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Quran 15:In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the Verses of the Book; a Quran that makes things clear.
2. Perhaps those who disbelieve will wish they had been Muslims.
3. Leave them to eat, and enjoy, and be lulled by hope. They will find out.
4. We have never destroyed a town unless it had a set time.
5. No nation can bring its time forward, nor can they delay it.
6. And they said, “O you who received the message, you are insane.”
7. Why do you not bring us the angels, if you are truthful?”
8. We do not send the angels down except with reason, and they will not be held back.
9. Surely We revealed the Message, and We will surely preserve it.
10. We sent others before you, to the former communities.
11. But no messenger came to them, but they ridiculed him.
12. Thus We slip it into the hearts of the guilty.
13. They do not believe in it, though the ways of the ancients have passed away.
14. Even if We opened for them a gateway into the sky, and they began to ascend through it.
15. They would still say, “Our eyes are hallucinating; in fact, we are people bewitched.”
OK... this is the commentary for this first part of this new chapter.
I am reading the Quran and the one commentary I could find that would allow me to copy and paste. This chapter is called "The Rock".
The passage does not refer only to life after death. The powerful opponents, who were under the impression that Islåm would soon be annihilated, must no doubt have felt after in life, when the truth of Islåm became manifest to them, that it would have been much better for them, if they had accepted Islåm at the first call of the Prophet.
The demand is here as elsewhere: Why are not the angels sent? The words if thou art of the truthful clearly show that the coming of angels is demanded in relation to the fulfilment of prophecies. The answer makes it still more clear. The words bi-l-ƒaqq (with truth) really signify in accordance with the requirements of truth, justice, and wisdom. The meaning therefore is that the angels will be sent, when they are required to execute the judgment of the doom of the opponents; and the concluding words, and then they would not be respited, dispel all doubts on the point.
v. 9 This is one of the most wonderful prophecies, whose fulfilment is, and will ever remain, a standing testimony to the truth of the Holy Qur’ån. The statement is first made in connection with the powerful opposition of the disbelievers, and is then made general, that the Qur’ån will for all time be preserved safe against all attempts to destroy it and from every kind of corruption. The fulfilment of this prophecy is so evident a fact that a hostile writer like Muir admits that “there is probably in the world no other book which has remained twelve centuries with so pure a text”. The recent attempt of Dr. Mingana to prove alterations in the text of the Holy Qur’ån has resulted in miserable failure, and his discovery has rather set the question at rest. During the whole length and breadth of the Islamic world there does not exist a single copy with any variation from the recognized text, and thus not only was the Qur’ån preserved from destruction against a powerful enemy, but it has also been preserved from corruption.
Thus refers to the mockery mentioned in the previous verse; the meaning being as they mock the revelation, so We make it enter their hearts that they do not believe in it. It is equivalent to saying that this is due to their mockery, or a consequence of their mockery.
This verse and the one preceding it speak of the hardness of their hearts. They were determined to reject the truth and did not pay any attention to the clearest evidence.
This chapter of the Quran is called "the Rock". Now, in the Bible.... Peter was called "the Rock". According to the Bible.... Peter was the one guy to build a church for Jesus. Peter is called "the Rock" because of his steady faith.... according to the Bible.
In the Quran.... it's the word of God that is called the Rock. According to the Quran.... God told the prophets what to say and then God sent them where they were to say these things. According to the commentary here.... and the verses in this chapter of the Quran.... the message of the Quran has never been destroyed by a human making changes.
Now I have a problem with that statement. Sure Christians are global and the Bible has been translated into many many many languages.... but the central theme has not changed. The message of the Quran, it seems, has also been translated into many many languages as well. If I google "Quran" I come up with a bunch of sites to visit and they all seem to have their own translation. It's not the translation.... it's who does the translating. How many of us have been turned down a wrong path by a slick talking preacher? It's not the lesson.... it's the one who is teaching the lesson.
In the Quran... Angels seem to be a key. The people who are fighting the prophets seem to be saying "oh yeah.... you gonna send down Angels?" or "I don't see any Angels.... are you sure you are telling the truth?". There doesn't seem to be the "proper angelic presentation" in the Quran. I'm pretty sure back in the 600's when the Quran was put together.... the angelic event that happened on the night Jesus became a human.... was really the "big sermon" on every priest's and preacher's list of "big sermons". Most of the people just didn't buy that.... mostly because it seems to revolve around Mary being a goddess.... and Mary was not a goddess... she was a human whom God used.
Angels can't be called down. Angels listen to God.... Period! We can pound on every pulpit in the world in unison and Angels will not respond to our pounding and yelling and other theatrics.... Angels only listen to God. That's what the Quran is saying. It's a refute to the "Christmas Story". Mary was not a goddess and Angels only do what God tells them to do. That's the very reason Muslims have a problem with the Bible and Jesus being named "Son of God". They have been fed so much crap by the preachers, priests, and teachers in fake churches.
So the message in the Quran is called "the Rock". It won't change.... it'll be "the Rock" as long as it exists according to this chapter.
The message of the Quran will remain steady.... dependable.... a good foundation.
The Bible and the Quran are a lot alike...... the characters are even the same.... it's just "the rest of the story".
Chapter 15 is called "The Rock".
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