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Quran 16:41. Those who emigrate for God’s sake after being persecuted, We will settle them in a good place in this world; but the reward of the Hereafter is greater, if they only knew.
42. Those who endure patiently, and in their Lord they put their trust.
43. We did not send before you except men whom We inspired. So ask the people of knowledge, if you do not know.
44. With the clarifications and the scriptures. And We revealed to you the Reminder, that you may clarify to the people what was revealed to them, and that they may reflect.
45. Do those who scheme evils feel secure that God will not cause the earth to cave in with them, or that the punishment will not come upon them from where they do not perceive?
46. Or that He will not seize them during their activities? And they will not be able to prevent it.
47. Or that He will not seize them while in dread? Your Lord is Gentle and Merciful.
48. Have they not observed what God has created? Their shadows revolve from the right and the left, bowing to God as they shrink away.
49. To God bows down everything in the heavens and everything on earth—every living creature, and the angels, and without being proud.
50. They fear their Lord above them, and they do what they are commanded.
And this is the commentary.
Here is a clear prophecy regarding those Muslims who had to flee their homes on account of the persecutions of the Quraish. What is promised them is not only a reward of the Hereafter but a goodly abode in this world, too. Whether the reference here is only to the earlier flights to Abyssinia, or to the later flight to Madßnah, which had begun before the Holy Prophet’s departure, one thing is certain: those who fled their homes in utter helplessness, and were in danger even of their very lives, were given the clearest promise of a great future in this life, and this promise proved true notwithstanding the hard struggle of a powerful nation, united at least in the determination to exterminate Islåm. It is related of the Caliph ‘Umar that he used to say, when he gave a gift to one of the emigrants: “Take this — may Allåh bless you! This is what He promised you in this life, and what is for you in the Hereafter is greater” (Kf ), evidently referring to this verse.
By the followers of the Reminder are generally understood the Jews and the Christians, to whom it is supposed the Quraish are told to refer the question whether it is or it is not true that only men and not angels were sent with Divine revelation before, but the mention in the very next verse of the Dhikr, or the Reminder, being sent to the Holy Prophet shows that the words apply to the Muslims. Some commentators, however, take the words generally as meaning learned men.
Khasf, which is ordinarily rendered as cleaving open, or swallowing, also means idhlål, i.e. bringing to disgrace. Khasafa also signifies it became defective, or suffered loss, and the infinitive noun khasf signifies being vile, abject, or contemptible, or lowering, abasing, or humbling another.
Taqallub (lit., turning about) signifies journeying for traffic, because for this purpose one has to go and come again and again (LL). Vv. 45– 47 are prophetical. As vv. 41, 42 speak of a prosperous future for those who accepted the truth and now were suffering the severest persecutions, these three verses speak of the different forms of punishment to which the persecutors of the righteous were to be subjected. v. 45 foretells that abasement in the land is in store for them, while in v. 46 they are told that their very journeys to Syria, on which their prosperity depended on account of the trade which was thus kept up, might come to an end. This happened when the Muslims at Madßnah became strong and, due to the hostile attitude of the Makkans, who attacked them again and again, became a threat to their Syrian trade, as Madßnah was situated on the trade route.
Takhawwafa-h∂ means he took little by little from it, and the meaning is that they will be diminished gradually, until disbelief was utterly annihilated. This was their end, their power went on waning till the whole of Arabia bowed before Islåm.
The recital of this verse is followed by an actual prostration
Well this answers a question for me.
Let me tell you about my friend. She is Jewish. She is of mixed race and raised Jewish. The three do not go together.... at all.... but she is a very pleasant woman. I go to a food bank a couple times a month. Once... the food bank gave us some lamb ribs. Hubby doesn't eat lamb.... so I put the ribs in the freezer in the clubhouse and told her so she could pick them up. She loved them. So yesterday... she went to the same food bank and they gave her some pork ribs. She doesn't eat pork... so she brought them to us. She eats, chicken, fish, and lamb. Hubby eats beef, pork, and chicken. We had some extra fish fillets and fish sticks. We also had some fresh produce to go with it so we gave it to her. While this exchange was going on.... we invited her in and we sat down and chatted for a few minutes.
I was thinking about how the Quran talked about making sure the right prophet was sent to the right people at the right time.... and now I'm a Southern Baptist reading the Quran and sharing food with a Jew. I figured she was one of those rich girls who worked, paid market price for her apartment and ate steak or lobster every night. Turns out she's just like me.... living on a modest income.... making ends meet.... and being happy with the life she has.
She's Jewish... she has no use for Jesus. It's how she was raised. The Quran has no use of Jesus either. I'm Southern Baptist... I believe that Jesus is the Son of God... sent here to conquer death. We believe in the same God..... we are just of different opinions on Christ.
So, pray tell, what in the world does this have to do with today's verses? Well..... It says those of us who have been persecuted for standing up for God.... be it Jewish, Muslim, or Christian.... will be taken care of here.... but what we have waiting for us in Heaven.... or the Hereafter..... is so amazing words don't do it justice.
God told Hagar He would watch over her son and his..... God told Sara He would watch over her son and his..... God told Muhammed He would watch over his people..... Noah had three sons....
Same God.... Same Family.....
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