Quran 16:66-70 Got Milk?


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Quran 16:66. And there is a lesson for you in cattle: We give you a drink from their bellies, from between waste and blood, pure milk, refreshing to the drinkers.
67. And from the fruits of date-palms and grapevines, you derive sugar and wholesome food. In this is a sign for people who understand.
68. And your Lord inspired the bee: “Set up hives in the mountains, and in the trees, and in what they construct.”
69. Then eat of all the fruits, and go along the pathways of your Lord, with precision. From their bellies emerges a fluid of diverse colors, containing healing for the people. Surely in this is a sign for people who reflect.
70. God created you; then He takes you away. Some of you will be brought back to the worst age, so that he will no longer know anything, after having acquired knowledge. God is Omniscient and Omnipotent.
This is today's commentary.

The water from heaven is the Divine revelation, the death of the earth is its corruption, and the giving of life signifies its spiritual awakening, marvellous signs of which had already appeared in Arabia.​
This and the previous verse seem to aim at a comparison between the Divine laws as manifested in nature and the handiwork of man. It is the working of Divine law in nature that produces such a valuable and agreeable diet as pure milk, separating it from the other elements — blood and dung — to which food is reduced in the belly of a cow, a goat, or other animal, which the hand of man is unable to do. On the other hand, the most agreeable provisions produced by nature in the form of fruits are turned into such a poisonous drug as wine by the hand of man. The two illustrations thus point out that just as Divine laws working in the physical world produce the purest and most agreeable diets, separating them from obnoxious elements and useless excrements, so their working in the spiritual world produces the sublimest moral teachings, which afford to man the purest and most agreeable spiritual diet. But the best teachings given by Divine revelation are likely to be corrupted by the hands of man, as the best of fruits is turned into such a disagreeable and obnoxious thing as wine, though if it had been preserved in its original condition it could have served as an excellent provision.​
This is another illustration to show that Divine revelation brings about an object which cannot be effected by human exertions. In this case the Divine laws of nature are shown working in the bee, which gathers the sweet juice of different flowers, making it into honey. What this small creature effects, working instinctively in obedience to Divine laws, cannot be effected by the combined exertions of the whole of humanity. This illustration from the physical world is introduced to show a similar working of the Divine laws in the spiritual world, viz., that the Prophet, working, as it were, instinctively in obedience to the Divine laws prevailing in the spiritual world, collects by Divine revelation all that is best and noblest in any religion, and sums it up in the Holy Qur’ån: a work which could not be effected by human exertion. It should be noted that five kinds of the waƒy (revelation) of Allåh are mentioned in the Holy Qur’ån: firstly, a revelation to inanimate objects, as the earth or the heavens (41:12); secondly, a revelation to living creatures other than man, as the bee; thirdly, a revelation to the angels; fourthly, a revelation to men and women other than prophets, as the apostles of Jesus or the mother of Moses; and fifthly, a revelation to prophets and messengers. It should be borne in mind that all these kinds of waƒy are not identical; as, for instance, in the case of the bee, it is its very instinct that is a revelation to it. The revelation to the prophets is the expression of Divine will for the guidance of men.
As in individuals, so in nations. Those who had been given knowledge of Divine revelation before the Holy Prophet had lost or corrupted it at the time of his advent; hence the necessity for a new Divine revelation.​
And the Quran sings "let me tell you 'bout the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees" and the milk from a cow.

Yesterday it was about burying the female babies because they didn't level up to males. Men have been running everything, and mucking it up, since the beginning.

Men take wholesome.... like fruit.... and turn it into intoxicant.... like wine.

Men take everything good..... and leave the rest for the least.

Men make the rules.... and enforce them.

Women.... have no stand in these verses..... but then again.... it's women who produce milk as wholesome as the milk produced by a cow.

Men get confused around women. When a woman is used by God.... as in the case of Mary.... men seem to sense it.

Men put Mary on that high platform of goddess. God didn't put her there. God used her for the womb He created to carry the Messiah to term.

Men take a great thing and turn it into poop. God takes poop and blood and turns it pure.

When men messed up the Gospel..... and started changing the truth with their mucked up thinking..... God had to send yet another prophet.... Muhammed.

Men.... Human Males..... have been in charge of mucking things up since Adam ate the apple instead of warning Eve.

These verses are how God creates wonders like pure milk from blood and poop.

Got Milk?

