If you can afford it, yes.Is it worth the extra $60 to upgrade from an Intel® Pentium® dual-core processor E2220 (1MB L2, 2.4GHz, 800FSB) to a Intel® Core™2 Duo processor E7200 (3MB L2, 2.53GHz, 1066 FSB)
If you can afford it, yes.
for $60 ???? Yes!
If you can afford it, yes.
Thanks! That is exactly what said....
Is it worth the extra $60 to upgrade from an Intel® Pentium® dual-core processor E2220 (1MB L2, 2.4GHz, 800FSB) to a Intel® Core™2 Duo processor E7200 (3MB L2, 2.53GHz, 1066 FSB)