

Football season!
I keep hearing a lot of talking about daschle (sp!?) and edwards being voted out of their senate seats

Was edwards even running?


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PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
I keep hearing a lot of talking about daschle (sp!?) and edwards being voted out of their senate seats

Was edwards even running?
Not for Senate.


SmallTown said:
I keep hearing a lot of talking about daschle (sp!?) and edwards being voted out of their senate seats

Was edwards even running?
No, actually there was speculation that even if he did run he would not keep his seat like Lieberman did last time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That is correct...

...Edwards made the decision that 'hey, I can't win back mah Senate seat so, obviously, I'll run for President! That's two Uh-mericuhs! One, is the Senate, like my dad, sittin' around the kitchen table, tryin ta make ends meet. Ta other'n is the big casino, like winnin a big ol law suit gints som mean old corp or a shun!"

So, yes, the Democratic party figured a guy who couldn't keep his old job would help garner a bigger one. Yes.

He's pretty! He's smart! He's 15 years old! He lost his job under George W. Bush!



New Member
Joe Lieberman actually ran for the vice-presidency and the Senate at the same time. He won his Senate seat by a large margin (response to Pete's earlier comment)


rraley said:
Joe Lieberman actually ran for the vice-presidency and the Senate at the same time. He won his Senate seat by a large margin (response to Pete's earlier comment)
That is what I said wasn't it. Lieberman ran for his seat and kept it while running for veep. Edwards didn't bother running because he knew he was not going to keep it anyway.


New Member
Pete said:
That is what I said wasn't it. Lieberman ran for his seat and kept it while running for veep. Edwards didn't bother running because he knew he was not going to keep it anyway.
I'm sorry a quick reading of your original post made me think that you had said that Lieberman lost.


rraley said:
I'm sorry a quick reading of your original post made me think that you had said that Lieberman lost.
No problem. It did make me wonder when Lieberman did that if he really had much hope of getting elected. Can't blame a guy for having a backup plan but running for veep is not your typical everyday job, you kinda have to go all the way.