Why do you think that is so?rraley said:What I do know is that the founders and many of our leaders until the late 19th Century considered a large standing army during peacetime to be against the spirit of America.
Thier original idea was to have a weak fed. government with the state governments ruling. The armies were provided by the individual states when an army was needed, there was no federal army. That's why say during the civil war, the different units were called "23rd New York" and such. All of the members of that unit were from the same state, and probably the same area of the state.BuddyLee said:Why do you think that is so?
Another thought that popped in my head was, if the founding fathers didn't want to include this into the constitution how did they expect to defend the country if someone were to invade it? Perhaps a volunteer army, although that wouldn't defend the 13 colonies IMO, we barely defeated the British with the French at our side plus all 13 were fighting over so many issues over whether to fight in the first place. What say you?
BuddyLee said:we barely defeated the British with the French at our side
Bustem' Down said:Thier original idea was to have a weak fed. government with the state governments ruling. The armies were provided by the individual states when an army was needed, there was no federal army. That's why say during the civil war, the different units were called "23rd New York" and such. All of the members of that unit were from the same state, and probably the same area of the state.
I've read that the Americans had a deliberate strategy of getting other nations involved. England would probably have defeated the colonies if it didn't have to spread its military resources so thinly. In those days, Europe was at war every 20 years or so. John Cleese once joked on Letterman's show that France is the true enemy of England, the two events of the 20th Century being mere aberrations.Triggerfish said:It's considered by some as one of the first world wars. It was fought in North America, India, the Caribbean, Netherlands, the Mediterranean, and short raid on England itself.
BuddyLee said:I was wondering on the way home tonight if a draft was unconstitutional. If it is, how is it bypassed?