Quran 15:26-44 Satan hates humans


Well-Known Member
Quran 15:26. We created the human being from clay, from molded mud.
27. And the jinn We created before, from piercing fire.
28. Your Lord said to the angels,I am creating a human being from clay, from molded mud.”
29. “When I have formed him, and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down prostrating before him.”
30. So the angels prostrated themselves, all together.
31. Except for Satan. He refused to be among those who prostrated themselves.
32. He said, “O Satan, what kept you from being among those who prostrated themselves?”
33. He said, “I am not about to prostrate myself before a human being, whom You created from clay, from molded mud.”
34. He said, “Then get out of here, for you are an outcast”.
35. “And the curse will be upon you until the Day of Judgment.”
36. He said, “My Lord, reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected.”
37. He said, “You are of those reprieved.
38. “Until the Day of the time appointed.”
39. He said, “My Lord, since You have lured me away, I will glamorize for them on earth, and I will lure them all away.”
40. “Except for Your sincere servants among them.”
41. He said, “This is a right way with Me.”
42. “Over My servants you have no authority, except for the sinners who follow you.
43. And Hell is the meeting-place for them all.
44. “It has seven doors; for each door is an assigned class.”

Oh my..... So... here's the commentary.

For an explanation of man’s creation from dust. In man’s creation from dust there also seems to be a reference to his low and humble origin and to his temperate nature, as opposed to another kind of creation of a fiery nature, which is called the jinn or the devil. The two words, jinn and devil, are frequently applied to men of a fiery temperament or rebellious nature, men who lead others to evil. This description of the creation of men and jinn from dust and fire respectively is no doubt an allegorical description of the nature of those who are submissive to Divine laws and those who rebel against them, and the allegory is carried on further in what is stated of the rebellion of the devil against Adam, the two being taken as prototypes of the two kinds of temperament. The two descriptions of the origin of man, his being made from clay that gives sound and of mud that is fashioned into shape, refer to the two great characteristics which give man a superiority over other animals, there being a reference to the use of language in the clay that gives sound, and to the perfection of his make in the mud fashioned into shape. Were it not for the use of language and the perfection of his make, man could not have risen above the lower animals. It should also be noted that elsewhere the ©al©ål is likened to fakhkhår (55:14), which means clay that has been baked, showing that the earth’s surface itself has baked in fire. It was undoubtedly originally a lump of fire.

This shows that man is made complete when the Divine spirit is breathed into him. It should be noted that the Divine spirit (Ar. r∂ƒ) does not mean here the animal soul in man, but the spirit of Allåh, that gives him perfection.​
When a man is raised to life spiritually, the suggestions and the promptings of the devil cease to affect him. But until he finds spiritual life, evil suggestions mislead him now and then. This is the “time made known” in v. 38. 39a. The devil refuses to make obeisance to Adam of his own accord, and this is expressed by saying aghwaita-nß, the meaning clearly being, because Thou hast judged me to be in error, not caused me to err.

In a broad sense all men are servants of Allåh. That the devil has no authority over any man is clear from 14:22, where the devil says to his followers: “I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you obeyed me.”​
Hell is mentioned by seven different names in the Holy Qur’ån: (1) Jahannam, or hell; (2) la˚å, or flaming fire; (3) ƒu∆amah, or crushing disaster; (4) sa‘ßr, or burning fire; (5) saqar, or scorching fire; (6) jaƒßm, or fierce fire; (7) håwiyah, or abyss. The seven gates mean the seven ways which lead into it, according to which there are seven different names.​

Wow.... when I woke up this morning.... I didn't think I was going to read about Hell. I hope this software let's the word come through. If not this will surely make an odd looking post.

No wonder Satan is so angry at us! Geeze.... I wonder what made him think he was so important? I wonder what made him think he could make a decision and God would be forced to go along with it! Poor angel...... I bet God gave him a taste of immortality and that gave the devil a big head that wobbled him all the way out of Heaven. Poor angel.

God made the angels to do the heavy lifting..... the waring. Then God got to work making humans. God must have love how humans sculpted out..... He made so many different colors and shapes. Humans don't bore God.... yeah!

I can just see it now.... God is finishing Adam and He's checking out His newest creation. Each hair on Adams perfect little head was counted. There's not a missing hair or freckle. Every fingernail is perfect.... every toenail is perfect.... the teeth are sharp to rip flesh as well as sculpted to chew for the fullness of flavor. The smile on the human face is warm and curiosity is clear in the human eye.

God loved His new creatures so much.... He wanted to start them off right! He told all the angels to bow to the humans. Satan wanted no part of it. Satan was jealous.... Satan is one of those creatures who demands to be at the top of the food chain. But God put humans there. No wonder Satan is so displeased.

So that's why God threw Satan out of Heaven.... Satan refused to do what God told him to do.

Satan's sentence has been reprieved..... until the final judgement.... and then he will get his revenge.

Satan will be in charge of the human trash..... the humans who choose God will all be in Heaven with God.... and the others.... well there are apparently seven gates from which one will be there for them to be herded through. Hey.... if you don't behave.... you have to stand in line to get into Hades... ah ha ha.

Satan got bumped out of first place for the sake of humans.

Satan hates humans.
