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Quran 22:65. Do you not see that God made everything on earth subservient to you? How the ships sail at sea by His command? That He holds up the sky lest it falls on earth—except by His permission? God is Gracious towards the people, Most Merciful.
66. And it is He who gives you life, then makes you die, then revives you. The human being is unappreciative.
67. For every congregation We have appointed acts of devotion, which they observe. So do not let them dispute with you in this matter. And invite to your Lord; you are upon a straight guidance.
68. But if they dispute with you, say, “God is fully aware of what you do.”
69. God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection regarding what you disagree about.
70. Do you not know that God knows everything in the heavens and the earth? This is in a book. That is easy for God.
71. Yet they worship, besides God, things for which He sent down no warrant, and what they have no knowledge of. There is no savior for the transgressors.
72. And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, you will recognize disgust on the faces of those who disbelieve. They nearly assault those who recite to them Our Verses. Say, “Shall I inform you of something worse than that? The Fire! God has promised it to those who disbelieve. And what a wretched outcome!”
73. O people! A parable is presented, so listen to it: Those you invoke besides God will never create a fly, even if they banded together for that purpose. And if the fly steals anything from them, they cannot recover it from it. Weak are the pursuer and the pursued.
74. They do not value God as He should be valued. God is Strong and Powerful.
75. God chooses messengers from among the angels, and from among the people. God is Hearing and Seeing.
76. He knows what is before them, and what is behind them. To God all matters are referred.
77. O you who believe! Kneel, and prostrate, and worship your Lord, and do good deeds, so that you may succeed.
78. And strive for God, with the striving due to Him. He has chosen you, and has not burdened you in religion—the faith of your father Abraham. It is he who named you Muslims before, and in this. So that the Messenger may be a witness over you, and you may be witnesses over the people. So pray regularly, and give regular charity, and cleave to God. He is your Protector. What an excellent Protector, and what an excellent Helper.
Here's the commentary.
The first part of the verse gives a promise of victory to the Muslims, while the latter part warns the opponents that Allåh withholds the punishment from them for a time, for He is Compassionate and Merciful to men. The withholding of the heaven means the withholding of the punishment, which the opponents were told would come down upon them from heaven.
The principle that all people were given spiritual light is reiterated throughout the Holy Qur’ån.
The verse, while truly describing the inability of false gods to create the lowest form of life or to exercise the least control over creation, contains a clear prophecy that the false deities will be removed from the Sacred House, and that both the worshippers and the worshipped will be helpless.
Oh my.... this has a great verse in it.... check out verse 73 again!I know there are people who go around saying they "couldn't kill a fly".... meaning they are gentle or adverse to killing or just a lousy shot with a fly swatter.
That golden calf that Aaron and company cooked up while Moses was up on the mountain talking to God.... would have a horrible time killing a fly.... but this verse makes the chore even harder.... that golden calf would have to create the fly.... gather up the molecules that compose a living flying, annoying, creature... and put them all together in that unique way for that particular fly... and then without using technology [not a drone you know].... make it fly. Heck.... that golden calf couldn't lift it's own leg to pee.... let alone create something.
Perhaps some people would say that the humans are moved by the fake gods to come to the knowledge of creation.... and they can create flies..... ok then.... out of what? What particular molecules make up a fly? What particular shape or color or texture does each particular, individual, fly need? Can humans create each unique molecule too? I'm not talking about printing a fly up on a 3D printer..... I'm talking about creating a fly from ..... well.... space!
On top of that.... verse 73 says.... if humans or fake gods can't even track a fly.... see where it flies before it flies there, like the One True Living God can. God not only created that annoying creature to assist with decomposition..... God knows where it's going to land.... every single time. Flies are born in decomposition! There's no big deal to using a fly swatter if you know where to aim it in advance... right? The biggest problem with swatting a fly is figuring out where the darn annoying critter is.
This morning there is a lot of gab in the forums about those horrible priests, preachers, rabbis, and teachers who have done despicable acts over the years. I have a friend who was thrown our of her church because the preacher couldn't keep his hands to himself.... and the good deacons of the church believed she had to be the instigator... after all he's a good preacher and she's just a woman.
Sadly.... God knew they were going to do that before they did it. God knew Adam and Eve were going to take Satan's side before Eve walked up to the tree. God knew.... God knows. How we deal with.... how we get on with our lives... that's what He judges us on.
What punishment can humans come up with compared to the Hades God has in store for them. Not only did they make a decision to do that horrible deed.... they gave God's church two black eyes.... first they made Mary a Goddess and then they brought innocent children in to be preyed upon.... not prayed over... preyed upon. I'm sure the majority of the humans in their flock would say the priests " wouldn't hurt a fly".
Meanwhile... they are running things like they are in charge... telling us when and where to bow. They can't create a fly.... they are not God.... but God knows what they did... and what they are doing [denying it].... and He knows where they will land.
A lot of people worship money.... pick up a dollar and see if it can pull you out of a ditch. A lot of people worship power... put on a title and see if it can stop a tornado from tearing your town to splinters. A lot of people have given up on God altogether..... without God... there would be no ditch to fall into or tornado to rip through town and no hope.
The fake gods that humans bow down to... "Couldn't create fly".