Quran 10:11-20 There will be signs


Well-Known Member
Quran 10:11. If God were to accelerate the ill for the people, as they wish to accelerate the good, their term would have been fulfilled. But We leave those who do not expect Our encounter to blunder in their excesses.
12. Whenever adversity touches the human being, he prays to Us—reclining on his side, or sitting, or standing. But when We have relieved his adversity from him, he goes away, as though he had never called on Us for trouble that had afflicted him. Thus the deeds of the transgressors appear good to them.
13. We destroyed generations before you when they did wrong. Their messengers came to them with clear signs, but they would not believe. Thus We requite the sinful people.
14. Then We made you successors on earth after them, to see how you would behave.
15. And when Our clear revelations are recited to them, those who do not hope to meet Us say, “Bring a Quran other than this, or change it.” Say, “It is not for me to change it of my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. I fear, if I disobeyed my Lord, the torment of a terrible Day.”
16. Say, “Had God willed, I would not have recited it to you, and He would not have made it known to you. I have lived among you for a lifetime before it. Do you not understand?”
17. Who does greater wrong than someone who fabricates lies about God, or denies His revelations? The guilty will never prosper.
18. And they worship, besides God, what neither harms them nor benefits them. And they say, “These are our intercessors with God.” Say, “Are you informing God about what He does not know in the heavens or on earth?” Glorified be He, High above the associations they make.
19. Mankind was a single community; then they differed. Were it not for a prior decree from your Lord, the matters over which they had disputed would have been settled.
20. And they say, “If only a miracle was sent down to him from his Lord.” Say, “The realm of the unseen belongs to God; so wait, I am waiting with you.”

Here's the commentary.

They desire a revelation which should not condemn their evil ways and their idol-worship, nor contain any threats of their coming doom.​
The Prophet’s truthfulness and honesty before he received the Divine revelation were undisputed, and he had earned such renown for these qualities that he was known in the land as al-Amßn, i.e. the Faithful one, or the Truthful one. The argument is that if, as they admitted, he had never told a lie in his lifetime, even for the sake of a personal advantage, how could he, now that he had passed the age of youth and passions, speak falsely, and that to his own detriment? He was not the gainer, but a sufferer thereby, on account of the persecution which his preaching had brought about for him. Moreover, a man who had so long refrained from showing any interest in their lives and their modes of worship, and had all but lived the silent life of a recluse among them, could not, of his own accord, be imagined to have suddenly changed the course of his life.

The word that had gone forth is referred to in many places: “And they say: When will this promise come to pass, if you are truthful? Say: Maybe somewhat of that which you seek to hasten has drawn nigh to you”. And again: “Say: You have the appointment of a day which you cannot postpone by an hour, nor hasten on”
It is clear from the context that their demand is for the punishment with which they are threatened, because they would recognize no other sign; they are told to wait for the sign which would undoubtedly come

The priests and the preachers of the days when the Quran was inked were just as corrupt as they are today. There are good preachers and priests. There are good Christians and Jews. It's just that when one of the bad ones whips out his thing in front of a camera..... well it's really hard to defend them. It smudges the truth when they act so foul. It's like when a cop kills a man by kneeling on his neck.... it makes the evening news and the social forums.

I remember learning about the demise of the Church of England. It had turned so corrupt, according to what I was taught, the Nuns were hookers. They would sell their souls to the priests for the price of their silence. There were children which resulted from these "prayer groups". Those children were brought up in the church, physically. Raised as orphans who could not know their mom or dad because the "prayer group" would suffer.

While thousands of good men work for God in the church, one bad man, whipping out his thing, can destroy everything the good men worked for. On top of that, if there's a camera around..... it's even more dangerous.

I heard there was a preacher who said "God can't hear our prayers through a mask." Don't they know..... God doesn't need to "hear" our prayers. He knew what we were going to pray before we prayed it. He created the future and He can see it. He created each of us.... counted the hairs on our head.... and He knew while He was sculpting our hearts what we would pray and when. You think a flimsy piece of fabric, made of fibers God created, is going to keep God from knowing what is in your heart?

We would have never known about that bad priest if he didn't do it in front of a camera.

This is a sign that the people of that church need to watch out. They are being taught by a man of low values.

If your preacher or priest doesn't know when it is proper to pull his thing out..... you church may have a problem.

This is saying.... there will be signs.
