Quran 19:51-65 Forgotten Prayer


Well-Known Member
Quran 19:51. And mention in the Scripture Moses. He was dedicated. He was a messenger and a prophet.
52. And We called him from the right side of the Mount, and brought him near in communion.
53. And We granted him, out of Our mercy, his brother Aaron, a prophet.
54. And mention in the Scripture Ishmael. He was true to his promise, and was a messenger, a prophet.
55. And he used to enjoin on his people prayer and charity, and he was pleasing to his Lord.
56. And mention in the Scripture Enoch. He was a man of truth, a prophet.
57. And We raised him to a high position.
58. These are some of the prophets God has blessed, from the descendants of Adam, and from those We carried with Noah, and from the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and from those We guided and selected. Whenever the revelations of the Most Gracious are recited to them, they would fall down, prostrating and weeping.
59. But they were succeeded by generations who lost the prayers and followed their appetites. They will meet perdition.
60. Except for those who repent, and believe, and act righteously. These will enter Paradise, and will not be wronged in the least.
61. The Gardens of Eden, promised by the Most Merciful to His servants in the Unseen. His promise will certainly come true.
62. They will hear no nonsense therein, but only peace. And they will have their provision therein, morning and evening.
63. Such is Paradise which We will give as inheritance to those of Our servants who are devout.
64. “We do not descend except by the command of your Lord. His is what is before us, and what is behind us, and what is between them. Your Lord is never forgetful.”
65. Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them. So worship Him, and persevere in His service. Do you know of anyone equal to Him?

And here's the commentary.

Ras∂l, or messenger, means one who is sent with a message for the regeneration of men, while nabß, or prophet, is one who has the gift of prophecy, i.e., who receives a naba’ or information from on high. The elect who are chosen for the regeneration of man are called prophets as receiving knowledge from Allåh, and messengers as delivering to humanity the messages they receive.​
Ishmael was a prophet. When Abraham prayed to the Lord “that Ishmael might live before Thee” (Gen. 17:18), the reply was: “And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee” (Gen. 17:20), which shows that Ishmael was made a prophet.​
Idrßs is the same as Enoch. The word raf‘, which is used of Jesus, is also used of Enoch, and some commentators therefore misinterpret the words as indicating that Enoch was taken up to heaven alive. But the same mistake is made in both cases, for raf‘ signifies raising to high dignity. The mistake seems to have arisen from what is said of Enoch in the Bible. Thus, in Gen. 5:24: “And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him”. The New Testament is plainer yet: “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him” (Heb. 11:5). Only once again is he mentioned in the Holy Qur’ån.​
This description of the Hereafter is really to show that the Muslim in this world talks of nothing but peace. Islåm is really peace, and it is by making peace here with the Creator and His creatures that one can find peace hereafter. This is the great truth underlying the Islamic idea of paradise, for of paradise it is frequently stated in the Holy Qur’ån that there will be nothing but peace therein.​
The state of perfect peace spoken of in the previous verse is here called the Garden which the righteous will inherit.
The words, we descend not, are generally understood to refer to the coming of angels with Divine revelation. There is no doubt that the reference here is to the revelation of the Holy Prophet, the significance being that, as the angels brought revelation to previous prophets, so they now bring revelation, by the command of the Lord, to the Holy Prophet Mu√ammad. The concluding words of the verse, thy Lord is never forgetful, signify that the promises and prophecies made by God through His prophets could not be forgotten. Thus an account of the previous prophets is concluded with a reference to the revelation of the Holy Prophet, and this is the subject dealt with in the remaining sections of the chapter. Some, however, think that these are the words of the faithful, which they will speak when they enter paradise (Rz).​
Check out verse 59..... Have people forgotten about prayer? Are people on the way to Perdition?

The word perdition means "(in Christian theology) a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death. "

I heard "stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again... expecting different results". We keep pounding the pulpits and demanding God do as we say.... but we can't even remember to pray?

Now.... Enoch.... didn't die. I've been talking about a theory I have that Jesus was sent here to cure death. Perhaps Enoch was the first, sent as a human, who was sent to conquer that death Satan started in the garden. Enoch just went up... there was no cross or tomb and no guard was posted on his body to make sure it didn't disappear. That must not have worked. Jesus had to get in the womb and learn to be a human to conquer the death Satan started.

Elijah wasn't mentioned here but he didn't die either. Elijah didn't disappear like Enoch.... His buddy Elisha was with him when he went to heaven. He didn't die... he just left.

It took someone higher on the ladder of Divinity to conquer the death Satan brought to the garden. Satan was so jealous.... he caused death for the humans... and I theorize the only way to reverse the death Satan brought... would be for God to become human. That actually accomplished a couple of great actions. God, as Jesus, learned exactly how it feels to be tempted. He also learned exactly how it feels to resist temptation successfully. AND it conquered death. Jesus walked out of the tomb alive.... we will too. He figured it out... as a human.

In the generations to follow, though.... humans have been listening to Satan again.

Have you forgotten prayer?

