Quran 23:33-50 Hogwash?.?.


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Quran 23:33. But the dignitaries of his people, those who disbelieved and denied the meeting of the Hereafter, and We had indulged them in the present life, said, “This is nothing but a human like you; he eats what you eat, and he drinks what you drink.
34. If you obey a human being like yourselves, then you will be losers.
35. Does he promise you that when you have died and become dust and bones, you will be brought out?
36. Farfetched, farfetched is what you are promised.
37. There is nothing but our life in this world. We die, and we live, and we are not resurrected.
38. He is nothing but a man, making up lies about God. We have no faith in him.”
39. He said, “My Lord, help me, for they have rejected me.”
40. He said, “Soon they will be filled with regret.”
41. Then the Blast struck them, justifiably, and We turned them into scum. So away with the wicked people.
42. Then, after them, We raised other generations.
43. No nation can advance its time, nor can they postpone it.
44. Then We sent Our messengers in succession. Every time a messenger came to his community, they called him a liar. So We made them follow one another, and made them history. So away with a people who do not believe.
45. Then We sent Moses and his brother Aaron, with Our signs and a clear authority.
46. To Pharaoh and his nobles, but they turned arrogant. They were oppressive people.
47. They said, “Are we to believe in two mortals like us, and their people are our slaves?”
48. So they called them liars, and thus were among those destroyed.
49. And We gave Moses the Scripture, that they may be guided.
50. And We made Mary’s son and his mother a sign, and We sheltered them on high ground with security and flowing springs.

And here's the commentary.

The prophets are rejected because they are subject to the same laws of nature in their human requirements as other men. And no one can be a model for men, who is not himself a human being, and who is not subject to the same laws of nature as other men, for only a man can show men how they can avoid falling a prey to the frailties of human nature. Hence, a Divine incarnation, or God in a human body, cannot serve as a model to men. We want a mortal to show us how to avoid the pitfalls with which we, as mortals, are surrounded; if God Himself comes into the world, He cannot serve this purpose.
It is the occurrence of the word ©ai√ah in this verse which has led many to think that vv. 33 – 41 of this section refer to H∂d or ˝åli√. But it should be borne in mind that ©ai√ah means punishment (LL), and is equally applicable to punishment by earthquake or by any other means. In the chronological order of prophets given in the 7th chapter it is H∂d who follows Noah, and his people ‘Åd were destroyed by a sandstorm.
The significance of making them stories is that the stories of their evil fate were the only remembrance of them left when they perished.
There has been much discussion as to the land spoken of in this verse. Rabwah is lofty ground, and qarår means cultivated land, and a place where water rests in a meadow (LL). Jerusalem, Egypt, Palestine or Damascus, which are the names suggested, do not answer the description, which applies exactly to the valley of Kashmir. Part of the lost ten tribes of Israel is also traced to Kashmir, where a large number of towns and villages bear the names of the towns and villages of Palestine. The presence of a tomb known as the tomb of Nabß (i.e., the prophet), or ‘Íså (i.e., Jesus), or Y∂z Åsaf, in the Khån Yår street in the capital of Kashmir, lends additional support to this theory. The fact that the chapter deals with the final triumph of prophets and their followers and their deliverance from the hands of their enemies also gives us a clue to the mystery attending the circumstances of the disappearance of Jesus Christ after the event of the Cross; for, as shown in 4:157a, Jesus did not die on the cross. According to a saying of the Holy Prophet, Jesus lived 120 years (IK, vol. ii, p. 246). This verse tells us that, being delivered from the hands of his enemies, he was given shelter at some other place, and the description of that place as indicated in this verse, along with the fact that Kashmir has a tomb, which every available evidence shows to be the tomb of Jesus himself, leads us to the conclusion that Kashmir is the land referred to in this verse.​
As regards the tomb, the following evidence shows that the sacred body of no less a personage than Jesus Christ rests there: (a) oral testimony, based on tradition, of the people of Kashmir tells us that the tomb belongs to one who bore the name of Y∂z Åsaf, who was known as a nabß (i.e., a prophet), and who came to Kashmir from the West about 2,000 years ago; (b) the Tårßkh A‘˚amß, an historical work written some two hundred years ago, says, referring to this tomb, on p. 82: “The tomb is generally known as that of a prophet. He was a prince, who came to Kashmir from a foreign land.... His name was Y∂z Åsaf ”; (c) the Ikmål al-Dßn, an Arabic work, which is a thousand years old, also mentions Y∂z Åsaf as having travelled in some lands; (d) Joseph Jacobs states, on the authority of a very old version of the story of Y∂z Åsaf, that he (Joasaph) at last reached Kashmir, and there died (Barlaam and Josaphat, p. cv).​
This evidence shows that the tomb in Khån Yår (Srinagar) is the tomb of Y∂z Åsaf. But who is this Y∂z Åsaf ? That he is called a nabß (prophet) both in oral tradition and in history settles the time in which he lived, for no prophet is recognized by the Muslims to have appeared after their Holy Prophet. Again, there is a striking resemblance between the names Y∂z and Yas∂‘, the latter being the Hebrew form of Jesus. There is also a remarkable similarity in the teachings of Y∂z Åsaf and Jesus; for instance, the parable of the seed-sower occurring in Matt. 13:3, Mark 4:3 and Luke 8:5 occurs also in “Barlaam and Josaphat” (p. cxi). Another very striking circumstance is that Y∂z Åsaf gave the name Bushrå (Arabic for Gospel) to his teachings, as the following passage from the Ikmål al-Dßn shows: “Then he began to compare the tree to the Bushrå, which he preached to the people”. All these circumstances lead us to the conclusion that Jesus Christ went to Kashmir after the event of the crucifixion, and that he preached, lived, died and was buried there.
I can see a battle.... yep I think the last two paragraphs of the commentary are pure hogwash.

I see here that the Muslims do not think there has been a prophet since Muhammed. I didn't think there were any prophets since Jesus left... and yes... Jesus was a Prophet.... and that doesn't take anything away from Him being the Son of God. They are two different missions. A Prophet teaches and warns..... the Son of God had to become a human to defeat death.

The first thing that came to my mind while I was reading the verses and the commentary was "who was lying?"

Verse 34 says.... " If you obey a human being like yourselves, then you will be losers." So who put together the Quran? Was it angels or robots? Did it miraculously appear? Who do I believe? Am I supposed to believe the Bible or the Quran or the next compilation that comes down the road?

The Bible tells me Jesus finished this part of His Task and went home to His Dad's place until the next part of His Task. The Quran says He went to Kashmir to live quietly.

I've been posting something every morning for years. Even when I had surgery scheduled I "needed" to post the daily verses. On vacation... I "needed" to post the daily verses. I'm not a prophet.... no doubt about that... right? But I feel the "need".

The Book of Revelation was written by John.... the Apostle. John was sent to a deserted island.... and still he felt the "need" to write about Jesus.

If Jesus had somehow survived the Cross.... as the Quran says..... what are the chances He could just move to another place and keep His mouth shut?

The reason they don't believe Jesus is the Son of God.... who was crucified, confirmed dead, run through with a sword after hanging for hours unable to breath, was laid in a tomb, guarded by Roman Soldiers who bet their lives on the fact the body of Jesus was not going anywhere on their watch..... is that humans made Mary out to be a goddess.

Mary was not a goddess.

Stop putting God in a box. He created humans.... He created every molecule of the human womb. God picked Mary.... for her bloodline.... and used her womb to begin the work on earth to end the death sentence satan brought about. Jesus had to be human.... to complete the task. He wouldn't stay on earth after finishing His task.... after all.... His place in Heaven was waiting for Him.... why stay on earth a moment longer than He had too?

I think these verses are being interpreted incorrectly.

I think the commentary I found here.... is just "hogwash".
