Quran 24:27-30 "Guard their privates"


Well-Known Member
Quran 24:27. O you who believe! Do not enter homes other than your own, until you have asked permission and greeted their occupants. That is better for you, that you may be aware.
28. And if you find no one in them, do not enter them until you are given permission. And if it is said to you, “Turn back,” then turn back. That is more proper for you. God is aware of what you do.
29. There is no blame on you for entering uninhabited houses, in which are belongings of yours. God knows what you reveal and what you conceal.
30. Tell the believing men to restrain their looks, and to guard their privates. That is purer for them. God is cognizant of what they do.

There is a lot of commentary on these verses.

The Arabs entered houses without permission. The law revealed in this verse lays down the basis of domestic peace and security needed for an advanced society. The law is a clear testimony of the great trust which Muslims have in their womenfolk. It is also a preventive measure against slander.​
Men are enjoined to lower their gaze, just as women are enjoined to do in the next verse. This injunction is given as a preventive against an evil which deals a deathblow to all pure social relations, viz., the evil of fornication. The Qur’ån does not only forbid an evil, but also points out the way, by walking in which man may be able to eschew it. Both men and women are required to keep their eyes cast down, so that when they meet each other, neither should men stare at women nor women at men. In a society in which women never appeared in public, the injunction to men to lower their gaze would be meaningless; and the similar injunction to women given in the next verse, if they never left the compounds of their houses, would be absurd.​

Not many verses this morning.... but the next couple of verses have just too much commentary to post in one sitting. I would really prefer to post the Nativity Story on Friday and Saturday.... rather than the Quran.... because I believe Jesus is the reason for the season.... but meanwhile.... I have these few verses to deal with.

So according to this.... it was [is?] ok for people to enter other people's homes without permission. Let me get this straight... y'all don't have permission to enter my home when I'm not there. Don't go leaving stuff at my house to give you an excuse..... it's not right.

But.... the commentary started to blow up about men looking at women. Men are encouraged to look down..... don't look at a woman.... because that way they won't be tempted.

This is still about the lie the biggest gossip in town was spreading about the Prophet's wife. I can see how men walking in and out of other people's houses could lead to gossip. I can see how men just walking in on women in their own homes could be a cause of gossip. I wonder if the biggest gossip in town had some way to prove how long the man and woman were alone. I doubt they had stop watches in the 650's AD. How long would the biggest gossip in town allow before deciding to spread a lie about the evil of fornication!

Check out verse 30. Men are encouraged to "Guard their privates".

Maybe the "eye for an eye" verse in the Bible is kind of hidden in these verses.

They say some societies cut off a hand if someone is caught stealing.

I wonder what the penalty for evil fornication would be for the man?

Women were given a bitter drink to clear up the matter..... do away with unwanted consequences.... like with David and Bathsheba.

I wonder.... what did the men have to drink? Or what did they have to give up?

Better "Guard their privates"....
