Quran 17:71-78 Blind.....


Well-Known Member
Quran 17:71. On the Day when We call every people with their leader. Whoever is given his record in his right hand—these will read their record, and they will not be wronged one bit.
72. But whoever is blind in this, he will be blind in the Hereafter, and further astray from the way.
73. They almost lured you away from what We have revealed to you, so that you would invent something else in Our name. In that case, they would have taken you for a friend.
74. Had We not given you stability, you might have inclined towards them a little.
75. Then We would have made you taste double in life, and double at death; then you would have found for yourself no helper against Us.
76. They almost provoked you, to expel you from the land. In that case, they would not have lasted after you, except briefly.
77. The tradition of the messengers We sent before you—you will find no change in Our rules.
78. Perform the prayer at the decline of the sun, until the darkness of the night; and the Quran at dawn. The Quran at dawn is witnessed.

Well that's pretty but what does it mean? And what's this about I'll be blind in Heaven too? Here's the commentary.

The meaning is that the righteous will follow the righteous leaders and the wicked will follow their wicked leaders. The word imåm, or leader, here, is interpreted in several other ways, meaning scripture, prophet, law, book of deeds. The last of these significances also suits the context, as the books of deeds are spoken of in the words that follow.
This book is the one mentioned in v. 14, i.e., the effect of one’s deeds, which will be brought before everyone in a palpable form on the day of Resurrection. The book of deeds is given in the right hand to those who hold the Book of God in their right hands here, i.e., act upon it. As against them are those spoken of in the next verse; they remain blind to the Book of God, so they will be blind in the Hereafter.
We are here told that those who remain blind to truth in this life remain blind in the life after death, which shows that it is here that a hellish life begins with spiritual blindness, and that the hell of the next life is also a blindness.
The commentators think the allusion to be an incident which happened at Madßnah long after the revelation of this chapter. But there is a clear and well-authenticated incident regarding the attempt of the Quraish at Makkah, which, both as regards the offer of the Quraish and the firm reply of the Holy Prophet, exactly fits in with the statement of this verse and the one that follows. The chief men of the Quraish met in an assembly and invited the Prophet, saying to him that they were prepared to gather for him wealth or to make him their king, if he gave up speaking against their idols and their evil ways. The Prophet’s reply was that he wanted neither of these things, but that it was for their welfare that he asked them to give up evil ways. On an earlier occasion, when a deputation of the Quraish went to Ab∂ Ôålib, the Prophet’s uncle, to prevail upon him to dissuade the Prophet from speaking against their idols, and Ab∂ Ôålib told the Prophet that he, too, was unable to defend him against the Quraish, his reply was: “If they place the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left and ask me to give up my mission, I will not give it up until the truth prevail or I myself perish in the attempt”.​
The word idh-an (then or in that case) refers to the concluding words of the last verse. It is thus made clear that notwithstanding all the attempts of his opponents, the Prophet never inclined to them in the least.​
When the opponents failed to make the Prophet swerve from the path of Truth, they planned to expel him from the land, though they were told beforehand that in that case they themselves would not retain power but for a short time. It was only eight years after the Hijrah that the Prophet entered Makkah as a conqueror.
Elsewhere this law is stated thus: “And those who disbelieved said to their messengers: We will certainly drive you out of our land unless you come back into our religion. So their Lord revealed to them: We shall certainly destroy the wrongdoers, and We shall certainly settle you in the land after them”
After describing how the opponents wanted to bring the Prophet’s mission to failure by temptations as well as by threats and by their determination to get rid of him by all means, the Prophet is told to resort to prayer as a solution of the great difficulties with which he was beset. From the declining of the sun to sunset are two prayers, i.e., the ˚uhr and ‘a©r, or the early afternoon and later afternoon prayers, while from sunset till darkness there are two others, i.e., the maghrib and the ‘ishå’, or the sunset prayer and the prayer at nightfall. The fifth is the morning prayer, which is called here the Qur’ån al-fajr, or the recital of the Qur’ån at dawn. Thus this verse, which is one of the very early revelations, mentions all the five prayers. It should be noted that the four prayers from ˚uhr to ‘ishå’ are mentioned together because they follow each other after small intervals, while the fifth, the morning prayer, which comes after a long interval, is mentioned separately. The name Qur’ån al-fajr given to it is an indication that there is usually a lengthy recitation of the Qur’ån in it. This recitation is called mashh∂d or witnessed, as there is greater concentration of mind at that time.

Whew.... had me worried there for a few minutes.... you see I want to be able to see everything in Heaven... and I thought these verses were saying I would be blind in one eye when I get to Heaven. What a huge issue that would be.... but wait... it's Heaven.... so being blind in one eye in Heaven must not be too bad.... right?

So this is more about turning a blind eye to idol worship. This is more about turning a blind eye to the destruction of the Gospel. This is more about turning a blind eye to human meanness and injustice. This is more about making the rich boys happy so we can have our crumbs.

We have a choice. We can listen to the threats. We can let the fake preachers pound on pulpits for the rich man's agenda while we sit in the pews and nod in agreement [an effort to fit in].... or we can call them on it and remind them that God is in control.

Yesterday I was watching a documentary about the draught that is getting worse in Arizona. The owner of a farm was complaining that he would not get his allotment of water for the year and his crops [cotton and another manufacturing product] are failing. I should be alarmed about this.... I should be rationing water and yelling at Congress to get busy..... but for crying out loud.... there is an island that is being enveloped completely by lava. God is controlling this.

Hubby and I were talking about it. Now that I've had my booster.... I'm not afraid of winding up on a ventilator.... I can admit... COVID did scare me.... but only because men wouldn't admit it existed. There was no treatment and no cure.... there was no vaccine against it.... and they were claiming [some still] it doesn't exist. Men... and how they were reacting to the issue.... that's what bothered me. Now.... that I've had my booster.... men can be as ignorant as they want to be.... I'll pray for the victims.

I'm convinced now.... humans are all blind.... just some of us have a physical ailment.... that blindness will not matter once we get to Heaven. Some people are blind and it's going to keep them from getting to Heaven.... and they want to try to stop us from going there..... they think their shiny baubles will make you happy for an eternity..... but they will get tarnished and fall over in the quake that is coming our way. That kind of blind won't follow them to Heaven.... it will take them to Hades.

I'm blind in one eye..... but I'm going to Heaven.....

How's your eyesight?
