Quran 22:49-57 It's not exclusive....


Well-Known Member
Quran 22:49. Say, “O people, I am only a plain warner to you.”
50. Those who believe and work righteousness—for them is forgiveness and a generous provision.
51. But those who strive against Our revelations—these are the inmates of Hell.
52. We never sent a messenger before you, or a prophet, but when he had a desire Satan interfered in his wishes. But God nullifies what Satan interjects, and God affirms His revelations. God is Omniscient and Wise.
53. In order to make Satan’s suggestions a trial for those whose hearts are diseased, and those whose hearts are hardened. The wrongdoers are in profound discord.
54. And so that those endowed with knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord, and so believe in it, and their hearts soften to it. God guides those who believe to a straight path.
55. Those who disbelieve will continue to be hesitant about it, until the Hour comes upon them suddenly, or there comes to them the torment of a desolate Day.
56. Sovereignty on that Day belongs to God; He will judge between them. Those who believe and do good deeds will be in the Gardens of Bliss.
57. But those who disbelieve and reject Our revelations—these will have a humiliating punishment.

Here's the commentary.

Some careless commentators mention here the false story relating to what the Christian critics call “the Lapse” of the Prophet. The Prophet, they say, on this occasion recognized that the idols worshipped by the Arabs could intercede with God on their behalf. That such a thing never happened is shown in 53:21a. This story has been rejected by all sound and reliable commentators. Thus Ibn Kathßr says: “Many commentators relate here the story of the Gharånßq ... but it is from sources not traceable to any companion”. According to Rz, commentators who aim at accuracy and truth say that this story is false and a forgery. Bd makes similar remarks. The words do not, and cannot, mean that when a prophet recites a revelation, the devil introduces his own words into his recitation. It is absurd on the face of it, and the Holy Qur’ån belies it when it says: “He makes His secrets known to none, except a messenger whom He chooses. For surely He makes a guard to go before him and after him, that He may know that they have truly delivered the messages of their Lord”. Moreover, it is absolutely inconceivable that such an important incident as the Prophet’s having accepted the intercession of idols should have been mentioned in the Qur’ån eight years after it happened. The 53rd chapter, in which the change is said to have taken place, was revealed before the fifth year of the Prophet’s call, while this chapter was revealed on the eve of the Prophet’s departure from Makkah. That more than half the Qur’ån should have been revealed during this long period without a single reference to the alleged story, and that it should then have been quite unnecessarily referred to in a chapter where it is quite out of place, is alone sufficient to give the lie to this story. Now take the words. Tamannå, according to all lexicologists, signifies he desired, and according to T, tamannß signifies the desire to attain to that which is liked by one. Now, what every prophet desires is the establishing of the Truth that is revealed to him, and it is with this desire of every prophet that the devil interferes, instigating men, making suggestions to them, as stated here, to oppose the Truth. That this is the true meaning is also shown by the context, which deals with the establishing of the Truth and the desire of the opponents of Truth to annihilate it. See the previous verse, which condemns those who fight and contest with the Prophet to render him unable to establish the Truth in the world. And here we are told that the plans of the enemies will be frustrated and Truth will be established in the world.
The devil’s strivings against the Prophet become a trial for the weak, who are unable to endure the severe persecutions of their enemies.​
‘Aqßm, applied to a womb, means barren; applied to wind, it signifies such as does not fructify (LL); hence al-rß√ al-‘aqßm in 51:41 means a destructive wind, and yaum ‘aqßm here a destructive day, i.e., a day bringing no good. This verse, as well as the two following, prophesy the establishment of Truth — for that is the kingdom of Allåh — and the discomfiture of the power of evil.

All the way through reading today's verses and the commentary.... I've been thinking of the statue of Mary.... being behanded. And then when I was getting ready to type.... I thought.... "The devil made me do it".

I think what I am reading in verse 52 refers to the good guy who runs into bad information. I'm talking about the people who go to church or try to do the right thing.... and they are met with a lie.

A few years ago.... I was invited to a meeting at a church in Prince Frederick. I've written about it before.... but it was a meeting... not a church service. The preacher wanted to discuss the shift the church was about to make.... in order to be more "inclusive". There were only a few of us at this meeting. The preacher was a woman. She explained that in her opinion it would be easier to bring people in.... if the church took away the major roadblocks that keeps most people home in front of the boob tube on Sunday morning.... more people would come and put more money in the coffers. Yes.... it was indeed all about the money not the souls.

So in order to be more "inclusive" without putting a big screen TV that would televise the football games or basketball games while the sermon was going on.... this woman wanted to "present a more inclusive message". She said people were avoiding the church because the church demands they follow the path to Jesus. She said the act of "requiring" people to profess their "belief" in "Christ Crucified on the Cross" makes the church "too exclusive".

She said.... we have to take the Cross out of the conversation if we are going to reach those who do not believe. In other words.... "it's ok if you believe in Jesus but we mustn't force it on people". She said that in a church! She said she wanted to stop preaching about Jesus on the Cross and talk more about the good in humanity.... celebrating man."

She admitted.... she had her doubts that "Christ Crucified" was the best message.

I guess she would say.... "the only reason a man would take a hammer to the hands of a statue at the church would be the "exclusive" preaching of the church".

I guess she would say.... "the church caused this horrible act by clobbering everyone with the story of Jesus on the Cross".

I guess she would stand by her argument.... people just don't like the church because the church is always talking about murdering Jesus on a Cross.... and that's where she is making her mistake..... the church should always be talking about Jesus leaving the tomb..... and about how He had a fish dinner with His friends before finishing the assignment by going back to Dad's Place in Heaven.

The Quran is about the Prophet and how his assignment worked. The Bible is about Jesus and how his assignment worked. The first five books of the Bible are about how the assignment God gave to Moses worked.

It's not exclusive......
