Quran 19:27-40 Bastard child?


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Quran 19: 27. Then she came to her people, carrying him. They said, “O Mary, you have done something terrible.
28. O sister of Aaron, your father was not an evil man, and your mother was not a whore.”
29. So she pointed to him. They said, “How can we speak to an infant in the crib?”
30. He said, “I am the servant of God. He has given me the Scripture, and made me a prophet.
31. And has made me blessed wherever I may be; and has enjoined on me prayer and charity, so long as I live.
32. And kind to my mother, and He did not make me a disobedient rebel.
33. So Peace is upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the Day I get resurrected alive.
34. That is Jesus son of Mary—the Word of truth about which they doubt.
35. It is not for God to have a child—glory be to Him. To have anything done, He says to it, “Be,” and it becomes.
36. “God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path.
37. But the various factions differed among themselves. So woe to those who disbelieve from the scene of a tremendous Day.
38. Listen to them and watch for them the Day they come to Us. But the wrongdoers today are completely lost.
39. And warn them of the Day of Regret, when the matter will be concluded. Yet they are heedless, and they do not believe.
40. It is We who will inherit the earth and everyone on it, and to Us they will be returned.

This is the commentary.... it's long....

The conversation that is related to have taken place in the verses that follow is alone sufficient to make it clear that the coming of Mary to her people with her son, as stated in this verse, relates to a time when Jesus had grown sufficiently old to have been raised to the dignity of a prophet, and to have received Divine revelation, as he speaks of having been given the book in v. 30. The commentators, merely because the verse follows one in which the birth of Jesus is spoken of, understand the incident to relate to a time when Jesus was still a baby. But it should be noted that the Holy Qur’ån does not relate stories in all their details, and often omits a number of incidents which are not needed for its purpose. Compare, for instance, the 11th and 12th verses, the first of which relates only Zacharias’ receiving the joyful news of a son, while the second asks that son to take hold of the Book with strength. Jesus could only say that he was made a prophet, when he was actually entrusted with the mission of a prophet, and not before, and Jesus’ address to his people, as related in vv. 30 and 31, clearly shows that he had already been entrusted with that mission. Moreover, it is unreasonable to suppose that, as soon as Mary gave birth to the child, she took it to her people to make a show of it. The Qur’ån, v. 22, states that she was then going to some remote place, and thus the incident related here could not have taken place immediately after the delivery. The word carrying does not show that she was carrying him in her arms; it means that he was being carried on an animal. Compare 9:92, where some of the companions are spoken of as coming to the Prophet that he might carry them, and he is related as saying in reply that he had not that on which to carry them. Compare Matt. 21:1– 7. There the story is related of Jesus entering Jerusalem riding an ass, or an ass and a colt: “And brought the ass and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon” (Matt. 21:7).​
The reference in Mary’s bringing a strange thing may be to her having given birth to a son who claimed greater authority than the elders of Israel, with a deeper hint to the calumny against her, for which see 4:156a. But the word farß also signifies a forger of lies. It is remarkable that in his reply Jesus does not make a single reference to the circumstances of his birth. Hence the inference is quite reasonable that the question, whichever significance of the words may be taken, was directed against the mission of Jesus and not against the circumstances relating to his birth.
Mary belonged to the priestly class, as Wherry also admits, “because she was of the Levitical race, as by her being related to Elizabeth it would seem she was,” and therefore she is rightly called ukht Hår∂n, or sister of Aaron, the word ukht being by no means limited to the close blood-relationship like its equivalent in English. IJ relates the following incident: ˝afiyyah (the Prophet’s wife) came to the Messenger of Allåh (may peace and the blessings of Allåh be upon him!) and said: “The women say to me, a Jewess, daughter of two Jews”. He said to her: “Why didst thou not say: Surely my father is Aaron and my uncle is Moses and my husband is Mu√ammad?”​
Old and learned Jews would no doubt speak of a young man who was born and brought up before their eyes as a child in the cradle, as if disdaining to address one so young. See what follows, vv. 30, 31, wherein it is made quite clear that the incident mentioned here relates to a time when Jesus was a grown-up man.
It is clear that this conversation did not take place when Jesus was an infant in the cradle, but when he had actually been made a prophet.​
It is absurd to suppose that prayers and alms were enjoined on Jesus while he was only a day old and that he really observed these injunctions at that age. In fact, Jesus’ answer clearly shows that he was addressing his people after he had been entrusted with the mission of prophethood.
Here only the mother is spoken of, whereas in a similar case in v. 14 John is spoken of as being kind to both parents. This may be due to the fact that Joseph may not have been living at the time when Jesus spoke these words. Joseph was already an old man when he married Mary, and by the time that the ministry of Jesus begins we find no mention of him even in the Gospels, the mother and brothers being the only relations mentioned. Or, the mother alone is mentioned because the Gospels relate an incident showing that Jesus was rude to his mother (Matt. 12:48), and this verse disproves the statement, it being one of the objects of the Qur’ån to clear Jesus of all false charges.​
According to Matthew, when Jesus was tempted of the devil, who asked him to worship him, Jesus’ reply was: “For it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve” (Matt. 4:10).​
The day of Judgment is here called the day of Regret, because man will then regret that he wasted the opportunity given to him to work for his own good.

I won't take long this morning.... that was a long winded commentary. I've found the longer the wind... the bigger the blow..... and this just blows.

What we need to decide is.... when is this.... when did Mary show off her baby? The Bible says she had the baby in Bethlehem but then they were told by an Angel to flee to Egypt because His life was in danger. So.... she didn't get to bring her baby to the family and introduce Him until she could safely go to Nazareth.... so He would have been a toddler by that time.

Check out verse 28..... to me... today... it would have been said "You are practically a preacher's kid.... you weren't raised to be a whore.... what are you doing showing up with a bastard child".
