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Quran 15:16. We placed constellations in the sky, and made them beautiful to the beholders.
17. And We guarded them from every outcast devil.
18. Except one who steals a hearing, and is followed by a visible projectile.
19. We spread the earth, and placed stabilizers in it, and in it We grew all things in proper measure.
20. And in it We created livelihoods for you, and for those for whom you are not the providers.
21. There is not a thing but with Us are its stores, and We send it down only in precise measure.
22. We send the fertilizing winds; and send down water from the sky, and give it to you to drink, and you are not the ones who store it.
23. It is We who give life and cause death, and We are the Inheritors.
24. And We know those of you who go forward, and We know those who lag behind.
25. It is your Lord who will gather them together. He is the Wise, the Knowing.
So here's the commentary.
This verse and the one preceding it speak of the hardness of their hearts. They were determined to reject the truth and did not pay any attention to the clearest evidence.
The three verses speak of the soothsayers and the diviners, who were among the opponents of the Holy Prophet; they pretended to receive communications from on high. We are here told that they were really driven from the Divine presence, and therefore could not have any access to that source of purity. In speaking of the divinations as being followed by a visible flame, it is indicated that they meet with failure and disappointment. The description of spiritual truths in words relating to physical laws prevailing in the world is of common occurrence in the Holy Qur’ån. Thus in v. 22 the fertilizing winds stand for the imperceptible advance of Islåm.
The lawåqiƒ, or fertilizing winds, are those which raise a cloud that gives rain, or those which make herbage and plants fruitful. Here they represent the signs of the progress of Islåm before its final triumph, which is indicated by the rain.
Wårith means one who inherits, and therefore one who remains after another has perished. The announcement made here is a prophecy that the true worshippers of Allåh will be heirs in the land while the others will perish.
Al-mustaqdimßn (v. 24) are those who are foremost in accepting truth, and al-musta’khirßn, those who lag behind in accepting it. They will all be gathered together, i.e., ultimately those who now lag behind will be brought over to the right course. Some understand by these two words those who have gone before and those who will come afterwards respectively, in point of time.
When I first read these verses I thought it was about meteors and comets. There is a comet description.... but it's not about a comet... it's about a fallen angel.
But first... the history lesson from the commentary... there were "fake prophets" in the days when the Quran was put together. They pretended to have the inside scoop but they were just making it up. They claimed God was guiding them... but they didn't know God and couldn't care less what God thought. They weren't there to turn our attention to the One True Living God... they were there to preach to the cause.... the free housing... the free food... the adoration of the masses... they didn't care about right or wrong.... good or bad.... life or death. They were in it for them... and God put them all in the bunch with Satan and tossed them to earth. Stupid humans started to give them the adoration they craved.
See Satan use to be an angel. Angels are worker bees of God. They have to earn rank and they have to do whatever God says. Satan, apparently worked his way up into the rank that allowed him to be in the same room as God. When he started kicking up a problem..... and causing a problem in the ranks of the angels.... God reminded him who is in control by throwing him... and those who decided to follow him.... out of heaven.... so the comet we are seeing is God throwing Satan out of heaven.... according to the commentary.
God made everything.... heavens, earth, and everything in it or on it.... and He made the angels to do His bidding. When they decided not to do His bidding.... He threw their useless angelic butts out of Heaven and had them serve Him indirectly. I figure God used the angels, like Satan, to experiment with free will. On top of that I think God knew what Satan was going to do when given free will.... since God can read the future.... and God was ready to send Satan to do the dirty work of making God's great work shine. Without Evil we wouldn't recognize Good. See... God knew free will would cause problems. God was ready.
The part about serving Him indirectly.... well that's how I see it.... God needed someone on earth to cause bad so that good will shine. So if Satan wouldn't take the job God had for him.... well he'd just have to live it on earth.... or in earth. When God threw Satan out of heaven..... it caused something that looked like a comet.... even had a tail.... but it was fake.... it's just a fallen angel.
God knows who needs. God knows what they need. God knows how we deal with our needs.
Satan needed attention.... that's why, after raising through the ranks of angelic beings... he felt the need to shake his fist at God. Satan needed God to notice him. He should have done as he was told.... but Satan insisted on resisting. That's how he dealt with his needs. God responded by making him leave. If he couldn't behave in Heaven.... God knew He could use him on earth.
God knew Satan was no good.... but he gave him a shot.... and then he gave him a shove... and then he used his no good butt to make the good butts shine.
We're all going to be brought together and we will all be judged.
So.... a Comet is just Heavenly Junk.
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