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Quran 17:85. And they ask you about the Spirit. Say, “The Spirit belongs to the domain of my Lord; and you were given only little knowledge.”
86. If We willed, We could take away what We revealed to you. Then you will find for yourself no protecting guardian against Us.
87. Except through a mercy from your Lord. His favors upon you have been great.
88. Say, “If mankind and jinn came together to produce the like of this Quran, they could never produce the like of it, even if they backed up one another.”
89. We have displayed for mankind in this Quran every kind of similitude, but most people insist on denying the truth.
90. And they said, “We will not believe in you unless you make a spring burst from the ground for us.
91. Or you have a garden of palms and vines; then cause rivers to gush pouring through them.
92. Or make the sky fall on us in pieces, as you claim, or bring God and the angels before us.
93. Or you possess a house of gold. Or you ascend into the sky. Even then, we will not believe in your ascension, unless you bring down for us a book that we can read.” Say, “Glory be to my Lord. Am I anything but a human messenger?”
94. Nothing prevented the people from believing, when guidance has come to them, except that they said, “Did God send a human messenger?”
95. Say, “If there were angels on earth, walking around in peace, We would have sent down to them from heaven an angel messenger.”
96. Say, “God is enough witness between you and me. He is fully aware of His servants, and He sees them well.”
97. Whomever God guides is the guided one. And whomever He leaves astray—for them you will find no protectors apart from Him. And We will gather them on the Day of Resurrection, on their faces, blind, dumb, and deaf. Their abode is Hell; whenever it abates, We intensify the blaze for them.
98. This is their repayment for having blasphemed against Our revelations, and having said, “Shall we, when we have become bones and fragments, be resurrected as a new creation?”
99. Do they not consider that God, Who created the heavens and the earth, is Able to create the likes of them? He has assigned for them a term, in which there is no doubt. But the wrongdoers persist in denying the truth.
100. Say, “If you possessed the treasuries of my Lord’s mercy, you would have withheld them for fear of spending.” The human being has always been stingy.
And here's the commentary.
For the word r∂ƒ, meaning inspiration or revelation. Here, before this verse as well as after it, the Qur’ån is the only topic of discussion, and therefore the context shows clearly that the question of the disbelievers is not about the soul of man, for which the proper word is nafs, but about the Qur’ån itself, i.e., the revelation or the spirit.
For the uniqueness of the Holy Qur’ån. It may be noted that out of the four places in which the disbelievers are challenged to produce the like of the Qur’ån, this is the only one where the jinn and the men are spoken of together; in all the other places the shuhadå’, or the leaders, take the place of the jinn. Bearing in mind that jinnß (plural jinn) means also a man acting with penetrative energy in his affairs, it becomes certain that the word jinn in this verse conveys the same significance as the word shuhadå’ in other verses. This settles conclusively that the word jinn is used in the Holy Qur’ån for the leaders of evil.
Mathal is synonymous with wa©f , and thus a description of anything may be called its mathal, though its application to a description by way of comparison or a parable is more general. It is here affirmed that all that contributes to the moral and spiritual welfare of man is made distinct in the Holy Qur’ån.
The signs demanded in this and the following three verses relate to the promises made for the righteous and the threats of punishment for the wicked, as given in the Qur’ån, and they were no doubt fulfilled in due time. But the disbelievers wanted to see the spiritual blessings of communion with God in a physical shape. The believers were granted gardens with rivers running in them even in this life, and punishment from heaven overtook the opponents, but this was to come about, and did come about, gradually.
The answer to all the demands of the disbelievers is that the Prophet was only a mortal messenger, and the prophecies regarding his own great future or the discomfiture of his enemies would be brought to fulfilment gradually, as in the case of messengers before him.
In the Bible... Judges 6.... Gideon sat down with an angel.... and asked "what happened to us?" Gideon was one of the good guys. God actually has Gideon talking to an angel under a shade tree when this happened. Gideon couldn't believe his own eyes and ears. He could believe that God was going to use him to save Israel from itself. In Judges 6:36.... Gideon says he wants his sign to be specific.... he wants to make sure this is legit... so he said he was going to lay a fleece [sheep skin] on the floor of the threshing room.... if he came back the next morning.... and only the fleece was wet... not the floor and fleece.... just the fleece.... with dew.... he would know it was from God. Gideon wanted a miracle.... a small one... but a miracle just the same... and he got it. BUT... that wasn't good enough.... after all a fleece will absorb the dew and stay wet for a while.... so Gideon asked God to make just the fleece DRY this time... if dew fell all around it and not on it... well that would be a miracle and proof. God must of liked Gideon.... a lot... because the next morning... everything was covered with a thick dew... except the fleece... which was nice and dry. That was Gideon's miracle.... God must have really liked Gideon.
The unbelievers in the Quran wanted something like that to happen in their lives. The unbelievers wanted a heavenly display.... like a dry fleece in the middle of a heavy laden dew to show them they were actually hearing from God. God didn't want to mess around making little miracles for humans all day and night.
Check out verse 94.... it says nothing would make them believe if they weren't of a mind to do so. Verse 96 says God is sign enough... He doesn't have to dance a jig or jump through hoops.... He created everything.... and in verse 100 it ends with "the human being has always been stingy".
Humans are stingy.... I wonder how many don't go to church because they don't want to give not one measly penny to the offering.
Humans are stingy.... they want all the children to survive abortion.... but then they don't want to help with the food, clothing, education, or healthcare.
Humans are stingy.... they won't share their "top of the food chain" status with anyone.... not even God.
Humans don't believe the Bible or the Quran.... because it naturally requires them to share faith with other believers.... it naturally requires them to give.... of themselves and their possessions.... nope... they won't share.... because.... humans are stingy.
Humans are stingy.....
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