Quran 2:111-120 Christians fighting Jews


Well-Known Member
Quran 2:111. And they say, “None will enter Heaven unless he is a Jew or a Christian.” These are their wishes. Say, “Produce your proof, if you are truthful.”
112. In fact, whoever submits himself to God, and is a doer of good, will have his reward with his Lord—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
113. The Jews say, “The Christians are not based on anything;” and the Christians say, “The Jews are not based on anything.” Yet they both read the Scripture. Similarly, the ignorant said the same thing. God will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their differences.
114. Who is more unjust than him who forbids the remembrance of God’s name in places of worship, and contributes to their ruin? These ought not to enter them except in fear. For them is disgrace in this world, and for them is a terrible punishment in the Hereafter.
115. To God belong the East and the West. Whichever way you turn, there is God’s presence. God is Omnipresent and Omniscient.
116. And they say, “God has begotten a son.” Be He glorified. Rather, His is everything in the heavens and the earth; all are obedient to Him.
117. Originator of the heavens and the earth. Whenever He decrees a thing, He says to it, “Be,” and it becomes.
118. Those who do not know say, “If only God would speak to us, or a sign would come to us.” Thus said those who were before them. Their hearts are alike. We have made the signs clear for people who are certain.
119. We have sent you with the truth—bringing good news, and giving warnings. You will not be questioned about the inmates of Hell.
120. The Jews and the Christians will not approve of you, unless you follow their creed. Say, “God’s guidance is the guidance.” Should you follow their desires, after the knowledge that has come to you, you will have in God neither guardian nor helper

This is from muslim.org.

The address hitherto has been particularly to the Jews, but the “people of the Book” include both Jews and Christians, and along with the idolaters they were both opposed to Islåm; and hence the Christians are now expressly spoken of. That the Jews denounced the Christians and the Christians denounced the Jews is expressly stated in v. 113, and hence what is said here may be expanded thus: The Jews say that none shall enter the Garden except a Jew and the Christians say that none shall enter the Garden except the Christians. Both degraded religion to a belief in a set of doctrines, and leading a life of righteousness was not considered as of the essence of religion.

And.... this is from the same place.

The Christian doctrine that God has a son is refuted here. Though mainly it is the Jews who are addressed in this chapter, Christianity also is spoken of occasionally, in contrast with the next chapter in which Christianity finds a detailed mention while there are occasional references to Judaism. The phrase sub√åna-h∂ is always used to declare the freedom of the Divine Being from all imperfections, and is always mentioned in connection with the doctrine of sonship to show that to attribute a son to the Divine Being is to attribute an imperfection to Him, which is met with in human beings. The doctrine of sonship is mentioned here as being opposed to the religion which requires entire submission to Divine commandments from every man and thus dispenses with the necessity of a conciliator.​
The disbelievers refused to accept the truth of Islåm unless either Allåh spoke to them, so that they should have a proof that He sends His messages to men, or that a sign should come to them. The sign which they often demanded was the threatened punishment. As disgrace in this world is predicted for them (v. 114), their demand is that as an evidence of the Prophet’s truth that punishment should overtake them. The answer to both these demands is contained in v. 119, for as a bearer of good news the Prophet told them that if they purified themselves by walking in his footsteps, Allåh would speak to them, and as a warner he informed them of the coming wrath if they persisted in their evil ways.

I think what this is saying is simple.... Christians and Jews are so busy arguing over who is right.... that they leave God out.

I think what this is saying is simple..... Christians and Jews are so busy fighting the message of Islam.... that they leave God out.

To some.... I think the "being" is their "big thing" and they will defend it no matter how ignorant they show themselves to be.

One big difference I see there is "be". Christians believe that once you believe you become saved.... and it has nothing to do with works.

I notice the Muslims believe that believers will do what is right.... or at least try.

The emphasis is on belief.... and if there is belief.... then there should be works, naturally.

When I joined the Brownies I learned their rules and tried to "be prepared". Now why would I want to join a church or a mosque without learning their rules and trying to "be" prepared to do whatever required? After all.... I joined.

Why does that guy in the pew next to me reek of booze? Is he still attempting to hide his disbelief or is today the first day of his journey with God?
