Quran 22:23-25 Good Job Gabriel!


Well-Known Member
Quran 22: 23. But God will admit those who believe and do good deeds into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will be decorated therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments therein will be of silk.
24. They were guided to purity of speech. They were guided to the path of the Most Praised.
25. As for those who disbelieve and repel from God’s path and from the Sacred Mosque—which We have designated for all mankind equally, whether residing therein or passing through—and whoever seeks to commit sacrilege therein—We will make him taste of a painful punishment.
Commentary, although it's on the light side today.

The following incident, mentioned by Baihaqß, shows that the companions of the Prophet understood these prophecies in another sense too: “The bracelets of Kisrå, the Persian monarch, were brought to ‘Umar, and he caused Suråqah, son of Målik, to wear them, on which he praised the Almighty”. The reason for ‘Umar causing the bracelets to be worn by Suråqah is also given by the same authority in another report, according to which the Holy Prophet had said to Suråqah: “How wilt thou feel when thou wearest the bracelets of Kisrå?” (Kha©å’i© al-Kubrå, vol. ii, p. 113).​
Or, ‘åkif may signify the dweller in Makkah, and båd, the dweller in the desert, or the two may respectively signify one who dwells in it constantly and one who comes to it occasionally. The disbelievers, being then in possession of the Sacred Mosque, prevented the Muslims from using it. They are told that this state of things will be brought to an end, for it must be open to all visitors, and that could only be brought about by the Muslims being made masters of it.​
This morning I saw the name Kisra.... and decided I needed to look this emperor up. Well there's a story... a lot like the stories in the Bible. Kisra.... was another one of those humans who decided he was god. Like Pharaoh... he had everyone doing his bidding and it went to his head. Muhammed wrote a letter to this emperor, and warned him he was doomed to Hades and offered a way out through Islam. Well the bigheaded emperor sent a dispatch to the Byzantine monarch [the other big ruling monarchy of the day] and asked them to arrest Muhammed.

Muhammed, according to the story, was visited by Gabriel.... you know Gabriel from the Bible.... and Gabriel told Muhammed that the tyrant Kisra was going to be murdered by the monarch's own son. Gabriel gave Muhammed the date and time of the emperor's demise. When the bald headed men with huge handlebar mustaches arrived to arrest Muhammed.... He gave the information to the Badhan, the Byzantine ruler. When his information proved to be true.... Badhan believed and became a Muslim. Muhammed was honored as a Prophet. Good Job Gabriel!

So... short message this morning... but it's a fun one.

Good job Gabriel.

