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Quran 15:80. The people of the Rock also rejected the messengers.
81. We gave them Our revelations, but they turned away from them.
82. They used to carve homes in the mountains, feeling secure.
83. But the Blast struck them in the morning.
84. All they had acquired was of no avail to them.
85. We did not create the heavens and the earth, and what lies between them, except with truth. The Hour is coming, so forgive with gracious forgiveness.
86. Your Lord is the All-Knowing Creator.
87. We have given you seven of the pairs, and the Grand Quran.
88. Do not extend your eyes towards what We have bestowed on some couples of them to enjoy, and do not grieve over them, and lower your wing to the believers.
89. And say, “I am the clear warner.”
90. Just as We sent down to the separatists.
91. Those who made the Quran obsolete.
92. By your Lord, we will question them all.
93. About what they used to do.
94. So proclaim openly what you are commanded, and turn away from the polytheists.
95. We are enough for you against the mockers.
96. Those who set up another god with God. They will come to know.
97. We are aware that your heart is strained by what they say.
98. So glorify the praise of your Lord, and be among those who bow down.
99. And worship your Lord in order to attain certainty.
Here's the commentary this morning.
The dwellers of the Rock are the people of Tham∂d.
The verse gives us a true insight into the Holy Prophet’s mind. One instance only in the conquest of Makkah is sufficient to prove this, when, having captured the city which had most tyrannically driven him out with his followers, and whose people were guilty of shedding the innocent blood of the Muslims, he forgave all.
The fact that the seven oft-repeated verses are the seven verses of the Opening chapter is known to every Muslim. These verses must be repeated by every Muslim in every single rak‘ah in every prayer, to which he is at liberty to add any other portion of the Holy Qur’ån. Thus every Muslim repeats these seven verses at least thirty times a day, no other portion of the Holy Qur’ån being repeated so often. The Prophet himself is reported to have said that the “seven oft-repeated verses” were the seven verses of the Fåtiƒah. According to the same ƒadßth, the Fåtiƒah is called the grand Qur’ån. It is so called because it contains the essence of the whole of the Qur’ån.
This verse gives us a picture of the holy mind, for which the riches and embellishments of this life had no temptation, and the unequalled simplicity of his life from the time that he married a rich widow to the time that he ruled Arabia may be guessed from the last scene of his life, when he ordered the last penny in his house to be given to the poor. The verse, moreover, draws a picture of the utmost kindness and gentleness, which he showed to his followers. The straining of the eyes signifies looking desirously.
Al-yaqßn (lit., certainty), or that which is certain, is here generally understood to mean death, because it is the one thing which is certain to come to every creature.
Part of this seems to be way over my head. Apparently there is something that is said at each prayer time... like the Christian version of the Lord's Prayer.... that sums up the whole spirit of the Quran. All Muslims... All Believers.... say these seven things every day... three times a day. I don't understand the whole of verse 87... but there's a whole book to go. Guess I'll put verse 87 on the back burner and let it cook a little in the back of my inquiring mind.Cliff dwellers always intrigued me. They were the apartment dwellers of ancient history. Digging a home.... setting up a home in a cliff of rock.... setting up a life in a cave.... seem to be so logical and so permanent. Hurricanes, floods, wind or tornados won't harm a cliff dweller. Bandits and thieves will think twice about robbing a cave.... it's not easy to get to.
I think it's easy to get a big head when you look out your window and see the world "laid at your feet". Isn't that how it seems? Couldn't you just sit in your living room and imagine being the king of everything?
What could bother anyone in a hollowed out rock...... it's impervious.... it's been there forever and a day.... it's literally older than dirt... because that's what it is.... hardened dirt.... so what could bother anyone in a hollowed out rock?
The Rock People of Thamud thought their poop didn't stink.... no one or no thing would bother them.... they thought they had it licked... they thought they could worship whomever they pleased. They thought they could get everyone to worship them. The Rock People of Thamud had really big heads. They thought they were gods.... they thought they were in charge.... no one could conquer them. They were safe in their caves... no one or no thing could get to them.
But.... the Rock People of Thamud were conquered by God. Earthquake!!
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Figures... it's my birthday... I turned 71 this morning... and God gave me verse 87 to show me I still just don't have a clue!