Quran 16:71-76 Are you listening?


Well-Known Member
Quran 16:71. God has favored some of you over others in livelihood. Those who are favored would not give their properties to their servants, to the extent of making them partners in it. Will they then renounce God’s blessings?
72. God has given you mates from among yourselves; and has produced for you, from your mates, children and grandchildren; and has provided you with good things. Will they then believe in falsehood, and refuse God’s favors?
73. And yet they serve besides God what possesses no provisions for them in the heavens, nor on earth, nor are they capable.
74. So do not cite the examples for God. God knows, and you do not know.
75. God cites the example of a bonded slave, who has no power over anything; and someone to whom We have given plentiful provision, from which he gives secretly and openly. Are they equal in comparison? All praise belongs to God, but most of them do not know.
76. And God cites the example of two men: one of them dumb, unable to do anything, and is a burden on his master; whichever way he directs him, he achieves nothing good. Is he equal to him who commands justice, and is on a straight path?

This is the commentary.

The verse points to the differences in the physical world and affords an answer to the demand of the disbelievers expressly stated elsewhere: “We will not believe till we are given the like of that which Allåh’s messengers are given”, claiming an equal right with the Prophet to receive Divine revelation. It is, therefore, pointed out that, as there are differences in the physical world, so there are differences in the spiritual world. All men are not equally fit to receive the gift of Divine revelation. It is to this that the concluding words of the verse allude; the favour of Allåh, which is the Divine revelation, should not be denied simply because all men are not equal recipients of it.​
The statement made here is that for all men wives are created from their anfus (plural of nafs, meaning soul or self ); no one ever thinks of placing such an unnatural interpretation upon these words as that which is erroneously placed upon similar words about Adam, where the rib is made to take the place of soul or self. The words of the Qur’ån do not allow this unnatural interpretation, which is based upon the story of Genesis. In the words that follow, ƒafadah are mentioned along with banßn, or sons. Ïafadah is plural of ƒåfid, which means one who serves. But the word ƒafadah has been variously explained as meaning grandsons, daughters, sons-in-law and servants. Daughters seems to be the most appropriate significance, as being mentioned with sons.
They believe in the superstitition that the idols, which are inanimate objects, can intercede with Allåh, and deny the favour of Allåh being granted to a human being. Hence the next verse speaks of the idols.​
By slave is meant the idol-worshipper who, instead of being master of idols, stones, and such-like objects, as Allåh has created him to be, chooses to become a slave to them, bows before them, and considers them more powerful than himself. By the master of the goodly provision from Allåh is meant the recipient of the Divine revelation, i.e., the Prophet. The comparison is introduced to show that the idol-worshippers will ultimately find themselves deprived of all power. The words of the parable find an echo in the reply of Ab∂ Sufyån, when the Holy Prophet, who was entering Makkah as a conqueror, inquired of him: “Has not the time come when thou shouldst know that there is no god but Allåh?” Ab∂ Sufyån replied: “By Allåh! I am now certain that if there had been a god besides Allåh, it would surely have availed me somewhat”.
This parable makes the same comparison as the previous one. The purport is here made clearer. The master of the goodly provision from Allåh of the previous verse is here plainly called the enjoiner of justice and the one who is on the right path, while the idol-worshipper is the one who is not able to do anything and who remains unsuccessful in whatever he undertakes — a prophetical allusion to the defeats and discomfiture of the idolaters.​

Over and over and over I hear the same thing about idols.... they are good for nothing.

If an idol falls in the toilet.... can it get itself out? If there is a dust storm.... can an idol dust itself off? If the family dog decides to bury that idol out in the back yard.... can it unbury itself and get back to its shelf?

Man makes idols. Personally I think it's because men can't make babies.... but then again there are women who make idols too.

I love this theme..... "If God wants me to know something He will tell me." Of course He will. He already has.... but humans have distorted what He says. Should He put His message in an eight ball? You know the kind you ask a question and then read what's in the window..... that kind.... would you listen then?

When I watch politics.... there are seemingly two distinct sides to the same story. Each side has a perfectly understandable reason for the choices they make. Get down to the nitty gritty of the majority of the issues they argue about... and it's money..... shiny baubles.... foldable... portable little idols.... that's what it's all about. No wonder their story is distorted and hateful to the other side. It's about the build up of idols.... it's not about helping their fellow humans.... it's gone corrupt.

These verses are about the worship of idols.

Humans don't like the God who created everything and everyone.

Humans would rather have a god they create.

Humans don't like the God who will not be controlled.

Humans would rather have a god who will give them the winning lottery numbers.

If they pray for the winning lottery number and they don't get it.... then they say there is no God.

Should God cry over the multitudes of dumbarses who choose to ignore Him?

God knows if you will listen when He speaks. He's not going to waste His time on those who will not listen.

Are you too busy playing with your idols to talk to God?

Why should God have to hold your cheeks and speak directly into your eyes and ears and call you by your name?

Are you listening?
