Quran 15:45-60 I won't ever be evicted


Well-Known Member
Quran 15:45. But the righteous will be in gardens with springs.
46. “Enter it in peace and security.”
47. And We will remove all ill-feelings from their hearts—brothers and sisters, on couches facing one another.
48. No fatigue will ever touch them therein, nor will they be asked to leave it.
49. Inform My servants that I am the Forgiver, the Merciful.
50. And that My punishment is the painful punishment.
51. And inform them of the guests of Abraham.
52. When they entered upon him, and said, “Peace.” He said, “We are wary of you.”
53. They said, “Do not fear; we bring you good news of a boy endowed with knowledge.
54. He said, “Do you bring me good news, when old age has overtaken me? What good news do you bring?”
55. They said, “We bring you good news in truth, so do not despair.
56. He said, “And who despairs of his Lord’s mercy but the lost?
57. He said, “So what is your business, O envoys?”
58. They said, “We were sent to a sinful people.”
59. “Except for the family of Lot; we will save them all.
60. “Except for his wife.” We have determined that she will be of those who lag behind.

I feel like I got stuck in half a story.... but this is where the commentary splits the verses.

Such is the Muslim paradise. There is absolute peace of mind, perfect security from any inclination to evil or any other danger (v. 46); there is a brotherhood in which no one conceals any rancour in his heart for his brother, nor has anyone a complaint against another (v. 47); and lastly, there is neither toil nor fatigue, nor is one to be ever deprived of that state of perfect bliss (v. 48). This verse further establishes that those who are once made to enter paradise are not sent back to this world; and that therefore the garden in which Adam was at first placed was not the paradise of heavenly life, for in that case he would not have been ejected from it.
The good news given here is not of truth, but by means of truth, which is Divine revelation.
This seems to be about the eviction of Lot and his family from Sodom.
Abraham was visited by an envoy who warned him the people of Sodom were going to be slaughtered. A meteor shower is probably what took out Sodom. I read online archaeologists discovered evidence of a horrific meteor shower. Now if a meteor was on the way these days.... it would be all over the news. Social Media would be ablaze with the news. But there was no TV, Radio, or Internet back in the days when Sodom was about to meet it's fate. These "friends" of Abraham had intimate knowledge about a major astronomical event that could not have been foreseen by the average ignorant human. Abraham didn't go out one night and notice a meteor in the sky.

The Bible says Abraham tried to barter for his cousin's home town. He tried to claim that Lot was not the only good guy in town.... but the strangers knew... according to the Bible.... the town was full of "anti-god" factions. The town was full of people who believed the garbage Satan was whispering in their ears. Everyone but Lot's family were goners..... oh and Lot's wife wouldn't make it either.

Have you been watching that volcano off the coast of Spain. When the lava hits the water.... it puts off a deadly steam. In the days of Sodom.... the fumes were so thick.... they turned humans to stones of salt. Lot's wife was among those who didn't get out in time. Abraham was warned.... but by whom? Guess I'll have to ask when I get to Heaven. The Bible and the Quran both say Abraham had visitors, someone wise.

Check out verses 47 and 48 again. Even the commentary noticed those promises. No more fatigue.... only perfect peace! No more worries. No more bills to pay or nightmares to endure. There are no taxes in Heaven. We won't even miss money! Heaven will be energetic and healthy and growing and plentiful.

If it weren't for being blind in one eye... I would wonder if I am not in the outskirts of Heaven now. I mean I'm happy in my marriage. I like where I am living. My neighbors are ok. I do as I please, when I please, most of the time. But I'm happy to sit home and sew, crochet, and cook. If I think about all the trips I'm missing, being blind and quarantined for the past year because of eye surgeries during a pandemic in the middle of a heat wave.... then I realize that this isn't Heaven.... it's just a good life.

If I don't pay my rent in this wonderful little place I'm at..... I will be evicted.

There is no rent in Heaven. I won't ever be evicted.
