Quran 25:61-77 "The Transformation wrought"


Well-Known Member
Quran 25:61. Blessed is He who placed constellations in the sky, and placed in it a lamp, and an illuminating moon.
62. And it is He who made the night and the day alternate—for whoever desires to reflect, or desires to show gratitude.
63. The servants of the Merciful are those who walk the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, “Peace.”
64. And those who pass the night prostrating themselves to their Lord and standing up.
65. And those who say, ‘‘Our Lord, avert from us the suffering of Hell, for its suffering is continuous.
66. It is indeed a miserable residence and destination.”
67. And those who, when they spend, are neither wasteful nor stingy, but choose a middle course between that.
68. And those who do not implore besides God any other god, and do not kill the soul which God has made sacred—except in the pursuit of justice—and do not commit adultery. Whoever does that will face penalties.
69. The punishment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will dwell therein in humiliation forever.
70. Except for those who repent, and believe, and do good deeds. These—God will replace their bad deeds with good deeds. God is ever Forgiving and Merciful.
71. Whoever repents and acts righteously—has inclined towards God with repentance.
72. And those who do not bear false witness; and when they come across indecencies, they pass by with dignity.
73. And those who, when reminded of the revelations of their Lord, do not fall before them deaf and blind.
74. And those who say, “Our Lord, grant us delight in our spouses and our children, and make us a good example for the righteous.”
75. Those will be awarded the Chamber for their patience, and will be greeted therein with greetings and peace.
76. Abiding therein forever—it is an excellent residence and destination.
77. Say, “What are you to my Lord without your prayers? You have denied the truth, and the inevitable will happen.”

Here's today's commentary.

The night is here spoken of as being the more opportune time for being mindful, i.e., for prayers, and the day for being thankful, i.e., for work and livelihood.​
From here to the end of the chapter is described the great transformation which the Prophet had already brought about. The great qualities spoken of as being met with in the servants of the Beneficent present a striking contrast with the evils which reigned supreme in Arabia. They were an arrogant people, who trampled the rights of their fellow-men under their feet, but the faithful now walked in humility and led lives of lowliness, in which they had the greatest regard for others’ rights (v. 63). In the days of ignorance they passed their nights in drunken orgies, but now they kept awake at night in devotion and were instead drunk with the love of God (v. 64). In the days of ignorance they spent money extravagantly, when it was a question of pride, and they did not care for the poor dying of hunger, but now they saved every penny they could to spend on others (v. 67). Formerly idols were worshipped in the land of Arabia, human blood was shed on the slightest pretext, sex-relations were loose to an extreme, but they had now become the torch-bearers of Divine Unity, for whose sake they willingly suffered every privation, homicide was looked upon with abhorrence, the highest value was placed on the chastity of men and women, and righteousness was the one thing in which men and women vied one with another (vv. 68–71). Truth and faithfulness were the great qualities that ruled men’s minds, in the new dispensation, and a life full of vigour and earnestness was seen in the place of ignorance, superstition and immorality, which were the chief features of pre-Islamic Arabia

Here we are plainly told that the transformation had already been wrought; the vices in which the people indulged erstwhile had been changed, to good and righteous deeds, and those who found pleasure in evil deeds now found pleasure in the doing of good. It was the soul-force of the Prophet that had wrought this miraculous transformation.
They not only shunned falsehood but were now above everything that was vain or futile.​
Apparently they were being expelled from their homes but they felt as if they were being rewarded with high places, because their outlook on life was now spiritual and not material. In addition to the greetings and salutations of the angels they were promised greetings and salutations in their new centre of activity, Madßnah, whither they were fleeing, because there a similar brotherhood of the righteous was now ready to receive these emigrants.
The Truth had finally been rejected by the Makkans, so the disgrace and abasement which was promised for the opponents of Truth was now awaiting them. The righteous were finally separated from the wicked, so the punishment must come.

Please put my daughter and son-in-law on your prayer lists. They have COVID. He's really sick... she was vaccinated so she's not quite so sick... she's able to cook soup and feed the dogs. So please.... pray for them. Thanks....

This section is called "The Transformation wrought" by the commentary. I think it's a fitting title.

It says.... once a human puts God up front.... that human changes.... becomes generous and willing to listen to what is right.

I've known a few drunks in my time. When a drunk finally gets sober..... like the man I know who hasn't had a drink since 1993.... they are magnificent humans. They are caring and generous. They smile more and they have smarter opinions on everything.

Have you ever noticed how a drunk will have a loud opinion about everything.... but it's never backed up is proof. The sober human can think straight and back up his opinions with fact.

Have you ever noticed how a bully changes in church? It's delightful to watch.

When a human puts God at the center of their lives.... they are anchored.... they have purpose. It's great to watch!

When we all get to Heaven.... what a glorious reunion that will be.... no one will be hurt or sick or mean or nasty.... no one will be hungry or thirsty... no one will be homeless.

When God is at the center of everything..... everything just falls into place.... planets are formed when God is in the center of everything.... Humans are kind when God is at the center of everything.

Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.... we all Believe in the One and Only True Living God.....

It's from that Belief.... the Transformation is wrought....



Well-Known Member
Quran 25:61. Blessed is He who placed constellations in the sky, and placed in it a lamp, and an illuminating moon.
62. And it is He who made the night and the day alternate—for whoever desires to reflect, or desires to show gratitude.
63. The servants of the Merciful are those who walk the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, “Peace.”
64. And those who pass the night prostrating themselves to their Lord and standing up.
65. And those who say, ‘‘Our Lord, avert from us the suffering of Hell, for its suffering is continuous.
66. It is indeed a miserable residence and destination.”
67. And those who, when they spend, are neither wasteful nor stingy, but choose a middle course between that.
68. And those who do not implore besides God any other god, and do not kill the soul which God has made sacred—except in the pursuit of justice—and do not commit adultery. Whoever does that will face penalties.
69. The punishment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will dwell therein in humiliation forever.
70. Except for those who repent, and believe, and do good deeds. These—God will replace their bad deeds with good deeds. God is ever Forgiving and Merciful.
71. Whoever repents and acts righteously—has inclined towards God with repentance.
72. And those who do not bear false witness; and when they come across indecencies, they pass by with dignity.
73. And those who, when reminded of the revelations of their Lord, do not fall before them deaf and blind.
74. And those who say, “Our Lord, grant us delight in our spouses and our children, and make us a good example for the righteous.”
75. Those will be awarded the Chamber for their patience, and will be greeted therein with greetings and peace.
76. Abiding therein forever—it is an excellent residence and destination.
77. Say, “What are you to my Lord without your prayers? You have denied the truth, and the inevitable will happen.”

Here's today's commentary.

The night is here spoken of as being the more opportune time for being mindful, i.e., for prayers, and the day for being thankful, i.e., for work and livelihood.​
From here to the end of the chapter is described the great transformation which the Prophet had already brought about. The great qualities spoken of as being met with in the servants of the Beneficent present a striking contrast with the evils which reigned supreme in Arabia. They were an arrogant people, who trampled the rights of their fellow-men under their feet, but the faithful now walked in humility and led lives of lowliness, in which they had the greatest regard for others’ rights (v. 63). In the days of ignorance they passed their nights in drunken orgies, but now they kept awake at night in devotion and were instead drunk with the love of God (v. 64). In the days of ignorance they spent money extravagantly, when it was a question of pride, and they did not care for the poor dying of hunger, but now they saved every penny they could to spend on others (v. 67). Formerly idols were worshipped in the land of Arabia, human blood was shed on the slightest pretext, sex-relations were loose to an extreme, but they had now become the torch-bearers of Divine Unity, for whose sake they willingly suffered every privation, homicide was looked upon with abhorrence, the highest value was placed on the chastity of men and women, and righteousness was the one thing in which men and women vied one with another (vv. 68–71). Truth and faithfulness were the great qualities that ruled men’s minds, in the new dispensation, and a life full of vigour and earnestness was seen in the place of ignorance, superstition and immorality, which were the chief features of pre-Islamic Arabia

Here we are plainly told that the transformation had already been wrought; the vices in which the people indulged erstwhile had been changed, to good and righteous deeds, and those who found pleasure in evil deeds now found pleasure in the doing of good. It was the soul-force of the Prophet that had wrought this miraculous transformation.
They not only shunned falsehood but were now above everything that was vain or futile.​
Apparently they were being expelled from their homes but they felt as if they were being rewarded with high places, because their outlook on life was now spiritual and not material. In addition to the greetings and salutations of the angels they were promised greetings and salutations in their new centre of activity, Madßnah, whither they were fleeing, because there a similar brotherhood of the righteous was now ready to receive these emigrants.
The Truth had finally been rejected by the Makkans, so the disgrace and abasement which was promised for the opponents of Truth was now awaiting them. The righteous were finally separated from the wicked, so the punishment must come.

Please put my daughter and son-in-law on your prayer lists. They have COVID. He's really sick... she was vaccinated so she's not quite so sick... she's able to cook soup and feed the dogs. So please.... pray for them. Thanks....

This section is called "The Transformation wrought" by the commentary. I think it's a fitting title.

It says.... once a human puts God up front.... that human changes.... becomes generous and willing to listen to what is right.

I've known a few drunks in my time. When a drunk finally gets sober..... like the man I know who hasn't had a drink since 1993.... they are magnificent humans. They are caring and generous. They smile more and they have smarter opinions on everything.

Have you ever noticed how a drunk will have a loud opinion about everything.... but it's never backed up is proof. The sober human can think straight and back up his opinions with fact.

Have you ever noticed how a bully changes in church? It's delightful to watch.

When a human puts God at the center of their lives.... they are anchored.... they have purpose. It's great to watch!

When we all get to Heaven.... what a glorious reunion that will be.... no one will be hurt or sick or mean or nasty.... no one will be hungry or thirsty... no one will be homeless.

When God is at the center of everything..... everything just falls into place.... planets are formed when God is in the center of everything.... Humans are kind when God is at the center of everything.

Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.... we all Believe in the One and Only True Living God.....

It's from that Belief.... the Transformation is wrought....

Do you really believe all this mumbo jumbo is there any concrete proof of any of it


Well-Known Member
I'm reading a book.... do I have to prove Alice in Wonderland is true to read it?

I'm finding out about history through someone else's eyes.... do I have to prove every article in the Washington Post is true before reading it?

Geeze you people.... give it a rest..... I'm reading a book and along the way... I'm comparing it to the religion I know.

I started to post Genesis again.... but the Bible site I used is now so commercial it won't let me in without joining. They want me to pay for play..... so ....
