Quran 23:93-102 Coming back?


Well-Known Member
Quran 23:93. Say, “My Lord, if You would show me what they are promised.
94. My Lord, do not place me among the wicked people.”
95. We are surely Able to show you what We promise them.
96. Repel evil by what is better. We are aware of what they describe.
97. And say, “My Lord, I seek refuge with You from the urgings of the devils.
98. And I seek refuge with You, my Lord, lest they become present.”
99. Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, “My Lord, send me back.
100. That I may do right in what I have neglected.” By no means! It is just a word that he utters. And behind them is a barrier, until the Day they are resurrected.
101. When the Horn is blown, no relations between them will exist on that Day, and they will not ask after one another.
102. Those whose scales are heavy—those are the successful.

There's commentary today.

The promise given to the Holy Prophet in these verses is that the power of his persecutors will be broken in his lifetime.​
The doing of good in return for evil is the common teaching of all prophets. But nowhere is the principle put in such a beautiful and practical form as in the Qur’ån. To return good for evil is only possible under certain circumstances, and the Gospel doctrine — that ye resist not evil — has not been found practicable. The Qur’ån, however, says, repel evil with that which is best. In repelling evil the rule to be observed is that it must be repelled by what is best. If you can repel an evil by doing good for it, it is the course recommended; but if punishment is necessary, that would be the better course. It is the only workable principle of life.
The evil suggestion of the devils were really suggestions of the wicked, who were opposed to the progress of Islåm, and the Prophet is here told to look upon Allåh as his only support. To seek refuge in the Lord is the height of goodness. Nowhere has a man a better refuge than in the Source of all strength, and no mortal can aspire to a higher honour than having his refuge in the Lord. The command to the Prophet to say this is really an image of the aspiration of his soul, the inmost desire which furnished the guiding rule of his life. His soul rested in that highest degree of security from all evil suggestions, which is termed refuge in the Lord.
These words make it quite certain that the devils of the two previous verses are no other than the wicked opponents of the Holy Prophet.
The original has irji‘∂ni, in which irji‘∂ (“send”) is in the plural, whereas it should have been irji‘ in the singular in accosting the Divine Being. In Arabic the plural is sometimes used to denote a repetition of the singular verb, and thus irji‘∂ni is here regarded as equivalent to a repetition of irji‘nß (Bd). Or, the plural is used out of respect for the Divine Being.
That the dead do not return to life is a principle which is reaffirmed here. According to the Holy Qur’ån there are three states of a man’s life, viz., his life in this world, his life in barzakh, and the great manifestation of all spiritual realities that will take place on the day of Resurrection. Barzakh is the intermediate state in which the soul lives after death till the Resurrection. Here it is stated that no one who has passed into the state of barzakh is allowed to go back into the previous state.
Mawåzßn is the plural of mßzån, a balance, and of mauz∂n, meaning, a thing that is weighed. In both cases the significance is the same, the balance meaning the balance of good deeds.
At first I thought this was all going to be about "turning the other cheek". There are a lot of verses in this final section of this chapter. The commentary is lengthy too so I had to split it. Usually when the commentary is talking about something Jesus talked about so much....the Quran is telling us why Jesus doesn't fit the bill of Son of God.... and the commentary gets longwinded in attempting to do so.

An yes.... "turn the other cheek" does have to do with Jesus but there's more.... there's the "get up out of the grave part".... which seems to give the author of the commentary a fit.

Jesus never raised His hand to beat a human. He even healed a human's ear while He was being arrested. I'm sure He wanted to.... after all a lot of ignorant humans were happy to accept a free meal. The Quan says that's all well and good.... but sometimes you have to fight for right. There's the difference.... see... Jesus didn't need to fight.... Jesus was here to do away with death. He didn't have time for war... this trip.

Then the verses go on to talk about...."once you are dead you don't come back". Look at verses 99 & 100. This sounds like a conversation I had with my mom about reincarnation. She believed in reincarnation. I don't think I want reincarnation.... if given the choice.... I think I would rather stay in Heaven instead of trying to correct my mistakes. I'm afraid I'd muck it up even worse. My mom said she hoped she would get to come back and do it again. I asked her why.... after all... Heaven is heavenly.... and we all want to experience "heavenly".... why would we come back to the poop show on earth when we could be in Heaven doing heavenly things. Mom's reply was always the same.... "so I can do it right this time".

So.... that's what I think these verses are really saying this morning. We don't come back. Jesus will come back, but we won't. Thanks to Adam, Eve, and that snake Satan.... we all live once and "die" once here on earth.... that's it.... we don't die and then get to come back for another spin at the wheel. If we don't land on $1.00 the first time... we have to live with our spin. We will wake again.... but it'll be at Judgement.

This is what I think the verses have been saying. Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul. Love your neighbors as you love yourself. Live you best life..... be kind.... be honest.... trust in the One True Living God.... don't fight... don't steal... don't murder.... That's all you can really do. Then when you get to Judgement.... Jesus will indeed be there... and He'll be your defense attorney. Jesus knows what it's like to have a moron run up in your face. Jesus knows what it's like to be called insane. Jesus knows what it's like to be beaten. Jesus knows what it's like to be hungry and thirsty. Jesus knows sometimes being thirsty doesn't just mean being thirsty for water. He'll speak up for each of us who Believe.

Jesus is going to come back.... as a Warrior. He's the Son of God and He has more He has been sent to accomplish. I'm not coming back... I'm not the Son of God.... and it's not my chore to come back... it's His.

How about you?

Coming back?
