Quran 28:43-50 Prophets or magicians?


Well-Known Member
Quran 25:43. We gave Moses the Scripture after We had annihilated the previous generations; as an illumination for mankind, and guidance, and mercy, so that they may remember.
44. You were not on the Western Side when We decreed the command to Moses, nor were you among the witnesses.
45. But We established many generations, and time took its toll on them. Nor were you among the people of Median, reciting Our revelations to them. But We kept sending messengers.
46. Nor were you by the side of the Mount when We proclaimed. Rather, it was a mercy from your Lord, that you may warn people who received no warner before you, so that they may take heed.
47. Otherwise, if a calamity befell them as a result of what their hands have perpetrated, they would say, “Our Lord, if only You had sent us a messenger, we would have followed Your revelations, and been among the believers.”
48. But when the truth came to them from Us, they said, “If only he was given the like of what was given to Moses.” Did they not disbelieve in what was given to Moses in the past? They said, “Two works of magic backing one another.” And they said, “We are disbelieving in both.”
49. Say, “Then bring a scripture from God, more conductive to guidance than both, and I will follow it, if you are truthful.”
50. But if they fail to respond to you, know that they follow their fancies. And who is more lost than him who follows his fancy without guidance from God? God does not guide the unjust people.

Here's the commentary.

Moses’ prophecy about the advent of the Prophet — of a prophet like him from among the Ishmaelites, the brethren of the Israelites — was so clear that one would think that the Prophet was there at the side of the mountain and Moses saw him with his own eyes. Hence the words, thou wast not on the western side (of the mountain), nor wast thou among those present. The opening words of the next verse show that a very long time had elapsed between these two prophets. The clear prophecy of Moses of the appearance of a prophet like unto him was fulfilled after about two thousand years, and yet none of the prophets who followed Moses one after another had ever claimed to be a prophet like Moses, not even Jesus Christ, the last of the line of the Israelite prophets.
Why is Midian mentioned in particular, though Moses stayed there for a short time. Moses lived in Midian for ten years, just as the Prophet passed ten years of his life at Madßnah, yet what a transformation was wrought in the course of these ten years! This very fact was a clear proof of his truth.​
The disbelievers did not adopt any one firm position against the Holy Prophet, and whenever one objection was shown to be erroneous, they took refuge in another. At the advent of the Prophet they said that he should have received a revelation like the revelation of Moses, but when the likeness was pointed out to them, and they were told that their fate would be like the fate of the opponents of Moses, they said that both Moses and Mu√ammad were deceivers who enchanted people by their eloquence, the one helping the other, and therefore they believed neither in the one nor in the other.
The meaning is that, if you do not admit the truth of either revelation, you should show some other revelation existing in the world, which should offer better guidance. This statement only draws attention to the fact that the revelation granted to Moses and that granted to the Holy Prophet both occupy a higher position than any other revelation. And this is in fact true, for among all the sacred books of the world the Bible occupies a position second only to the Holy Qur’ån. The words, however, do not signify that the Bible occupies a position equal to the Holy Qur’ån.​
If this is supposed to get me to put down my Bible... and pick up the Quran.... well it hasn't worked.

God gave us Moses, Jesus, and I guess He gave us Muhammed too.

This is the result of sibling rivalry.... sorry... had to say it. Ishmael and Isaac were brothers, well half brothers..... but brothers from another mother.... Ishmael should get a birthright... he is the oldest son.... but Isaac was favored. It's hard to get over sibling rivalry.... I've heard it can cause feuds. I have a couple of sisters who haven't talked to me since my mom passed away. I have a couple of aunts who hadn't talked to each other for thirty years before they both passed and it was too late.

The points these verses make are simple. First.... the town of Midian is familiar to both. Moses met his wife in Midian.... and he stayed there for ten years. Muhammed was there later..... for ten years. Second.... a lot of people just believe like one of my friends in Mr Wilson's apple trees.... miracles stopped when the Bible was published.

Now... there's the difference in opinion over them. The Believers say that the staff Moses carried turned into a serpent and swallowed up the magicians' sticks that turned to snakes. The disbelievers say that was just a magic trick so they don't believe it. The commentary says.... since they don't believe that story... they don't believe either story.

If you ask me.... if they don't believe the story of all the plagues and disasters.... and the staff turning to the serpent.... they won't believe anything about Muhammed or Jesus either. They are self centered ignorant humans who just want to rent the pew for the lining of the pocket.

Be careful.... there are disbelievers dressed up like believers in pulpits all over the world. They missed the boat.... they decided not to decide but their moms wanted them to be preachers.... so there they are... pleasing mom or dad or wife.... or screwing their brother.... or just in it for the free housing and food.

This is all about the same God. It's different sides of the same family arguing over who is right. Suppose the Quran is right..... are you headed to Heaven or Hell? Suppose the Bible is right.... are you headed to Heaven or Hell? Suppose neither is right.... what have you lost? If we just die.... why not die as a Believer who stood up for something. At least you will remembered for purpose.

There is something called faith.... believing in something I can't prove. I can't prove Moses or Muhammed talked to God.... but I can believe.

Moses or Muhammed.... Prophets or magicians?
