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Quran 27:45. And We sent to Thamood their brother Saleh: “Worship God.” But they became two disputing factions.
46. He said, “O my people, why are you quick to do evil rather than good? If only you would seek God’s forgiveness, so that you may be shown mercy.”
47. They said, “We consider you an ill omen, and those with you.” He said, “Your omen is with God. In fact, you are a people being tested.”
48. In the city was a gang of nine who made mischief in the land and did no good.
49. They said, “Swear by God to one another that we will attack him and his family by night, and then tell his guardian, 'We did not witness the murder of his family, and we are being truthful.'“
50. They planned a plan, and We planned a plan, but they did not notice.
51. So note the outcome of their planning; We destroyed them and their people, altogether.
52. Here are their homes, in ruins, on account of their iniquities. Surely in this is a sign for people who know.
53. And We saved those who believed and were pious.
54. And Lot, when he said to his people, “Do you commit lewdness with open eyes?
55. Do you lust after men instead of women? You are truly ignorant people.”
56. But the only response of his people was to say, “Expel the family of Lot from your town. They are purist people.”
57. So We saved him and his family, except for his wife, whom We destined to be among the laggards.
58. And We rained upon them a rain. Miserable was the rain of those forewarned.
59. Say, “Praise God, and peace be upon His servants whom He has selected. Is God better, or what they associate?”
There isn't a lot of commentary this morning.
There is no doubt a reference here to the enemies of the Holy Prophet, the chief of them being nine in number, eight of whom were slain at Badr, the exception was Ab∂ Lahab, who died at Makkah on hearing the news of the defeat at Badr. Their names were Ab∂ Jahl, Mu∆‘im ibn ‘Adiyy, Shaibah ibn Rabß‘ah, ‘Utbah ibn Rabß‘ah, Walßd ibn ‘Utbah, Umayyah ibn Khalf, Na˙ar ibn al-Ïarth, ‘Aqbah ibn Abß Mu‘ai∆ and Ab∂ Lahab.
There seems to be a prophetical reference here to the plot against the Holy Prophet, for the same plan was ultimately agreed upon by the Quraish to do away with him. It should be borne in mind that the revelation of this chapter belongs to an early period. The plot against the Prophet’s life was to have been executed in the following manner: One man from every tribe of the Quraish was selected, who should take the Prophet unawares. They were to thrust their swords into his body simultaneously so that no particular tribe could be held guilty. This was agreed upon immediately before the Prophet’s flight to Madßnah, and thus the incident as relating to ˝åli√ is meant as a prophecy
The population of the town was split. There were people who would have followed Lot out of town that night.... but there were others who just wanted it their way. The few who wanted no part of the gang of nine.... but they went along with the crowd because they were "afraid" someone would notice and murder them. Like a cowardly town in one of those old westerns.
When I read about Lot in the Quran a few chapters ago... I read that the men hung out together.... and I had a thought... maybe this is just a gang of robbers who are hiding out. Not necessarily gay men.... like in the Bible.... but men who had no use for women....just murder, mayhem and power at what ever cost. But here, alas, it is spelled out.... in verse 55.... this just wasn't a gang.... this was a gang who had no use for women.....[leaving just a hint that these nine men might have been the kind of guys would use a woman and throw her away]
Lot wanted nothing to do with them. In the Bible.... Abram made a deal to save Lot and his family. In the old westerns.... there would have been a shoot out in the middle of Main Street.... but when God got involved.... no one stood a chance.... God sent a meteor to rain burning rocks down on the whole town.
The whole town was being run by a gang of nine.
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