces many of us to live on the streets? You are really nailing yourown flesh and blood. And if you happen to become disabled like what happened to me, you did it to yourself.
Many of the Seniors and Disabled I know, me being one of them, pay up into the hundreds of dollars for meds each month on medications that actually keep us alive. Congress passed a Bill giving us, I think, upto 20% discount on our meds which takes effect in 2006.
How can you as Americans and Republicans support such people. Yes the Democrats tried to kill them bill in favor of one that would cover more then the one the Republicans passed.
Myself, I am living on my Social Security Disability which is less than $1000.00 a month. My wife works and also brings home less then $1000.00 a month. I take 10 prescriptions drugs a month which costs around $900.00 a month and she take about 6 different meds which costs around $600.00 a month. These are much needed drugs that keep basically keep me alive and her working.
We are paying a monthly mortgage (gotta have a place to live), auto insurance (have to have the means to get around), electric bill (gotta have light, heat/AC, cooking), phone bill (gotta call 911 when needed), TV (Gotta have something to do) and food (Gotta eat).
My wife will have to retire soon due to disability next year maybe, she will receive 1/2 of what I am getting.. Right now her Prescription Card covers all but about $300.00 a month on our meds, but when she is forced to quit work, her Prescription Card is gone and then we will have to pay full cost for both our prescriptions which will place us in a pickle of a mess or out in the streets.
Now I'm asking you, how can you support these people who are really sticking it to those of us on a fixed income?
noOriginally posted by Crabby Old Lady