Quran 16:1-9 The Bee


Well-Known Member
Quran 16:In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. The command of God has come, so do not rush it. Glory be to Him; exalted above what they associate.
2. He sends down the angels with the Spirit by His command, upon whom He wills of His servants: “Give warning that there is no god but Me, and fear Me.”
3. He created the heavens and the earth with justice. He is exalted above the associations they attribute.
4. He created the human being from a drop of fluid, yet he becomes an open adversary.
5. And the livestock—He created them for you. In them are warmth and benefits for you, and of them you eat.
6. And there is beauty in them for you, when you bring them home, and when you drive them to pasture.
7. And they carry your loads to territory you could not have reached without great hardship. Your Lord is Clement and Merciful.
8. And the horses, and the mules, and the donkeys—for you to ride, and for luxury. And He creates what you do not know.
9. It is for God to point out the paths, but some of them are flawed. Had He willed, He could have guided you all.

This chapter is called "The Bee". Here's the commentary....

This is from the foreword.

This chapter is very appropriately named The Bee, because the bee, guided by instinct, which is called a revelation in its case gathers together sweet honey from flowers of all kinds, taking what is best in them, thus producing “a beverage of many hues, in which there is healing for men”. So Divine revelation to the Holy Prophet collected what was best in the teaching of all the prophets and presented it in the Holy Qur’ån, which is also declared to be a healing for the spiritual diseases of men.
The revelation of this chapter belongs to the last Makkan period, like that of the group which it supplements. The mention, in vv. 41 and 110, of Muhåjirs, i.e. those who fly from their home, has led some to think that these verses must have been revealed at Madßnah. It should, however, be noted that the first flight of the Muslims to escape the severe persecution of the Makkans had taken place as early as the fifth year of the Call; but it is more probable that the reference is to the second Muslim exodus from Makkah, which took place before the Holy Prophet’s actual departure from that town.

This is the commentary on the verses for this morning.

The first words of this chapter are a fitting sequel to the previous chapters, which repeatedly give warning of punishment to the opponents of the Truth. The amr Allåh (lit., Allåh’s commandment) signifies the threatened punishment. The disbelievers are asked not to hasten the punishment, for Allåh, Who conferred so many physical benefits on them, is willing to bestow His spiritual gifts, as mercy has the foremost place in Divine nature. This is stated in the verses that follow. What that punishment was going to be is expressly stated at the end of this chapter (v. 112).
R∂ƒ here signifies Divine revelation, so called because it quickens to spiritual life. It also signifies the Qur’ån (LL).​
Nu∆fah signifies originally only pure water — al-må’ al-©åf ß — the word being applied to a very small quantity as well as to a very large volume of it, so that any good drink is called a nu∆ fah, so also is a sea. The nu∆ fah from which man is stated to be created is the small life-germ, or the spermatozoon, in the seminal fluid.
And so at last it was that at first Makkah and then the whole of Arabia accepted Islåm.

I use to smoke out on my back deck. There were bees. There were lots of bees. The first year they banged into me. I didn't get stung... I got buzzed. The reason they buzzed me would be perfectly clear to anyone who is too busy to deal with someone who is always in the way. They had pollen to collect.... they knew by instinct where they were going..... they didn't need a map or a drone.... they knew exactly how to get there and what they were going to do.... until I got out on the deck.... smoking that stinky cigarette. I was in their path. They didn't want to give their life to get me out of the way.... they had a job to do.... but they had a job to do and I was in their path.... they had to stop their journey.... and deal with me. Bees meant me no harm.... I didn't mean them any harm. They buzzed me... adjusted their route and got on with their chores. The second year.... they knew I would be there and they went around me. I was like an unbeliever.... in the way.

In these verses it says Prophets were like bees.... they had a job to do. They were/are responsible for getting the truth from God and then putting it together in the Quran.... so everyone could enjoy it and be healed by it and be energized by it. The Quran is the honey in this scenario.

So.... this chapter is called... "The Bee".
