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Quran 18:102. Do those who disbelieve think that they can take My servants for masters instead of Me? We have prepared Hell for the hospitality of the faithless.
103. Say, “Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in their works?”
104. “Those whose efforts in this world are misguided, while they assume that they are doing well.”
105. It is they who rejected the communications of their Lord, and the encounter with Him. So their works are in vain. And on the Day of Resurrection, We will consider them of no weight.
106. That is their requital—Hell—on account of their disbelief, and their taking My revelations and My messengers in mockery.
107. As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, they will have the Gardens of Paradise for hospitality.
108. Abiding therein forever, without desiring any change therefrom.
109. Say, “If the ocean were ink for the words of my Lord, the ocean would run out, before the words of my Lord run out,” even if We were to bring the like of it in addition to it.
110. Say, “I am only a human being like you, being inspired that your god is One God. Whoever hopes to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and never associate anyone with the service of his Lord.”
And here's today's commentary.
The Christians are meant here, because theirs is the most prominent example of having taken a servant of Allåh, a prophet, for God. In fact, Jesus Christ is the only person whom the Qur’ån recognizes as a righteous servant of God and who has been taken for God by nearly half the world.
This is a clear description of the present attitude of the civilized nations to their moral and spiritual needs — their effort is entirely wasted in this world’s life, and they cannot give a moment’s consideration to the life after death. The portrait of the material civilization, to which Christianity has led, as drawn in this section, attains to its most vivid clearness in these words. Manufacture is the one speciality and pride of the West. But they are so engrossed in the contest of manufactures that they have no thought of God left in their minds. Production and more production, that is the be-all and end-all of life with them.
Their works are vain because what they do relates to the vanities of life. They have no vision for the higher values of life, for the ultimate end, which is here spoken of as the meeting with the Lord. Hence we are told that no balance will be set up for them on the day of Resurrection, because all their deeds relate to this life, and end where this life ends.
In these words there is a refutation of the Christian doctrine that “the word was with God”, or that “the word was God” (John 1:1). The words of God are so numerous, we are here told, that the sea would be exhausted, if it were to serve as ink for writing them. In fact, everything created is a word of God according to the Holy Qur’ån, and things created know no end.
Good morning! This is the end of the chapter on "the Cave". According to this last comment this morning.... we're all living in a cave and we need to come out and see the world for what it is.Japheth's descendants built a wall to keep people out. Or... maybe.... it was to keep people in. People tend to change when they get around other people. Maybe they built that wall to keep their ideas to themselves.... because strange ideas make people stop and think... and no one can stop.... that would slow down production. Controlling the flow of information is one way to control the population.
As far as I can tell.... we all might as well be living in a cave. After all, I had no idea those who read the Quran worship the same God as I do. Sure... there are some serious issues with the politics of religion.... but we worship the same God.... so there is hope.
When I was a child.... I got this idea that Heaven has an assembly line. I think I got that idea from an awful saying I heard when I was a kid. "When they were handing out brains.... you thought they said trains... and you said I'll take a slow one". Did you ever hear that? It must have really stuck for me. I see this assembly line of babies all picking up their talents and attributes. In my case I picked up long legs, blue eyes, blondish hair that would turn auburn as I got older and a stubborn streak for all things Jesus. That's where we get the "attitude" for God.
According to these verses..... humans in places like America.... are willing to put God in a spot on their schedule and the rest of the time is spent on the production of shiny baubles.... money..... pretty paper.... money.... money makes our world go around.
According to these verses..... if God turned the Oceans to ink and used that ink to write a book about how ignorant we are.... He would have to resupply the Oceans with ink half way through. Humans are so ignorant!
So... were you born in a cave? Do you still reside in a cave? Are you afraid to come out into the light? Keep a watch... earthquakes cause issues for everyone... even those hiding in caves.
So... where you been all this time.... living in a cave?
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