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Quran 18:95. He said, “What my Lord has empowered me with is better. But assist me with strength, and I will build between you and them a dam.”
96. “Bring me blocks of iron.” So that, when he had leveled up between the two cliffs, he said, “Blow.” And having turned it into a fire, he said, “Bring me tar to pour over it.”
97. So they were unable to climb it, and they could not penetrate it.
98. He said, “This is a mercy from my Lord. But when the promise of my Lord comes true, He will turn it into rubble, and the promise of my Lord is always true.”
99. On that Day, We will leave them surging upon one another. And the Trumpet will be blown, and We will gather them together.
100. On that Day, We will present the disbelievers to Hell, all displayed.
101. Those whose eyes were screened to My message, and were unable to hear.
Here's the commentary.
The blocks of iron were needed for the iron gates in the wall, for which see the concluding lines of the last note.
From the historical narration of the past, the subject is now changed to the future. Gog and Magog are described as two nations, and after describing the history of these nations, whose depredations on peaceful nations were brought to an end by Darius, we are now told that Gog and Magog will again be let loose in the latter days. In fact, this is clearly foretold in another chapter of the same period: “when Gog and Magog are let loose, and they sally forth from every elevated place”. This is the only other occasion on which Gog and Magog are spoken of in the Holy Qur’ån. The crumbling of the wall which withheld Gog and Magog for a time is thus explained by the Qur’ån itself, as the letting loose of Gog and Magog. Just as the building of the wall indicated the confinement of Gog and Magog to their own territorial bounds, the crumbling of the wall means that they will at some future time be let loose and they will then dominate the whole world. This domination is spoken of in the Ïadßth in various ways. According to one ƒadßth, “No one will have the power to fight against them”. According to another, “they will drink the water of the whole world”. According to a third, God said: “I have created some of My servants whom no one can destroy but Myself ”. As shown in 94a, the ancestors of Gog and Magog are the Slav and Teutonic races, and in the world-domination of Gog and Magog is thus clearly hinted the domination of the European nations over the whole world, and the prophecy has thus found fulfilment in our days.
A mighty conflict of the nations is clearly spoken of here, and the words no doubt refer to some catastrophe like that which is predicted in the Gospels in the words: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matt. 24:7, 8).
The Qur’ån makes it clear that the reference in nation rising against nation is to the great European conflicts which we are witnessing nowadays. Gog and Magog, or the European nations, having subdued the whole world, could not agree on the division of the spoils, and they are rushing at one another’s throats, and the whole world being subject to them, their struggle has assumed the form of a world conflict. One World-War ends only to be followed by another. But if the first part of the verse speaks of the destruction due to these wars, the second part raises a great hope. Will this great world conflict bring the world to an end? Human efforts to restore the balance to the world are a failure. But the Qur’ån tells us that a mighty Revolution will come about. That is what is meant by the blowing of the trumpet. This revolution will be a change in the mentality of the nations. A silver lining is introduced in this dark picture by the words, then We shall gather them all together. The revolution would unite them; it would drive them to one common faith. Material benefits having turned man into the enemy of man, a spiritual awakening will, we are told, be brought about which will change the world entirely. Instead of cutting one another’s throats men will learn to love one another, and they will all be but one nation. There is a broad enough hint here at the nation of Islåm, for there is but one faith, the faith of Islåm, which has been able to weld diverse people into one whole. The day of peace for this world will dawn with the dawning of the idea on the mind of man that there is only a single nation, the human nation, that lives on this earth: “Mankind is a single nation”. And actually Islåm is the only religion in the world which has been successful in uniting different nations into one whole and in obliterating distinctions of race and colour.
These words complete the picture of the great conflict spoken of in the previous verse. It in fact describes the severity of the conflict, it will reduce the world to a veritable hell. We have seen hell raging on this earth in World-War II. What World-War III may bring, no one can say.
The reason is given in these words why these disasters will be brought on man: These are people whose eyes are under a cover from My Reminder. Nay, they are so estranged from God that they cannot even bear to hear His Reminder. So thoroughly have lust and greed engrossed the civilized world!
In part 2 of the story that I worked on yesterday, I learned about a wall. Nope... it's not the Great Wall of China.... it's a wall in Europe! The Magog decided to build a wall to keep the people to the south out. In the US History.... there are a lot of walls. The US is a melting pot. We came here from all over the world. We don't have "tribes" like the twelve tribes of Israel. The Jones live in the same area as the Smiths. If the Jones want to keep the Smiths out... they put up a wall but it can only be around their own property. In the Quran.... the Jones owned all of Europe.... so they could build a wall miles and miles and miles long to keep the Smiths out of their yard. We're a melting pot now. Our walls are full of holes because no one really owns the property [accept the banks].
After two World Wars..... we've learned how to growl. If we get into a third World War.... anyone who survives will be totally dependent on trusting the guy next door.
Jesus told us to be kind to one another. "There will be wars and rumors of wars".
Most of the families in the US today trace their roots back to Europe..... there were people here when they arrived.... but they shoved those people out of the way and took the land. Our Justice System is modeled after the one in Europe. There is no wall dividing our borders because we came over the wall in Europe to come here. Walls don't really mean a lot to the people in the US because we used to all be free range. We're all escaped from the coop. Now we are divided by faith, race, and politics. There is no brick and mortar to keep us separate. We sell everyone a "white picket fence".
The Quran says there will be one nation that covers the whole world. The Quran says there will be one faith for all the people.
What faith will survive a third World War?
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