Quran 18:45-53 Bain and Jinn


Well-Known Member
Quran 18: 45. And cite for them the parable of the present life: it is like water that We send down from the sky; the plants of the earth absorb it; but then it becomes debris, scattered by the wind. God has absolute power over everything.
46. Wealth and children are the adornments of the present life. But the things that last, the virtuous deeds, are better with your Lord for reward, and better for hope.
47. On the Day when We set the mountains in motion; and you see the earth emerging; and We gather them together, and leave none of them behind.
48. They will be presented before your Lord in a row. “You have come to Us as We created you the first time. Although you claimed We would not set a meeting for you.”
49. And the book will be placed, and you will see the sinners fearful of its contents. And they will say, “Woe to us! What is with this book that leaves nothing, small or big, but it has enumerated it?” They will find everything they had done present. Your Lord does not wrong anyone.
50. We said to the angels, “Bow down to Adam.” So they bowed down, except for Satan. He was of the jinn, and he defied the command of his Lord. Will you take him and his offspring as lords instead of Me, when they are an enemy to you? Evil is the exchange for the wrongdoers.
51. I did not call them to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor their own creation; and I do not take the misleaders for assistants.
52. On the Day when He will say, “Call on My partners whom you have claimed.” They will call on them, but they will not answer them. And We will place between them a barrier.
53. And the sinners will see the Fire, and will realize that they will tumble into it. They will find no deliverance from it.
Here's the commentary.

Making the earth a levelled plain indicates the removal of all those mighty obstacles which stood in the way of the advancement of Truth, and these are the mountains which are made to pass away.​
This comprehensive book is the same as is spoken of in 17:13, 14: “And We have made every man’s actions to cling to his neck, and We shall bring forth to him on the day of Resurrection a book which he will find wide open. Read thy book. Thine own soul is sufficient as a reckoner against thee this day”. There is not the slightest action, good or bad, which does not leave its effect behind.​
Iblßs is one of the jinn or the evil spirits, so it is an error to take him for an angel or a good spirit. The spirit of evil is always rebellious, and it is against this that man is warned, so that he should resist every evil tendency.
Bain has three significances, viz., disunion, union, and between, and maubiq means perdition or separation, or fatal enmity

I thought there would be another parable.... but alas.... it's just a warning.

I had to look up Jinn again. The verses refer to Satan as one of the Jinn. I bet he just growled a little... ha.... Satan could be the lord of the Jinn and still he would have to serve humans.... and that gets in his crawl, I bet. I read, a couple times, in this Quran where God showed Satan a human and commented on how special the human is. See... in the hierarchy of Heaven.... money and power don't mean anything. There is no money and God sets the power. God is the top..... humans come next.... then the Angels.... and then the Jinn. If Angels don't behave.... they are thrown in with the Jinn..... poof.

There are books that open in the Bible... they are in Revelation. This is the Judgement day stuff. Satan has a lot of work to do.... he thinks he can change all the humans into Jinn.... so God will quit smiling! God pointed Job out to Satan.... and Satan had no respect for Job what so ever.... and Satan told God, "the only reason he worships you... is that you are good to him". That's Satan's story.... he is a Jinn with a particular hate for anything and anyone who God loves.

Satan thinks... when the books are opened.... there will be more humans in Hades than in Heaven. I'm good with that... I don't like battling crowds... that's not heavenly.

This is about Bain and Jinn..... and I would appreciate knowing neither.

