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Quran 23:In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. Successful are the believers.
2. Those who are humble in their prayers.
3. Those who avoid nonsense.
4. Those who work for charity.
5. Those who safeguard their chastity.
6. Except from their spouses, or their dependents—for they are free from blame.
7. But whoever seeks anything beyond that—these are the transgressors.
8. Those who are faithful to their trusts and pledges.
9. Those who safeguard their prayers.
10. These are the inheritors.
11. Who will inherit Paradise, wherein they will dwell forever.
12. We created man from an extract of clay.
13. Then We made him a seed, in a secure repository.
14. Then We developed the seed into a clot. Then We developed the clot into a lump. Then We developed the lump into bones. Then We clothed the bones with flesh. Then We produced it into another creature. Most Blessed is God, the Best of Creators.
15. Then, after that, you will die.
16. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be resurrected.
17. We created above you seven pathways, and We are never heedless of the creation.
18. And We sent down water from the sky in proper quantity, and settled it in the ground, and We are Able to take it away.
19. With it We produce for you gardens of palms and vines, yielding abundant fruit for you to eat.
20. And a tree springing out of Mount Sinai, producing oil, and seasoning for those who eat.
21. And there is a lesson for you in livestock: We give you to drink from what is in their bellies, and you have many benefits in them, and from them you eat.
22. And on them, and on the ships, you are transported.
Here's today's commentary.
The last two chapters opened with a warning of the approach of judgment. This, as a fitting sequel, opens with a declaration of the triumph of the believers, for it was possible that the wicked should have tasted punishment without resultant good to the faithful. To dispel all such doubts it is stated that the believers shall be successful even in this life.
Få‘il∂n (from fi‘l, doing) means doers of deeds, and li-l-zakåt means for the sake of purity or to attain purity. The word zakåt means originally purity, as in 19:13, while zakåt in the sense of poor-rate is spoken of as being paid, yu‘t∂n al-zakåt — they pay zakåt, being always the form adopted. Hence the significance adopted here — they do what they do for the sake of, or to attain to, purity.
Fur∂j, plural of farj, indicates the part of a person which it is indecent to expose, particularly the pudenda. In this sense √if˚ al-farj means generally the observing of continence, or the restraining of sexual passions.
The words au må malakat aimånu-hum, of which a literal rendering is given in the translation, usually indicate slaves. It should be noted that this chapter is a Makkan revelation, and the conditons under which slave-girls could be taken as wives were given later at Madßnah. If the reference here is to sexual relations, the permission regarding those whom their right hands possess must be read subject to the conditions of 4:25. It may be added that slave-girls, when taken as wives, did not acquire the full status of a free wife, and hence they are spoken of distinctly. It may, however, be added that √if˚ al-farj in a wider sense means the covering of parts of the body which it is indecent to expose, and in this connection it must be borne in mind that according to Islamic rules of decency, the exposure of such parts of the body, as are generally exposed in ballrooms and theatres, is disallowed, but a certain degree of freedom is allowed to women in the presence of their husbands and female servants and to men in the presence of their wives and male servants.
The creation of man is here traced back to earth, for the life-germ in sperma is an extract of food, which is drawn from earth in whatever form it may be. It should be noted that while the first ten verses speak of the spiritual growth of man, his physical growth is here spoken of, and thus a comparison may be established between the physical and the spiritual growth. Though described in the past tense, it is a general law of the creation of man that is spoken of here. The addition of the words, then We cause it to grow into another creation (v. 14), is to show that man’s creation does not end with the completion of the different stages of physical growth, as in the case of other animals, but he is endowed with certain other faculties — the reference being to the moral and spiritual side of man’s growth.
The several stages in the growth of the human child, as given here, and unknown then, are quite in accordance with scientific investigation. It should be borne in mind that the word fa, meaning then, as used in then We clothe the bones ... does not always imply order. This is clear from the context, which states that there is first a lump of flesh, and the nucleus of the bones is generated in this flesh.
Instead of the seven heavens, here we have the seven ways, which are no doubt the orbits of the seven members of the solar system, excluding the earth, as shown by the words above you.
This morning.... I read the two threads in this forum about the defacing of a statue and the bad priests, preachers, and teachers who are ruining the church. I've been following them... but I have been putting my opinions in this thread.... where it can help instead of just point and blame.... problem is there is no stopping that crap from happening.... and to prove it.... up pops today's verses in the Quran written back in the 600's AD. Man was not monogamous back in the early days. Solomon, David's son, had 300 wives and 700 concubines. They called him wise.... but I bet those 300 wives made him feel stupid... right?
Anyway.... getting back to my point.... the slave girls [and slave boys too] were often used. They were used and abused for their pudenda. According the the threads on this forum.... [and the nightly news].... they are still being used and abused for their pudenda. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts have always touted their "pure" teaching. Good kids joined those organizations to grow to be "better" men and women. No one wants to believe the scouts or the preachers or the priests or the nuns or the teachers or the deacons would do such a thing.
When Adam and Eve ate from the "tree of knowledge" they realized they were "naked" and they were "ashamed". They used leaves to cover their pudenda. That same pudenda has been getting men and women in tight situations since the days in the Garden of Eden.
I had to look it up.... I didn't know what pudenda is. I have decided not to lay pudenda out where everyone can see it..... like Eve... I keep mine private.
Would you use leaves to cover your pudenda?
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