Quick fix for a cold


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any home remedies to break a fever/ battle a cold. Supposed to be on a flight to Italy thursday and I feel like death warmed over


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Drink Theraflu before you go to bed tonight. Tomorrow you should feel much better.

Sorry you're sick :huggy: <-- from a distance so I don't get your cooties.


Active Member
Try Zicam. It's over the counter, and if you haven't been sick for more than 48 hours, it's suppose to lessen the severity/duration of a cold.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately i think Ive passed the 48 hour mark. Thought it was just allergies until the fever showed up earlier today.


Thats how them b*tch's R
My daughter woke up sick today. Mostly stuffy nose so I sent her in just to practice for her 8th grade graduation. Ended up at the doctors late this afternoon. virus. Bad headache, sore throat, completely stuffed up and fever. She's sleeping now but hopefully feels better for her ceremony tomorrow. Being sick sucks. Hope you feel better.


Active Member
Coldeze or EmergenCEE (sp?) to shorten the cold.

Green tea for the inevitable cough. Nyquil gel caps taken an hour before the flight so you sleep the whole flight. Enjoy Italy. Have some minestrone for me - and it should be soothing for that cold!