Quran 24:51-57 Everyone will answer up....


Well-Known Member
Quran 24:51. The response of the believers, when they are called to God and His Messenger in order to judge between them, is to say, “We hear and we obey.” These are the successful.
52. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger, and fears God, and is conscious of Him—these are the winners.
53. And they swear by God with their solemn oaths, that if you commanded them, they would mobilize. Say, “Do not swear. Obedience will be recognized. God is experienced with what you do.”
54. Say, “Obey God and obey the Messenger.” But if they turn away, then he is responsible for his obligations, and you are responsible for your obligations. And if you obey him, you will be guided. It is only incumbent on the Messenger to deliver the Clarifying Message.
55. God has promised those of you who believe and do righteous deeds, that He will make them successors on earth, as He made those before them successors, and He will establish for them their religion—which He has approved for them—and He will substitute security in place of their fear. They worship Me, never associating anything with Me. But whoever disbelieves after that—these are the sinners.
56. Pray regularly, and give regular charity, and obey the Messenger, so that you may receive mercy.
57. Never think that those who disbelieve can escape on earth. Their place is the Fire; a miserable destination.

All the commentary is about verse 55.

This verse not only prophesies the establishment of the kingdom of Islåm, but also its permanence, so that successors will be raised to the Holy Prophet and the Muslims made a ruling nation on earth. By those before them are meant in particular the followers of Moses. Islåm at the time of the revelation of these verses was still surrounded by enemies on all sides; there was still fear for the believers, as the verse clearly shows, and idol-worship still had the upper hand in Arabia. The triumph of Islåm, which is prophesied in the parable of the Divine Light first, and the gradual advent of which is referred to afterwards, is here predicted in the clearest and most emphatic terms: the believers will be made rulers in the earth; their religion will be firmly established; security will be given to them in place of fear; Divine Unity will rule supreme. All these favours will be bestowed upon the Muslims, for which they should be thankful; but, if they are ungrateful after that, they shall be dealt with as transgressors. Kafara means he disbelieved as well as he was ungrateful, and the latter significance suits the context here. Even if kufr is taken as meaning disbelief here, it would mean a denial in practice, or disobedience to Divine commandments.​
Though the promise contained in this verse refers clearly to the establishment of the kingdom of Islåm and to the Muslims being made successors to the Israelites as regards the promised Holy Land, there is also a reference here to the Divine promise to raise reformers among the Muslims as prophets were raised among the Israelites. Such is the clear promise contained in a saying of the Holy Prophet: “Surely Allåh will raise up for this people in the beginning of every century one who will revive for it its religion”. The promise given in the verse may therefore refer not only to the temporal successors of the Holy Prophet, but also to his spiritual successors or reformers. The analogy of the Israelites, to which the verse refers, points to the appearance of a Messiah among the Muslims as a Messiah was raised among the Israelites, and it was on this verse that the claim of the late Ïa˙rat Mirzå Gh∂låm A√mad of Qadiån, the founder of the A√madiyyah movement, was based. He claimed to be a reformer for the fourteenth century of the Hijrah and the Messiah whose advent among the Muslims was foretold.

So.... I thought I was going to get off easy today.... I thought it was a quick set of verses, since the author didn't have to "explain himself" with a bunch of commentary. But when I read the verses and the commentary.... I still didn't have a clue. And then I saw the A√madiyyah movement and I googled it.

It turns out... this movement is a missionary movement of the Muslim faith. Some Muslims even say it's a little out there.

This is from that

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a branch of Islam founded in the Punjab region of India by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in 1889. Ahmad claimed to be another prophet, specifically the messiah expected to bring about the end times and the peaceful conversion of the world to the true lost form of Islam. There are 10-20 million Ahmadis worldwide and approximately 15,000- 20,000 in the United States.
The Community is led by a caliph. The fifth and current caliph is Mirza Masroor Ahmad. Ahmadis believe he is divinely ordained. He was chosen by an election of Jamat leaders to be the head of the people.
Except for the belief in another prophet and the resulting caliphate, Ahmadiyya Islam is very similar to Sunni Islam in practices and core beliefs.
Due to their beliefs, Ahmadis face persecution from some other Muslims. They are legally declared heretics in multiple countries and there have been instances of state sponsored killings, cover ups, and oppression of religious freedom.
Ahmadiyya Islam has a large missionary component and have adopted nonAbrahamic prophets (including Zoroaster, Confucius, and the Buddha) as prophets in Islam as the Ahmadis have spread to over 209 countries to date.

On TV the other day, I heard someone say.... "soon there will only be the vaccinated and the unvaccinated".

I gotta say.... I am more concerned that.... "soon there will only be the Believers and the Unbelievers".

Do you believe there is an article about COVID and End Times Prophecy in the Bible..... published by NIH????

This is from that article.

Christian social media threads like #Jesusiscoming are replete with discussions of the imminence of the end times and Watch Jerusalem editor-in-chief and Evangelist pastor, Gerald Flurry (2020), recently asserted the coronavirus is a sign from God redirecting humanity on the right path before the ultimate clash between the forces of good and evil:​
God is pleading, he’s pleading. We know there’s all kinds of imminent pestilence epidemics that are going to sweep across this world during the Great Tribulation. The epidemic, disguised as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, will wipe out a quarter of the planet’s population.
Like I have been saying for years.... I don't have a clue.

Everyone will answer up.....



Well-Known Member
Actually.... I read [so far] that they can only kill those who want to kill them. They are to only fight when threatened. When the enemy stops fighting.... they are to forgive them.

They worship the same One True Living God.... as we Christians and Jews do.

They don't seem to condone rape of any kind.

AND.... they do not believe Mary was a goddess.... that gives them major heartburn.... so much so that they use her humanity to say Jesus could not be the Son of God..... that is an issue..... Jesus will straighten that out for them... I'm sure.

That's what I've learned.... I'm only 24 chapters in.... but they really don't seem like the bad dogs you [and others] describe.

AND... might I remind you.... God wanted Aaron and company to go in and wipe out anyone who was not Jewish when they got to the promised land. So Our One True Living God condoned war. If God says do it.... who are we to argue.

Every religion has zealots.... and the one that is mentioned here is one of those zealot types. Sorry about that.... but Christians and Jews suffer because of their zealots too.

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Well-Known Member
Actually.... I read [so far] that they can only kill those who want to kill them. They are to only fight when threatened. When the enemy stops fighting.... they are to forgive them.

They worship the same One True Living God.... as we Christians and Jews do.

They don't seem to condone rape of any kind.

AND.... they do not believe Mary was a goddess.... that gives them major heartburn.... so much so that they use her humanity to say Jesus could not be the Son of God..... that is an issue..... Jesus will straighten that out for them... I'm sure.

That's what I've learned.... I'm only 24 chapters in.... but they really don't seem like the bad dogs you [and others] describe.

AND... might I remind you.... God wanted Aaron and company to go in and wipe out anyone who was not Jewish when they got to the promised land. So Our One True Living God condoned war. If God says do it.... who are we to argue.

Every religion has zealots.... and the one that is mentioned here is one of those zealot types. Sorry about that.... but Christians and Jews suffer because of their zealots too.

You do know that on 9/11/01 Muslims in the name of their god killed 3000 people


Well-Known Member
Some things best taken at face value. Do you think anyone is reading the shiit you type? :rolleyes:

Becky is just trying to show the other side of things. She has been here a long time, and went through the Bible page by page. You must have never read her Bible posts. 😇

And, Becky is one of the few members I have met on this forum. We met for dinner. She is awesome. Love you, Becky!


Well-Known Member
You do know that on 9/11/01 Muslims in the name of their god killed 3000 people

You do know that 9/11 was an inside job, and the Bush fam was part of it. Right? Just like Pelosi’s inside, totally amateur, job; Jan. 6 insurrection. If the state of OUR COUNTRY wasn’t so serious; it would be a joke. Get it?
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Well-Known Member
Doubt there are any Muslims on this forum. I think your habit would be better shared on a forum where there are other Muslims.

I think we both know why you don't.

You need to look up seekeroftruth. Now, I understand about misinformation. People don’t look at everything. This thread is becoming like the MSM. Duh?


Well-Known Member
Becky is just trying to show the other side of things. She has been here a long time, and went through the Bible page by page. You must have never read her Bible posts. 😇

And, Becky is one of the few members I have met on this forum. We met for dinner. She is awesome. Love you, Becky!
Actually I don't read anything she post. :) I'm neither a preacher nor zealot. I'm certain this innocent naive fool was just trying to understand too. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34205911


Well-Known Member
Actually I don't read anything she post. :) I'm neither a preacher nor zealot. I'm certain this innocent naive fool was just trying to understand too. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34205911

Thanks for posting that. What that poor girl went through... horrific! Many others, too. I think seekeroftruth, if she's really serious about seeking truth needs to go to a Muslim country and really get educated and then report back.


Well-Known Member
You need to look up seekeroftruth. Now, I understand about misinformation. People don’t look at everything. This thread is becoming like the MSM. Duh?

She hates Trump..I don't care for anything she has to say. The woman is blind as a bat on everything.

black dog

Free America
Becky is just trying to show the other side of things. She has been here a long time, and went through the Bible page by page. You must have never read her Bible posts. 😇

And, Becky is one of the few members I have met on this forum. We met for dinner. She is awesome. Love you, Becky!
You do know that 9/11 was an inside job, and the Bush fam was part of it. Right? Just like Pelosi’s inside, totally amateur, job; Jan. 6 insurrection. If the state of OUR COUNTRY wasn’t so serious; it would be a joke. Get it?


Well-Known Member

And another man who was not a Muslim... walked into a prayer room and shot the people right there in the church.... Not Long AGO I might add.

Take a chill pill.... Jesus judges each person individually.... This isn't hateful.... unless you really love the Virgin Mary... and then yep... they don't like her goddess status.

Happy New Year.... should I add a Bible Study along side of this one? Would that sooth your soul?

Take a chill pill..... it's only words on a page.... it can't hurt you.... it might even help you one day....
