Quran 28:75-88 Move away from the Levite!!


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Quran 28:76. Quaroon belonged to the clan of Moses, but he oppressed them. We had given him treasures, the keys of which would weigh down a group of strong men. His people said to him, “Do not exult; God does not love the exultant.
77. But seek, with what God has given you, the Home of the Hereafter, and do not neglect your share of this world. And be charitable, as God has been charitable to you. And do not seek corruption in the land. God does not like the seekers of corruption.”
78. He said, “I was given all this on account of knowledge I possess.” Did he not know that God destroyed many generations before him, who were stronger than he, and possessed greater riches? But the guilty will not be asked about their sins.
79. And he went out before his people in his splendor. Those who desired the worldly life said, “If only we possessed the likes of what Quaroon was given. He is indeed very fortunate.”
80. But those who were given knowledge said, “Woe to you! The reward of God is better for those who believe and do righteous deeds.” Yet none attains it except the steadfast.
81. So We caused the earth to cave in on him and his mansion. He had no company to save him from God, and he could not defend himself.
82. Those who had wished they were in his position the day before were saying, “Indeed, it is God who spreads the bounty to whomever He wills of His servants, and restricts it. Had God not been gracious to us, He would have caved in on us. No wonder the ungrateful never prosper.”
83. That Home of the Hereafter—We assign it for those who seek no superiority on earth, nor corruption. And the outcome is for the cautious.
84. Whoever brings a virtue will receive better than it. But whoever brings evil—the evildoers will be rewarded only according to what they used to do.
85. He Who ordained the Quran for you will return you Home. Say, “My Lord knows best who comes with guidance, and who is in manifest error.”
86. You did not expect the Scripture to be transmitted to you, except as mercy from your Lord. Therefore, do not be a supporter of the disbelievers.
87. And do not let them divert you from God’s revelations after they have been revealed to you. And pray to your Lord, and never be of the polytheists.
88. And do not invoke with God any other god. There is no god but He. All things perish, except His presence. His is the judgment, and to Him you will be returned.

Here's the commentary.

The story of Korah, or Qår∂n, his revolt against the leadership of Moses and Aaron, and his being swallowed up by the earth, is given in Num. 16. The only addition of any importance to the story as given in the Qur’ån is the mention of his wealth, a fact noticed in Rabbinical literature (Jewish En.), according to which the fabulous renown of his wealth was so great that the keys of his treasures formed a load for three hundred mules. The word mafa–ti√ as occurring in the Qur’ån is plural of mafta√, which means a hoard, or treasure, or buried property (LL). It is also plural of miftå√, meaning a key, but kun∂z (meaning treasures, sing., kanz) being in the plural, the personal pronoun in maf åti√a-h∂ does not refer to kun∂z but to Korah; accordingly mafåti√ denotes treasures. There may be a reference in the mention of Korah’s wealth to the modern materialistic tendency of making the accumulation of wealth the great object of life to the utter neglect of the Truth. The hankering after wealth and the amassing of gold leads undoubtedly to ruin, as it is leading the world today.​
They will not be asked to give any explanation for their sins, as Allåh is All-Knowing
The meaning conveyed is that he perished. Khasf also signifies abasing, humbling, or lowering another, and the verb is khasafa in this case (T, Q, LL). I adopt this significance of khasafa bi-nå (“abased us”) in the next verse.​
The word ma‘åd means the ultimate place of one’s returning (from ‘åda, meaning he returned) (LL). The word ma‘åd here has been taken to mean Makkah according to an interpretation given by I‘Ab, and T accepts this interpretation, because the conquest of it was promised to the Prophet, so that it was the place to which he would return. But Makkah is really called ma‘åd, or Place of Return, because the pilgrims return to it (LL). According to some this verse was revealed on the Prophet’s departure from Makkah, i.e., on his way to Madßnah. It contains a clear promise of the Prophet being brought back to the city from which he was now being expelled.
This mentions one of my favorite stories in the Old Testament. In Numbers 16.... well here's what happens....

Numbers 16:31 As soon as he finished saying all this, the ground under them split apart 32 and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their households, and all those associated with Korah, together with their possessions. 33 They went down alive into the realm of the dead, with everything they owned; the earth closed over them, and they perished and were gone from the community. 34 At their cries, all the Israelites around them fled, shouting, “The earth is going to swallow us too!”
35 And fire came out from the Lord and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense.

Their crime was ..... they stole from the Lord! God set them apart... they were the Levites.... and the top dog was getting too big for his britches.... he was stealing from the sacrifices.... taking a big portion of meat home with him every night..... and that was not the deal. Then he started to give Moses a hard time. Moses was working for God....but this top Levite thought he was too rich to be turned down.... so he hollered at Moses and caused strife in the refugees who were following Moses from Egypt to Canaan. That's when God got involved....

God said "Step away from the Levites"..... and then.... well it's in verses 31-34.

Is there a thief in your church? Do your priests do things they know they should do? Is the charity of others going home to the preacher? Is there someone with his hands in the offering plate? Does your elder think he can shove God around?

Move away from the Levite!
