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Quran 22:34. We have appointed a rite for every nation, that they may commemorate God’s name over the livestock He has provided for them. Your God is One God, so to Him submit, and announce good news to the humble.
35. Those whose hearts tremble when God is mentioned, and those who endure what has befallen them, and those who perform the prayer and spend from what We have provided for them.
36. We have made the animal offerings emblems of God for you. In them is goodness for you. So pronounce God’s name upon them as they line up. Then, when they have fallen on their sides, eat of them and feed the contented and the beggar. Thus We have subjected them to you, that you may be thankful.
37. Neither their flesh, nor their blood, ever reaches God. What reaches Him is the righteousness from you. Thus He subdued them to you, that you may glorify God for guiding you. And give good news to the charitable.
38. God defends those who believe. God does not love any ungrateful traitor.
Here's the commentary.
The principle of sacrifice is one which is accepted in one form or another by all nations of the world; but it has a deeper meaning in Islåm. The outward act is still there, as of old, but it no more conveys the meaning attached to it in ancient religions, viz., that of appeasing an offended Deity, or that of serving as an atonement for sins. It signifies the sacrifice of the sacrificer himself, and becomes thus an outward symbol of his readiness to lay down his life, if required, and to sacrifice all his interests and desires in the cause of Truth. Hence it is that words introducing the subject of sacrifice are immediately followed by an injunction to submit oneself entirely to Allåh, Who is the one God, i.e., the only Being Who deserves to be made the true object of one’s love.
It is by the mention of Allåh’s name that an animal is sacrificed, and the meaning underlying it is that their own hearts should tremble at the mention of that name. Thus they should bear in mind, when sacrificing an animal over which they hold control, how much more necessary it is that they should lay down their lives in the way of Allåh, Who holds control over all. Hence a verse speaking of sacrifices is immediately followed by one which requires the exercise of great patience and endurance under hard trials by the faithful. The sacrifice of an animal is thus a reminder to man that he must be ready to sacrifice his own life in the cause of Truth.
The meaning conveyed here is the same as that in the previous verse. The camels which are brought for sacrifice to Makkah by the pilgrims are here stated to be only outward signs of the true religion of Allåh, that religion being no other than the religion of entire submission and of laying down all one has, even one’s life, in the way of Allåh.
The flesh of the animals sacrificed is not to be wasted, but it should serve as food for the poor and the needy. The burying of the flesh of the numerous sacrifices at Makkah on the occasion of the pilgrimage is not in accordance with any injunction of the Holy Qur’ån or any saying of the Holy Prophet. It can be turned to good use.
This verse settles conclusively that it is not the outward act of sacrifice, which is acceptable, but the deep meaning of sacrifice which underlies it. It should also be borne in mind that the idea of atonement is quite foreign to Islamic sacrifice. It is the righteous whom Islåm requires to sacrifice, and this is hinted at in the words, to Him is acceptable observance of duty on your part.
With this verse, which brings this section to a close, is introduced a new subject, the subject of fighting in the way of Allåh, which is dealt with at length in the following section. This sheds light upon the connection which exists between the two subjects. After dealing with the subject of sacrifice theoretically, the Muslim has in fact been prepared to bring into practice the theory of the sacrifice. Hence he is told that the time is near when he will be required to lay down his very life in the defence of Truth, which the opponents were striving to exterminate. Therefore, the subject of fighting in the cause of Truth is a fitting sequel to the subject of sacrifice, as casting further light upon the inner meaning of sacrifice, and also requiring that doctrine to be carried into practice.
I heard.... the reason we had to sacrifice goes back to Adam and Eve. God created wonderful creatures to inhabit the earth, the seas, and the skies. He made Adam and showed Adam off to all the angels and others around. He bragged on what Adam would do.... like naming all the animals. He was so happy with Adam.... it pissed Satan off. Satan got thrown out of Heaven because of something he said to God when God was showing off His newest creation.
So when Satan found himself on earth.... he sought out Adam and Adam's new "helper", Eve. He smooth-talked them into eating a fruit that would slowly kill the generations to come. Satan told Adam that God was jealous of Adam and Eve and wanted them to stay ignorant. Satan told Adam, "Adam could be god if he wanted to.... and that's why God left Adam in ignorance."
When Adam ate the fruit that cleared his mind.... Adam's butt started to follow what Satan told him. Adam figured out he was naked. Adam figured out Eve was naked. Adam figured out they did something that changed things. Adam cleared his mind and his butt went right to heck in a handbag. Adam had to hide this new found clear mind from God.... because God told them not to eat that fruit.
I remember my first drink and how it made me feel. I got in a horrible argument with my best friend and she bit me. I still have her toothmarks in my arm some sixty years later. I remember my first bowl of pot and how it made me feel. There was a "song" on the radio.... and the lyrics were bizarre. "Number nine... Number nine" and I remember "clear your mind and your butt will follow. I knew this was not something I would experience in a pew at church.... but I did it anyway.
Can't you just see Adam.... with that fruit behind his back.... like God couldn't see it. I don't think Adam knew God invented the future and so God already knew Adam was just as likely to follow Satan's advice and hide when he did something stupid.
God had to sacrifice one of His magnificent animals to clothe Adam and Eve.
I don't recall reading that Adam was grateful for the sacrifice of the animal.
I don't recall reading that Adam and Eve thanked God for the fur; not to mention all that meat for just two people with no freezers.
Adam and his "helper" were ungrateful.
They were both ungrateful traitors.
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